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Shi, Kun, Chen, Songsong, Li, Dezhi, Tian, Ke, Feng, Meiling.  2022.  Analysis of the Optimized KNN Algorithm for the Data Security of DR Service. 2022 IEEE 6th Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration (EI2). :1634–1637.
The data of large-scale distributed demand-side iot devices are gradually migrated to the cloud. This cloud deployment mode makes it convenient for IoT devices to participate in the interaction between supply and demand, and at the same time exposes various vulnerabilities of IoT devices to the Internet, which can be easily accessed and manipulated by hackers to launch large-scale DDoS attacks. As an easy-to-understand supervised learning classification algorithm, KNN can obtain more accurate classification results without too many adjustment parameters, and has achieved many research achievements in the field of DDoS detection. However, in the face of high-dimensional data, this method has high operation cost, high cost and not practical. Aiming at this disadvantage, this chapter explores the potential of classical KNN algorithm in data storage structure, K-nearest neighbor search and hyperparameter optimization, and proposes an improved KNN algorithm for DDoS attack detection of demand-side IoT devices.
Silva, Cátia, Faria, Pedro, Vale, Zita.  2022.  Using Supervised Learning to Assign New Consumers to Demand Response Programs According to the Context. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2022 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I&CPS Europe). :1—6.

Active consumers have now been empowered thanks to the smart grid concept. To avoid fossil fuels, the demand side must provide flexibility through Demand Response events. However, selecting the proper participants for an event can be complex due to response uncertainty. The authors design a Contextual Consumer Rate to identify the trustworthy participants according to previous performances. In the present case study, the authors address the problem of new players with no information. In this way, two different methods were compared to predict their rate. Besides, the authors also refer to the consumer privacy testing of the dataset with and without information that could lead to the participant identification. The results found to prove that, for the proposed methodology, private information does not have a high impact to attribute a rate.

Zobiri, Fairouz, Gama, Mariana, Nikova, Svetla, Deconinck, Geert.  2022.  A Privacy-Preserving Three-Step Demand Response Market Using Multi-Party Computation. 2022 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT). :1—5.

Demand response has emerged as one of the most promising methods for the deployment of sustainable energy systems. Attempts to democratize demand response and establish programs for residential consumers have run into scalability issues and risks of leaking sensitive consumer data. In this work, we propose a privacy-friendly, incentive-based demand response market, where consumers offer their flexibility to utilities in exchange for a financial compensation. Consumers submit encrypted offer which are aggregated using Computation Over Encrypted Data to ensure consumer privacy and the scalability of the approach. The optimal allocation of flexibility is then determined via double-auctions, along with the optimal consumption schedule for the users with respect to the day-ahead electricity prices, thus also shielding participants from high electricity prices. A case study is presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

