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Chen, Kai, Wu, Hongjun, Xu, Cheng, Ma, Nan, Dai, Songyin, Liu, Hongzhe.  2022.  An Intelligent Vehicle Data Security System based on Blockchain for Smart City. 2022 International Conference on Virtual Reality, Human-Computer Interaction and Artificial Intelligence (VRHCIAI). :227–231.
With the development of urbanization, the number of vehicles is gradually increasing, and vehicles are gradually developing in the direction of intelligence. How to ensure that the data of intelligent vehicles is not tampered in the process of transmission to the cloud is the key problem of current research. Therefore, we have established a data security transmission system based on blockchain. First, we collect and filter vehicle data locally, and then use blockchain technology to transmit key data. Through the smart contract, the key data is automatically and accurately transmitted to the surrounding node vehicles, and the vehicles transmit data to each other to form a transaction and spread to the whole network. The node data is verified through the node data consensus protocol of intelligent vehicle data security transmission system, and written into the block to form a blockchain. Finally, the vehicle user can query the transaction record through the vehicle address. The results show that we can safely and accurately transmit and query vehicle data in the blockchain database.
Bennet, Ms. Deepthi Tabitha, Bennet, Ms. Preethi Samantha, Anitha, D.  2022.  Securing Smart City Networks - Intelligent Detection Of DDoS Cyber Attacks. 2022 5th International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I). :1575–1580.

A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) is a malicious attempt by attackers to disrupt the normal traffic of a targeted server, service or network. This is done by overwhelming the target and its surrounding infrastructure with a flood of Internet traffic. The multiple compromised computer systems (bots or zombies) then act as sources of attack traffic. Exploited machines can include computers and other network resources such as IoT devices. The attack results in either degraded network performance or a total service outage of critical infrastructure. This can lead to heavy financial losses and reputational damage. These attacks maximise effectiveness by controlling the affected systems remotely and establishing a network of bots called bot networks. It is very difficult to separate the attack traffic from normal traffic. Early detection is essential for successful mitigation of the attack, which gives rise to a very important role in cybersecurity to detect the attacks and mitigate the effects. This can be done by deploying machine learning or deep learning models to monitor the traffic data. We propose using various machine learning and deep learning algorithms to analyse the traffic patterns and separate malicious traffic from normal traffic. Two suitable datasets have been identified (DDoS attack SDN dataset and CICDDoS2019 dataset). All essential preprocessing is performed on both datasets. Feature selection is also performed before detection techniques are applied. 8 different Neural Networks/ Ensemble/ Machine Learning models are chosen and the datasets are analysed. The best model is chosen based on the performance metrics (DEEP NEURAL NETWORK MODEL). An alternative is also suggested (Next best - Hypermodel). Optimisation by Hyperparameter tuning further enhances the accuracy. Based on the nature of the attack and the intended target, suitable mitigation procedures can then be deployed.

