Traditional security solutions that rely on public key infrastructure present scalability and transparency challenges when deployed in Internet of Things (IoT). In this paper, we develop a blockchain based authentication mechanism for IoT that can be integrated into the traditional transport layer security protocols such as Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS). Our proposed mechanism is an alternative to the traditional Certificate Authority (CA)-based Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) that relies on x.509 certificates. Specifically, the proposed solution enables the modified TLS/DTLS a viable option for resource constrained IoT devices where minimizing memory utilization is critical. Experiments show that blockchain based authentication can reduce dynamic memory usage by up to 20%, while only minimally increasing application image size and time of execution of the TLS/DTLS handshake.
The usage of robot is rapidly growth in our society. The communication link and applications connect the robots to their clients or users. This communication link and applications are normally connected through some kind of network connections. This network system is amenable of being attached and vulnerable to the security threats. It is a critical part for ensuring security and privacy for robotic platforms. The paper, also discusses about several cyber-physical security threats that are only for robotic platforms. The peer to peer applications use in the robotic platforms for threats target integrity, availability and confidential security purposes. A Remote Administration Tool (RAT) was introduced for specific security attacks. An impact oriented process was performed for analyzing the assessment outcomes of the attacks. Tests and experiments of attacks were performed in simulation environment which was based on Gazbo Turtlebot simulator and physically on the robot. A software tool was used for simulating, debugging and experimenting on ROS platform. Integrity attacks performed for modifying commands and manipulated the robot behavior. Availability attacks were affected for Denial-of-Service (DoS) and the robot was not listened to Turtlebot commands. Integrity and availability attacks resulted sensitive information on the robot.
Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) is widely accepted as a data exchange protocol in Internet of Things (IoT) environment. For security, MQTT supports Transport Layer Security (MQTT-TLS). However, MQTT-TLS provides thing-to-broker channel encryption only because data can still be exposed after MQTT broker. In addition, ACL becomes impractical due to the increasing number of rules for authorizing massive IoT devices. For solving these problems, we propose MQTT Thing-to-Thing Security (MQTT-TTS) which provides thing-to-thing security which prevents data leak. MQTT-TTS also provides the extensibility to include demanded security mechanisms for various security requirements. Moreover, the transparency of MQTT-TTS lets IoT application developers implementing secure data exchange with less programming efforts. Our MQTT-TTS implementation is available on for evaluation.
Identifying services constituting traffic from given IP network flows is essential to various applications, such as the management of quality of service (QoS) and the prevention of security issues. Typical methods for achieving this objective include identifications based on IP addresses and port numbers. However, such methods are not sufficiently accurate and require improvement. Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) is one of the most promising methods for improving the accuracy of identification. In addition, many current IP flows are encrypted using Transport Layer Security (TLS). Hence, it is necessary for identification methods to analyze flows encrypted by TLS. For that reason, a service identification method based on DPI and n-gram that focuses only on the non-encrypted parts in the TLS session establishment was proposed. However, there is room for improvement in identification accuracy because this method analyzes all the non-encrypted parts including Random Values without protocol analyses. In this paper, we propose a method for identifying the service from given IP flows based on analysis of Server Name Indication (SNI). The proposed method clusters flow according to the value of SNI and identify services from the occurrences of all clusters. Our evaluations, which involve identifications of services on Google and Yahoo sites, demonstrate that the proposed method can identify services more accurately than the existing method.
Software Defined Network (SDN) is a revolutionary networking paradigm which provides the flexibility of programming the network interface as per the need and demand of the user. Software Defined Network (SDN) is independent of vendor specific hardware or protocols and offers the easy extensions in the networking. A customized network as per on user demand facilitates communication control via a single entity i.e. SDN controller. Due to this SDN Controller has become more vulnerable to SDN security attacks and more specifically a single point of failure. It is worth noticing that vulnerabilities were identified because of customized applications which are semi-independent of underlying network infrastructure. No doubt, SDN has provided numerous benefits like breaking vendor lock-ins, reducing overhead cost, easy innovations, increasing programmability among devices, introducing new features and so on. But security of SDN cannot be neglected and it has become a major topic of debate. The communication channel used in SDN is OpenFlow which has made TLS implementation an optional approach in SDN. TLS adoption is important and still vulnerable. This paper focuses on making SDN OpenFlow communication more secure by following extended TLS support and defensive algorithm.