Alfassa, Shaik Mirra, Nagasundari, S, Honnavalli, Prasad B.  2021.  Invasion Analysis of Smart Meter In AMI System. 2021 IEEE Mysore Sub Section International Conference (MysuruCon). :831—836.
Conventional systems has to be updated as the technology advances at quick pace. A smart grid is a renovated and digitalized version of a standard electrical infrastructure that allows two-way communication between customers and the utility, which overcomes huge manual hustle. Advanced Metering Infrastructure plays a major role in a smart grid by automatically reporting the power consumption readings to the utility through communication networks. However, there is always a trade-off. Security of AMI communication is a major problem that must be constantly monitored if this technology is to be fully utilized. This paper mainly focuses on developing a virtual setup of fully functional smart meter and a web application for generating electricity bill which allows consumer to obtain demand response, where the data is managed at server side. It also focuses on analyzing the potential security concerns posed by MITM-Arp-spoofing attacks on AMI systems and session hijacking attacks on web interfaces. This work also focusses on mitigating the vulnerabilities of session hijacking on web interface by restricting the cookies so that the attacker is unable to acquire any confidential data.
Panda, Subhasis, Rout, Pravat Kumar, Sahu, Binod Kumar.  2021.  Residential Sector Demand Side Management: A Review. 2021 1st Odisha International Conference on Electrical Power Engineering, Communication and Computing Technology(ODICON). :1–6.
Demand-side management (DSM) plays a significant function in the smart distribution system to make informed decisions from both the consumer and supplier side with regards to energy consumption to redesign the load profile and to decrease the peak load demand. This study extensively reviews the demand-side management (DSM) strategies along with both demand response and energy efficiency policies. The major objective of this paper is to enumerate the relevant features responsible to strengthen the DSM effectively, particularly for residential energy demand and the limits to energy indicators. Secondly, the large untapped and hidden potential and the associated barriers to energy efficiency enhancement are focused and surveyed for formulating a better number of potential policy responses. This further explores the portfolio approach with bundled strategies to reflect on the power market through enhancing the strength of individual residential measures through complementary policies to reduce the weaknesses. This concludes at last with the findings of possible holistic measures related to various approaches and attributes findings that reinforce the DSM strategies to enhance energy management and cost-effectiveness. Apart from that the architecture, formulation of optimization problems, and various approaches are presented to help the readers to develop research in this direction to maximize the total system peak demand, overall load factor, and utility revenue with the minimized customer electric bill.
Bartol, Janez, Souvent, Andrej, Suljanović, Nermin, Zajc, Matej.  2020.  Secure data exchange between IoT endpoints for energy balancing using distributed ledger. 2020 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe). :56—60.
This paper investigates a secure data exchange between many small distributed consumers/prosumers and the aggregator in the process of energy balancing. It addresses the challenges of ensuring data exchange in a simple, scalable, and affordable way. The communication platform for data exchange is using Ethereum Blockchain technology. It provides a distributed ledger database across a distributed network, supports simple connectivity for new stakeholders, and enables many small entities to contribute with their flexible energy to the system balancing. The architecture of a simulation/emulation environment provides a direct connection of a relational database to the Ethereum network, thus enabling dynamic data management. In addition, it extends security of the environment with security mechanisms of relational databases. Proof-of-concept setup with the simulation of system balancing processes, confirms the suitability of the solution for secure data exchange in the market, operation, and measurement area. For the most intensive and space-consuming measurement data exchange, we have investigated data aggregation to ensure performance optimisation of required computation and space usage.
Maneebang, Kotchakorn, Methapatara, Kanokpol, Kudtongngam, Jasada.  2020.  A Demand Side Management Solution: Fully Automated Demand Response using OpenADR2.0b Coordinating with BEMS Pilot Project. 2020 International Conference on Smart Grids and Energy Systems (SGES). :30–35.
Per the National Energy Policy, Demand Side Management (DSM) is one of the energy conservations that performs a function to manage electric power of demand-side resources. One of the DSM solutions is a demand response program, which is a part of Thailand Smart Grid Action Plan 2017 - 2021. Demand response program such as peak demand reduction plays a role in both the management of the electricity crisis and enhance energy security. This paper presents a pilot project for a fully automated demand response program at MEA Rat Burana District Office. The system is composed of a Building Energy Management System (BEMS) with Demand Response Client gateway and 5 energy controllers at the air conditioner by using the OpenADR2.0b protocol. Also, this concept leads to automatic or semi-automatic demand response program in the future. The result shows the total energy consumption reduction for air conditioners by 53.5%. The future works to be carried out are to implement into other MEA District Office such as Khlong Toei, Yan Nawa and Bang Khun Thian and to test with a Load Aggregator Management System (LAMS).
Semwal, S., Badoni, M., Saxena, N..  2019.  Smart Meters for Domestic Consumers: Innovative Methods for Identifying Appliances using NIALM. 2019 Women Institute of Technology Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (WITCON ECE). :81—90.