Sicari, Christian, Catalfamo, Alessio, Galletta, Antonino, Villari, Massimo.  2022.  A Distributed Peer to Peer Identity and Access Management for the Osmotic Computing. 2022 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid). :775–781.
Nowadays Osmotic Computing is emerging as one of the paradigms used to guarantee the Cloud Continuum, and this popularity is strictly related to the capacity to embrace inside it some hot topics like containers, microservices, orchestration and Function as a Service (FaaS). The Osmotic principle is quite simple, it aims to create a federated heterogeneous infrastructure, where an application's components can smoothly move following a concentration rule. In this work, we aim to solve two big constraints of Osmotic Computing related to the incapacity to manage dynamic access rules for accessing the applications inside the Osmotic Infrastructure and the incapacity to keep alive and secure the access to these applications even in presence of network disconnections. For overcoming these limits we designed and implemented a new Osmotic component, that acts as an eventually consistent distributed peer to peer access management system. This new component is used to keep a local Identity and Access Manager (IAM) that permits at any time to access the resource available in an Osmotic node and to update the access rules that allow or deny access to hosted applications. This component has been already integrated inside a Kubernetes based Osmotic Infrastructure and we presented two typical use cases where it can be exploited.
Mohsin, Ali, Aurangzeb, Sana, Aleem, Muhammad, Khan, Muhammad Taimoor.  2022.  On the Performance and Scalability of Simulators for Improving Security and Safety of Smart Cities. 2022 IEEE 27th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). :1–8.
Simulations have gained paramount importance in terms of software development for wireless sensor networks and have been a vital focus of the scientific community in this decade to provide efficient, secure, and safe communication in smart cities. Network Simulators are widely used for the development of safe and secure communication architectures in smart city. Therefore, in this technical survey report, we have conducted experimental comparisons among ten different simulation environments that can be used to simulate smart-city operations. We comprehensively analyze and compare simulators COOJA, NS-2 with framework Mannasim, NS-3, OMNeT++ with framework Castalia, WSNet, TOSSIM, J-Sim, GloMoSim, SENSE, and Avrora. These simulators have been run eight times each and comparison among them is critically scrutinized. The main objective behind this research paper is to assist developers and researchers in selecting the appropriate simulator against the scenario to provide safe and secure wired and wireless networks. In addition, we have discussed the supportive simulation environments, functions, and operating modes, wireless channel models, energy consumption models, physical, MAC, and network-layer protocols in detail. The selection of these simulation frameworks is based on features, literature, and important characteristics. Lastly, we conclude our work by providing a detailed comparison and describing the pros and cons of each simulator.
Ye, YuGuang.  2021.  Research on the Security Defense Strategy of Smart City's Substitution Computer Network in Big Data. 2021 5th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA). :1428–1431.
With the rapid development of the information technology era, the era of big data has also arrived. While computer networks are promoting the prosperity and development of society, their applications have become more extensive and in-depth. Smart city video surveillance systems have entered an era of networked surveillance and business integration. The problems are also endless. This article discusses computer network security in the era of big data, hoping to help strengthen the security of computer networks in our country. This paper studies the computer network security prevention strategies of smart cities in the era of big data.
Sen, Adnan Ahmed Abi, Nazar, Shamim Kamal Abdul, Osman, Nazik Ahmed, Bahbouh, Nour Mahmoud, Aloufi, Hazim Faisal, Alawfi, Ibrahim Moeed M..  2021.  A New Technique for Managing Reputation of Peers in the Cooperation Approach for Privacy Protection. 2021 8th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom). :409—412.
Protecting privacy of the user location in Internet of Things (IoT) applications is a complex problem. Peer-to-peer (P2P) approach is one of the most popular techniques used to protect privacy in IoT applications, especially that use the location service. The P2P approach requires trust among peers in addition to serious cooperation. These requirements are still an open problem for this approach and its methods. In this paper, we propose an effective solution to this issue by creating a manager for the peers' reputation called R-TTP. Each peer has a new query. He has to evaluate the cooperated peer. Depending on the received result of that evaluation, the main peer will send multiple copies of the same query to multiple peers and then compare results. Moreover, we proposed another scenario to the manager of reputation by depending on Fog computing to enhance both performance and privacy. Relying on this work, a user can determine the most suitable of many available cooperating peers, while avoiding the problems of putting up with an inappropriate cooperating or uncommitted peer. The proposed method would significantly contribute to developing most of the privacy techniques in the location-based services. We implemented the main functions of the proposed method to confirm its effectiveness, applicability, and ease of application.
Abi Sen, Adnan Ahmed, M Alawfi, Ibrahim Moeed, Aloufi, Hazim Faisal, Bahbouh, Nour Mahmoud, Alsaawy, Yazed.  2021.  Comparison among Cooperation, Anonymity and Cloak Area Approaches for Preserving Privacy of IoT. 2021 8th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom). :413–416.
As a result of the importance of privacy at present, especially with the modern applications and technologies that have spread in the last decade, many techniques and methods have appeared to preserve privacy and protect users' data from tracking, profiling, or identification. The most popular of these technologies are those which rely on peer-to-peer or third-party cooperation. But, by reviewing a significant portion of existing research articles related to privacy, we find considerable confusion amongst several concepts and ways of protection, such as the concept of cloak area, Anonymizer, cooperation, and Third Party Peers (TTP). In this research, we revisit and review these approaches, which contain an overlap between them to distinguish each one clearly with the help of graphs and to remove their ambiguity. In this way, we shall be able provide a ready-reckoner to those interested in this field to easily differentiate between them and thus work to develop them and provide new methods. In other words, this research seeks to enhance the privacy and security in smart applications and technologies in the IoT and smart city environments.
Pathak, Aditya Kumar, Saguna, Saguna, Mitra, Karan, Åhlund, Christer.  2021.  Anomaly Detection using Machine Learning to Discover Sensor Tampering in IoT Systems. ICC 2021 - IEEE International Conference on Communications. :1–6.