With the unprecedented prevalence of mobile network applications, cryptographic protocols, such as the Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS), are widely used in mobile network applications for communication security. The proven methods for encrypted video stream classification or encrypted protocol detection are unsuitable for the SSL/TLS traffic. Consequently, application-level traffic classification based networking and security services are facing severe challenges in effectiveness. Existing encrypted traffic classification methods exhibit unsatisfying accuracy for applications with similar state characteristics. In this paper, we propose a multiple-attribute-based encrypted traffic classification system named Multi-Attribute Associated Fingerprints (MAAF). We develop MAAF based on the two key insights that the DNS traces generated during the application runtime contain classification guidance information and that the handshake certificates in the encrypted flows can provide classification clues. Apart from the exploitation of key insights, MAAF employs the context of the encrypted traffic to overcome the attribute-lacking problem during the classification. Our experimental results demonstrate that MAAF achieves 98.69% accuracy on the real-world traceset that consists of 16 applications, supports the early prediction, and is robust to the scale of the training traceset. Besides, MAAF is superior to the state-of-the-art methods in terms of both accuracy and robustness.
First standardized by the IETF in the 1990's, SSL/TLS is the most widely-used encryption protocol on the Internet. This makes it imperative to study its usage across different platforms and applications to ensure proper usage and robustness against attacks and vulnerabilities. While previous efforts have focused on the usage of TLS in the desktop ecosystem, there have been no studies of TLS usage by mobile apps at scale. In our study, we use anonymized data collected by the Lumen mobile measurement app to analyze TLS usage by Android apps in the wild. We analyze and fingerprint handshake messages to characterize the TLS APIs and libraries that apps use, and evaluate their weaknesses. We find that 84% of apps use the default TLS libraries provided by the operating system, and the remaining apps use other TLS libraries for various reasons such as using TLS extensions and features that are not supported by the Android TLS libraries, some of which are also not standardized by the IETF. Our analysis reveals the strengths and weaknesses of each approach, demonstrating that the path to improving TLS security in the mobile platform is not straightforward. Based on work published at: Abbas Razaghpanah, Arian Akhavan Niaki, Narseo Vallina-Rodriguez, Srikanth Sundaresan, Johanna Amann, and Phillipa Gill. 2017. Studying TLS Usage in Android Apps. In Proceedings of CoNEXT '17. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 13 pages.
Currently, no major browser fully checks for TLS/SSL certificate revocations. This is largely due to the fact that the deployed mechanisms for disseminating revocations (CRLs, OCSP, OCSP Stapling, CRLSet, and OneCRL) are each either incomplete, insecure, inefficient, slow to update, not private, or some combination thereof. In this paper, we present CRLite, an efficient and easily-deployable system for proactively pushing all TLS certificate revocations to browsers. CRLite servers aggregate revocation information for all known, valid TLS certificates on the web, and store them in a space-efficient filter cascade data structure. Browsers periodically download and use this data to check for revocations of observed certificates in real-time. CRLite does not require any additional trust beyond the existing PKI, and it allows clients to adopt a fail-closed security posture even in the face of network errors or attacks that make revocation information temporarily unavailable. We present a prototype of name that processes TLS certificates gathered by Rapid7, the University of Michigan, and Google's Certificate Transparency on the server-side, with a Firefox extension on the client-side. Comparing CRLite to an idealized browser that performs correct CRL/OCSP checking, we show that CRLite reduces latency and eliminates privacy concerns. Moreover, CRLite has low bandwidth costs: it can represent all certificates with an initial download of 10 MB (less than 1 byte per revocation) followed by daily updates of 580 KB on average. Taken together, our results demonstrate that complete TLS/SSL revocation checking is within reach for all clients.
Transport Layer Security (TLS), has become the de-facto standard for secure Internet communication. When used correctly, it provides secure data transfer, but used incorrectly, it can leave users vulnerable to attacks while giving them a false sense of security. Numerous efforts have studied the adoption of TLS (and its predecessor, SSL) and its use in the desktop ecosystem, attacks, and vulnerabilities in both desktop clients and servers. However, there is a dearth of knowledge of how TLS is used in mobile platforms. In this paper we use data collected by Lumen, a mobile measurement platform, to analyze how 7,258 Android apps use TLS in the wild. We analyze and fingerprint handshake messages to characterize the TLS APIs and libraries that apps use, and also evaluate weaknesses. We see that about 84% of apps use default OS APIs for TLS. Many apps use third-party TLS libraries; in some cases they are forced to do so because of restricted Android capabilities. Our analysis shows that both approaches have limitations, and that improving TLS security in mobile is not straightforward. Apps that use their own TLS configurations may have vulnerabilities due to developer inexperience, but apps that use OS defaults are vulnerable to certain attacks if the OS is out of date, even if the apps themselves are up to date. We also study certificate verification, and see low prevalence of security measures such as certificate pinning, even among high-risk apps such as those providing financial services, though we did observe major third-party tracking and advertisement services deploying certificate pinning.