A country drives by their people and the electricity energy, the availability of the electricity power reflects the strength of that country. All most everything depends on the electricity energy, So it is become very important that we use the available energy very efficiently, and here the energy management come in the picture and Non Intrusive appliance Load monitoring (NIALM) is the part of energy management, in which the energy consumption by the particular load is monitored without any intrusion of wire/circuit. In literature, NIALM has been discussed as a monitoring process for conservation of energy using single point sensing (SPS) for extraction of aggregate signal of the appliances' features, ignoring the second function of demand response (DR) assuming that it would be manual or sensor-based. This assumption is not implementable in developing countries like India, because of requirement of extra cost of sensors, and privacy concerns. Surprisingly, despite decades of research on NIALM, none of the suggested procedures has resulted in commercial application. This paper highlights the causes behind non- commercialization, and proposes a viable and easy solution worthy of commercial exploitation both for monitoring and DR management for outage reduction in respect of Indian domestic consumers. Using a approach of multi point sensing (MPS), combined with Independent Component Analysis (ICA), experiments has been done in laboratory environment and CPWD specification has been followed.
Lardier, W., Varo, Q., Yan, J..  2019.  Quantum-Sim: An Open-Source Co-Simulation Platform for Quantum Key Distribution-Based Smart Grid Communications. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm). :1—6.
Grid modernization efforts with the latest information and communication technologies will significantly benefit smart grids in the coming years. More optical fibre communications between consumers and the control center will promise better demand response and customer engagement, yet the increasing attack surface and man-in-the-middle (MITM) threats can result in security and privacy challenges. Among the studies for more secure smart grid communications, quantum key distribution protocols (QKD) have emerged as a promising option. To bridge the theoretical advantages of quantum communication to its practical utilization, however, comprehensive investigations have to be conducted with realistic cyber-physical smart grid structures and scenarios. To facilitate research in this direction, this paper proposes an open-source, research-oriented co-simulation platform that orchestrates cyber and power simulators under the MOSAIK framework. The proposed platform allows flexible and realistic power flow-based co-simulation of quantum communications and electrical grids, where different cyber and power topologies, QKD protocols, and attack threats can be investigated. Using quantum-based communication under MITM attacks, the paper presented detailed case studies to demonstrate how the platform enables quick setup of a lowvoltage distribution grid, implementation of different protocols and cryptosystems, as well as evaluations of both communication efficiency and security against MITM attacks. The platform has been made available online to empower researchers in the modelling of quantum-based cyber-physical systems, pilot studies on quantum communications in smart grid, as well as improved attack resilience against malicious intruders.
Patsonakis, Christos, Terzi, Sofia, Moschos, Ioannis, Ioannidis, Dimosthenis, Votis, Konstantinos, Tzovaras, Dimitrios.  2019.  Permissioned Blockchains and Virtual Nodes for Reinforcing Trust Between Aggregators and Prosumers in Energy Demand Response Scenarios. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2019 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I CPS Europe). :1–6.
The advancement and penetration of distributed energy resources (DERs) and renewable energy sources (RES) are transforming legacy energy systems in an attempt to reduce carbon emissions and energy waste. Demand Response (DR) has been identified as a key enabler of integrating these, and other, Smart Grid technologies, while, simultaneously, ensuring grid stability and secure energy supply. The massive deployment of smart meters, IoT devices and DERs dictate the need to move to decentralized, or even localized, DR schemes in the face of the increased scale and complexity of monitoring and coordinating the actors and devices in modern smart grids. Furthermore, there is an inherent need to guarantee interoperability, due to the vast number of, e.g., hardware and software stakeholders, and, more importantly, promote trust and incentivize the participation of customers in DR schemes, if they are to be successfully deployed.In this work, we illustrate the design of an energy system that addresses all of the roadblocks that hinder the large scale deployment of DR services. Our DR framework incorporates modern Smart Grid technologies, such as fog-enabled and IoT devices, DERs and RES to, among others, automate asset handling and various time-consuming workflows. To guarantee interoperability, our system employs OpenADR, which standardizes the communication of DR signals among energy stakeholders. Our approach acknowledges the need for decentralization and employs blockchains and smart contracts to deliver a secure, privacy-preserving, tamper-resistant, auditable and reliable DR framework. Blockchains provide the infrastructure to design innovative DR schemes and incentivize active consumer participation as their aforementioned properties promote transparency and trust. In addition, we harness the power of smart contracts which allows us to design and implement fully automated contractual agreements both among involved stakeholders, as well as on a machine-to-machine basis. Smart contracts are digital agents that "live" in the blockchain and can encode, execute and enforce arbitrary agreements. To illustrate the potential and effectiveness of our smart contract-based DR framework, we present a case study that describes the exchange of DR signals and the autonomous instantiation of smart contracts among involved participants to mediate and monitor transactions, enforce contractual clauses, regulate energy supply and handle payments/penalties.
Knirsch, Fabian, Engel, Dominik, Frincu, Marc, Prasanna, Viktor.  2015.  Model-Based Assessment for Balancing Privacy Requirements and Operational Capabilities in the Smart Grid. 2015 IEEE Power Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT). :1–5.