With the rapid growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) applications in smart regions/cities, for example, smart healthcare, smart homes/offices, there is an increase in security threats and risks. The IoT devices solve real-world problems by providing real-time connections, data and information. Besides this, the attackers can tamper with sensors, add or remove them physically or remotely. In this study, we address the IoT security sensor tampering issue in an office environment. We collect data from real-life settings and apply machine learning to detect sensor tampering using two methods. First, a real-time view of the traffic patterns is considered to train our isolation forest-based unsupervised machine learning method for anomaly detection. Second, based on traffic patterns, labels are created, and the decision tree supervised method is used, within our novel Anomaly Detection using Machine Learning (AD-ML) system. The accuracy of the two proposed models is presented. We found 84% with silhouette metric accuracy of isolation forest. Moreover, the result based on 10 cross-validations for decision trees on the supervised machine learning model returned the highest classification accuracy of 91.62% with the lowest false positive rate.

Lee, JiEun, Jeong, SeungMyeong, Yoo, Seong Ki, Song, JaeSeung.  2021.  SSF: Smart city Semantics Framework for reusability of semantic data. 2021 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC). :1625—1627.
Semantic data has semantic information about the relationship between information and resources of data collected in a smart city so that all different domains and data can be organically connected. Various services using semantic data such as public data integration of smart cities, semantic search, and linked open data are emerging, and services that open and freely use semantic data are also increasing. By using semantic data, it is possible to create a variety of services regardless of platform and resource characteristics. However, despite the many advantages of semantic data, it is not easy to use because it requires a high understanding of semantics such as SPARQL. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a semantic framework for users of semantic data so that new services can be created without a high understanding of semantics. The semantics framework includes a template-based annotator that supports automatically generating semantic data based on user input and a semantic REST API that allows you to utilize semantic data without understanding SPAROL.
Uy, Francis Aldrine A., Vea, Larry A., Binag, Matthew G., Diaz, Keith Anshilo L., Gallardo, Roy G., Navarro, Kevin Jorge A., Pulido, Maria Teresa R., Pinca, Ryan Christopher B., Rejuso, Billy John Rudolfh I., Santos, Carissa Jane R..  2020.  The Potential of New Data Sources in a Data-Driven Transportation, Operation, Management and Assessment System (TOMAS). 2020 IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability (SusTech). :1–8.
We present our journey in constructing the first integrated data warehouse for Philippine transportation research in the hopes of developing a Transportation Decision Support System for impact studies and policy making. We share how we collected data from diverse sources, processed them into a homogeneous format and applied them to our multimodal platform. We also list the challenges we encountered, including bureaucratic delays, data privacy concerns, lack of software, and overlapping datasets. The data warehouse shall serve as a public resource for researchers and professionals, and for government officials to make better-informed policies. The warehouse will also function within our multi-modal platform for measurement, modelling, and visualization of road transportation. This work is our contribution to improve the transportation situation in the Philippines, both in the local and national levels, to boost our economy and overall quality of life.
Al Omar, Abdullah, Jamil, Abu Kaisar, Nur, Md. Shakhawath Hossain, Hasan, Md Mahamudul, Bosri, Rabeya, Bhuiyan, Md Zakirul Alam, Rahman, Mohammad Shahriar.  2020.  Towards A Transparent and Privacy-Preserving Healthcare Platform with Blockchain for Smart Cities. 2020 IEEE 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom). :1291–1296.
In smart cities, data privacy and security issues of Electronic Health Record(EHR) are grabbing importance day by day as cyber attackers have identified the weaknesses of EHR platforms. Besides, health insurance companies interacting with the EHRs play a vital role in covering the whole or a part of the financial risks of a patient. Insurance companies have specific policies for which patients have to pay them. Sometimes the insurance policies can be altered by fraudulent entities. Another problem that patients face in smart cities is when they interact with a health organization, insurance company, or others, they have to prove their identity to each of the organizations/companies separately. Health organizations or insurance companies have to ensure they know with whom they are interacting. To build a platform where a patient's personal information and insurance policy are handled securely, we introduce an application of blockchain to solve the above-mentioned issues. In this paper, we present a solution for the healthcare system that will provide patient privacy and transparency towards the insurance policies incorporating blockchain. Privacy of the patient information will be provided using cryptographic tools.