Internet-of-Things devices often collect and transmit sensitive information like camera footage, health monitoring data, or whether someone is home. These devices protect data in transit with end-to-end encryption, typically using TLS connections between devices and associated cloud services. But these TLS connections also prevent device owners from observing what their own devices are saying about them. Unlike in traditional Internet applications, where the end user controls one end of a connection (e.g., their web browser) and can observe its communication, Internet-of-Things vendors typically control the software in both the device and the cloud. As a result, owners have no way to audit the behavior of their own devices, leaving them little choice but to hope that these devices are transmitting only what they should. This paper presents TLS–Rotate and Release (TLS-RaR), a system that allows device owners (e.g., consumers, security researchers, and consumer watchdogs) to authorize devices, called auditors, to decrypt and verify recent TLS traffic without compromising future traffic. Unlike prior work, TLS-RaR requires no changes to TLS's wire format or cipher suites, and it allows the device's owner to conduct a surprise inspection of recent traffic, without prior notice to the device that its communications will be audited.
TLS has the potential to provide strong protection against network-based attackers and mass surveillance, but many implementations take security shortcuts in order to reduce the costs of cryptographic computations and network round trips. We report the results of a nine-week study that measures the use and security impact of these shortcuts for HTTPS sites among Alexa Top Million domains. We find widespread deployment of DHE and ECDHE private value reuse, TLS session resumption, and TLS session tickets. These practices greatly reduce the protection afforded by forward secrecy: connections to 38% of Top Million HTTPS sites are vulnerable to decryption if the server is compromised up to 24 hours later, and 10% up to 30 days later, regardless of the selected cipher suite. We also investigate the practice of TLS secrets and session state being shared across domains, finding that in some cases, the theft of a single secret value can compromise connections to tens of thousands of sites. These results suggest that site operators need to better understand the tradeoffs between optimizing TLS performance and providing strong security, particularly when faced with nation-state attackers with a history of aggressive, large-scale surveillance.
This paper introduces a design and implementation of a security scheme for the Internet of Things (IoT) based on ECQV Implicit Certificates and Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) protocol. In this proposed security scheme, Elliptic curve cryptography based ECQV implicit certificate plays a key role allowing mutual authentication and key establishment between two resource-constrained IoT devices. We present how IoT devices get ECQV implicit certificates and use them for authenticated key exchange in DTLS. An evaluation of execution time of the implementation is also conducted to assess the efficiency of the solution.
Identifying threats contained within encrypted network traffic poses a unique set of challenges. It is important to monitor this traffic for threats and malware, but do so in a way that maintains the integrity of the encryption. Because pattern matching cannot operate on encrypted data, previous approaches have leveraged observable metadata gathered from the flow, e.g., the flow's packet lengths and inter-arrival times. In this work, we extend the current state-of-the-art by considering a data omnia approach. To this end, we develop supervised machine learning models that take advantage of a unique and diverse set of network flow data features. These data features include TLS handshake metadata, DNS contextual flows linked to the encrypted flow, and the HTTP headers of HTTP contextual flows from the same source IP address within a 5 minute window. We begin by exhibiting the differences between malicious and benign traffic's use of TLS, DNS, and HTTP on millions of unique flows. This study is used to design the feature sets that have the most discriminatory power. We then show that incorporating this contextual information into a supervised learning system significantly increases performance at a 0.00% false discovery rate for the problem of classifying encrypted, malicious flows. We further validate our false positive rate on an independent, real-world dataset.
The main objective of this research is to build upon existing cryptographic standards and web protocols to design an alternative multi-factor authentication cryptosystem for the web. It involves seed exchange to a software-based token through a login-protected Transport Layer Security (TLS/SSL) tunnel, encrypted local storage through a password-protected keystore (BC UBER) with a strong key derivation function (PBEWithSHAANDTwofish-CBC), and offline generation of one-time passwords through the TOTP algorithm (IETF RFC 6239). Authentication occurs through the use of a shared secret (the seed) to verify the correctness of the one-time password used to authenticate. With the traditional use of username and password no longer wholly adequate for protecting online accounts, and with regulators worldwide toughening up security requirements (i.e. BSP 808, FFIEC), this research hopes to increase research effort on further development of cryptosystems involving multi-factor authentication.
Web Service (WS) plays an important role in today's word to provide effective services for humans and these web services are built with the standard of SOAP, WSDL & UDDI. This technology enables various service providers to register and service sender their intelligent agent based privacy preserving modelservices to utilize the service over the internet through pre established networks. Also accessing these services need to be secured and protected from various types of attacks in the network environment. Exchanging data between two applications on a secure channel is a challenging issue in today communication world. Traditional security mechanism such as secured socket layer (SSL), Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Internet Protocol Security (IP Sec) is able to resolve this problem partially, hence this research paper proposes the privacy preserving named as HTTPI to secure the communication more efficiently. This HTTPI protocol satisfies the QoS requirements, such as authentication, authorization, integrity and confidentiality in various levels of the OSI layers. This work also ensures the QoS that covers non functional characteristics like performance (throughput), response time, security, reliability and capacity. This proposed intelligent agent based model results in excellent throughput, good response time and increases the QoS requirements.