The smart grid changes the way energy is produced and distributed. In addition both, energy and information is exchanged bidirectionally among participating parties. Therefore heterogeneous systems have to cooperate effectively in order to achieve a common high-level use case, such as smart metering for billing or demand response for load curtailment. Furthermore, a substantial amount of personal data is often needed for achieving that goal. Capturing and processing personal data in the smart grid increases customer concerns about privacy and in addition, certain statutory and operational requirements regarding privacy aware data processing and storage have to be met. An increase of privacy constraints, however, often limits the operational capabilities of the system. In this paper, we present an approach that automates the process of finding an optimal balance between privacy requirements and operational requirements in a smart grid use case and application scenario. This is achieved by formally describing use cases in an abstract model and by finding an algorithm that determines the optimum balance by forward mapping privacy and operational impacts. For this optimal balancing algorithm both, a numeric approximation and - if feasible - an analytic assessment are presented and investigated. The system is evaluated by applying the tool to a real-world use case from the University of Southern California (USC) microgrid.

Sui, Zhiyuan, de Meer, Hermann.  2019.  BAP: A Batch and Auditable Privacy Preservation Scheme for Demand-Response in Smart Grids. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. :1–1.
Advancing network technologies allows the setup of two-way communication links between energy providers and consumers. These developing technologies aim to enhance grid reliability and energy efficiency in smart grids. To achieve this goal, energy usage reports from consumers are required to be both trustworthy and confidential. In this paper, we construct a new data aggregation scheme in smart grids based on a homomorphic encryption algorithm. In the constructed scheme, obedient consumers who follow the instruction can prove its ajustment using a range proof protocol. Additionally, we propose a new identity-based signature algorithm in order to ensure authentication and integrity of the constructed scheme. By using this signature algorithm, usage reports are verified in real time. Extensive simulations demonstrate that our scheme outperforms other data aggregation schemes.
Bessa, Ricardo J., Rua, David, Abreu, Cláudia, Machado, Paulo, Andrade, José R., Pinto, Rui, Gonçalves, Carla, Reis, Marisa.  2018.  Data Economy for Prosumers in a Smart Grid Ecosystem. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Future Energy Systems. :622–630.

Smart grids technologies are enablers of new business models for domestic consumers with local flexibility (generation, loads, storage) and where access to data is a key requirement in the value stream. However, legislation on personal data privacy and protection imposes the need to develop local models for flexibility modeling and forecasting and exchange models instead of personal data. This paper describes the functional architecture of an home energy management system (HEMS) and its optimization functions. A set of data-driven models, embedded in the HEMS, are discussed for improving renewable energy forecasting skill and modeling multi-period flexibility of distributed energy resources.

Subramanya, Supreeth, Mustafa, Zain, Irwin, David, Shenoy, Prashant.  2016.  Beyond Energy-Efficiency: Evaluating Green Datacenter Applications for Energy-Agility. Proceedings of the 7th ACM/SPEC on International Conference on Performance Engineering. :185–196.

Computing researchers have long focused on improving energy-efficiency under the implicit assumption that all energy is created equal. Yet, this assumption is actually incorrect: energy's cost and carbon footprint vary substantially over time. As a result, consuming energy inefficiently when it is cheap and clean may sometimes be preferable to consuming it efficiently when it is expensive and dirty. Green datacenters adapt their energy usage to optimize for such variations, as reflected in changing electricity prices or renewable energy output. Thus, we introduce energy-agility as a new metric to evaluate green datacenter applications. To illustrate fundamental tradeoffs in energy-agile design, we develop GreenSort, a distributed sorting system optimized for energy-agility. GreenSort is representative of the long-running, massively-parallel, data-intensive tasks that are common in datacenters and amenable to delays from power variations. Our results demonstrate the importance of energy-agile design when considering the benefits of using variable power. For example, we show that GreenSort requires 31% more time and energy to complete when power varies based on real-time electricity prices versus when it is constant. Thus, in this case, real-time prices should be at least 31% lower than fixed prices to warrant using them.

Shahgoshtasbi, D., Jamshidi, M.M..  2014.  A New Intelligent Neuro #x2013;Fuzzy Paradigm for Energy-Efficient Homes. Systems Journal, IEEE. 8:664-673.

Demand response (DR), which is the action voluntarily taken by a consumer to adjust amount or timing of its energy consumption, has an important role in improving energy efficiency. With DR, we can shift electrical load from peak demand time to other periods based on changes in price signal. At residential level, automated energy management systems (EMS) have been developed to assist users in responding to price changes in dynamic pricing systems. In this paper, a new intelligent EMS (iEMS) in a smart house is presented. It consists of two parts: a fuzzy subsystem and an intelligent lookup table. The fuzzy subsystem is based on its fuzzy rules and inputs that produce the proper output for the intelligent lookup table. The second part, whose core is a new model of an associative neural network, is able to map inputs to desired outputs. The structure of the associative neural network is presented and discussed. The intelligent lookup table takes three types of inputs that come from the fuzzy subsystem, outside sensors, and feedback outputs. Whatever is trained in this lookup table are different scenarios in different conditions. This system is able to find the best energy-efficiency scenario in different situations.