Franchina, L., Socal, A..  2020.  Innovative Predictive Model for Smart City Security Risk Assessment. 2020 43rd International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO). :1831–1836.
In a Smart City, new technologies such as big data analytics, data fusion and artificial intelligence will increase awareness by measuring many phenomena and storing a huge amount of data. 5G will allow communication of these data among different infrastructures instantaneously. In a Smart City, security aspects are going to be a major concern. Some drawbacks, such as vulnerabilities of a highly integrated system and information overload, must be considered. To overcome these downsides, an innovative predictive model for Smart City security risk assessment has been developed. Risk metrics and indicators are defined by considering data coming from a wide range of sensors. An innovative ``what if'' algorithm is introduced to identify critical infrastructures functional relationship. Therefore, it is possible to evaluate the effects of an incident that involves one infrastructure over the others.
Chai, Yuhan, Qiu, Jing, Su, Shen, Zhu, Chunsheng, Yin, Lihua, Tian, Zhihong.  2020.  LGMal: A Joint Framework Based on Local and Global Features for Malware Detection. 2020 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC). :463–468.
With the gradual advancement of smart city construction, various information systems have been widely used in smart cities. In order to obtain huge economic benefits, criminals frequently invade the information system, which leads to the increase of malware. Malware attacks not only seriously infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of users, but also cause huge economic losses. Signature-based malware detection algorithms can only detect known malware, and are susceptible to evasion techniques such as binary obfuscation. Behavior-based malware detection methods can solve this problem well. Although there are some malware behavior analysis works, they may ignore semantic information in the malware API call sequence. In this paper, we design a joint framework based on local and global features for malware detection to solve the problem of network security of smart cities, called LGMal, which combines the stacked convolutional neural network and graph convolutional networks. Specially, the stacked convolutional neural network is used to learn API call sequence information to capture local semantic features and the graph convolutional networks is used to learn API call semantic graph structure information to capture global semantic features. Experiments on Alibaba Cloud Security Malware Detection datasets show that the joint framework gets better results. The experimental results show that the precision is 87.76%, the recall is 88.08%, and the F1-measure is 87.79%. We hope this paper can provide a useful way for malware detection and protect the network security of smart city.
Suciu, George, Hussain, Ijaz, Petrescu, Gabriel.  2020.  Role of Ubiquitous Computing and Mobile WSN Technologies and Implementation. 2020 International Conference on Electrical, Communication, and Computer Engineering (ICECCE). :1–6.
Computing capabilities such as real time data, unlimited connection, data from sensors, environmental analysis, automated decisions (machine learning) are demanded by many areas like industry for example decision making, machine learning, by research and military, for example GPS, sensor data collection. The possibility to make these features compatible with each domain that demands them is known as ubiquitous computing. Ubiquitous computing includes network topologies such as wireless sensor networks (WSN) which can help further improving the existing communication, for example the Internet. Also, ubiquitous computing is included in the Internet of Things (IoT) applications. In this article, it is discussed the mobility of WSN and its advantages and innovations, which make possible implementations for smart home and office. Knowing the growing number of mobile users, we place the mobile phone as the key factor of the future ubiquitous wireless networks. With secure computing, communicating, and storage capacities of mobile devices, they can be taken advantage of in terms of architecture in the sense of scalability, energy efficiency, packet delay, etc. Our work targets to present a structure from a ubiquitous computing point of view for researchers who have an interest in ubiquitous computing and want to research on the analysis, to implement a novel method structure for the ubiquitous computing system in military sectors. Also, this paper presents security and privacy issues in ubiquitous sensor networks (USN).
Iskhakov, A., Jharko, E..  2020.  Approach to Security Provision of Machine Vision for Unmanned Vehicles of “Smart City”. 2020 International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Applications and Manufacturing (ICIEAM). :1—5.

By analogy to nature, sight is the main integral component of robotic complexes, including unmanned vehicles. In this connection, one of the urgent tasks in the modern development of unmanned vehicles is the solution to the problem of providing security for new advanced systems, algorithms, methods, and principles of space navigation of robots. In the paper, we present an approach to the protection of machine vision systems based on technologies of deep learning. At the heart of the approach lies the “Feature Squeezing” method that works on the phase of model operation. It allows us to detect “adversarial” examples. Considering the urgency and importance of the target process, the features of unmanned vehicle hardware platforms and also the necessity of execution of tasks on detecting of the objects in real-time mode, it was offered to carry out an additional simple computational procedure of localization and classification of required objects in case of crossing a defined in advance threshold of “adversarial” object testing.

Promyslov, V., Semenkov, K..  2020.  Security Threats for Autonomous and Remotely Controlled Vehicles in Smart City. 2020 International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Applications and Manufacturing (ICIEAM). :1—5.

The paper presents a comprehensive model of cybersecurity threats for a system of autonomous and remotely controlled vehicles (AV) in the environment of a smart city. The main focus in the security context is given to the “integrity” property. That property is of higher importance for industrial control systems in comparison with other security properties (availability and confidentiality). The security graph, which is part of the model, is dynamic, and, in real cases, its analysis may require significant computing resources for AV systems with a large number of assets and connections. The simplified example of the security graph for the AV system is presented.

Sharma, Sachin, Ghanshala, Kamal Kumar, Mohan, Seshadri.  2019.  Blockchain-Based Internet of Vehicles (IoV): An Efficient Secure Ad Hoc Vehicular Networking Architecture. 2019 IEEE 2nd 5G World Forum (5GWF). :452–457.
With the transformation of connected vehicles into the Internet of Vehicles (IoV), the time is now ripe for paving the way for the next generation of connected vehicles with novel applications and innovative security measures. The connected vehicles are experiencing prenominal growth in the auto industry, but are still studded with many security and privacy vulnerabilities. Today's IoV applications are part of cyber physical communication systems that collect useful information from thousands of smart sensors associated with the connected vehicles. The technology advancement has paved the way for connected vehicles to share significant information among drivers, auto manufacturers, auto insurance companies and operational and maintenance service providers for various applications. The critical issues in engineering the IoV applications are effective to use of the available spectrum and effective allocation of good channels an opportunistic manner to establish connectivity among vehicles, and the effective utilization of the infrastructure under various traffic conditions. Security and privacy in information sharing are the main concerns in a connected vehicle communication network. Blockchain technology facilitates secured communication among users in a connected vehicles network. Originally, blockchain technology was developed and employed with the cryptocurrency. Bitcoin, to provide increased trust, reliability, and security among users based on peer-to-peer networks for transaction sharing. In this paper, we propose to integrate blockchain technology into ad hoc vehicular networking so that the vehicles can share network resources with increased trust, reliability, and security using distributed access control system and can benefit a wider scope of scalable IoV applications scenarios for decision making. The proposed architecture is the faithful environment for information sharing among connected vehicles. Blockchain technology allows multiple copies of data storage at the distribution cloud. Distributed access control system is significantly more secure than a traditional centralized system. This paper also describes how important of ad hoc vehicular networking in human life, possibilities in real-world implementation and its future trends. The ad hoc vehicular networking may become one of the most trendy networking concepts in the future that has the perspective to bring out much ease human beneficial and secured applications.
Akbarzadeh, Aida, Pandey, Pankaj, Katsikas, Sokratis.  2019.  Cyber-Physical Interdependencies in Power Plant Systems: A Review of Cyber Security Risks. 2019 IEEE Conference on Information and Communication Technology. :1—6.

Realizing the importance of the concept of “smart city” and its impact on the quality of life, many infrastructures, such as power plants, began their digital transformation process by leveraging modern computing and advanced communication technologies. Unfortunately, by increasing the number of connections, power plants become more and more vulnerable and also an attractive target for cyber-physical attacks. The analysis of interdependencies among system components reveals interdependent connections, and facilitates the identification of those among them that are in need of special protection. In this paper, we review the recent literature which utilizes graph-based models and network-based models to study these interdependencies. A comprehensive overview, based on the main features of the systems including communication direction, control parameters, research target, scalability, security and safety, is presented. We also assess the computational complexity associated with the approaches presented in the reviewed papers, and we use this metric to assess the scalability of the approaches.

Dattana, Vishal, Gupta, Kishu, Kush, Ashwani.  2019.  A Probability based Model for Big Data Security in Smart City. 2019 4th MEC International Conference on Big Data and Smart City (ICBDSC). :1—6.

Smart technologies at hand have facilitated generation and collection of huge volumes of data, on daily basis. It involves highly sensitive and diverse data like personal, organisational, environment, energy, transport and economic data. Data Analytics provide solution for various issues being faced by smart cities like crisis response, disaster resilience, emergence management, smart traffic management system etc.; it requires distribution of sensitive data among various entities within or outside the smart city,. Sharing of sensitive data creates a need for efficient usage of smart city data to provide smart applications and utility to the end users in a trustworthy and safe mode. This shared sensitive data if get leaked as a consequence can cause damage and severe risk to the city's resources. Fortification of critical data from unofficial disclosure is biggest issue for success of any project. Data Leakage Detection provides a set of tools and technology that can efficiently resolves the concerns related to smart city critical data. The paper, showcase an approach to detect the leakage which is caused intentionally or unintentionally. The model represents allotment of data objects between diverse agents using Bigraph. The objective is to make critical data secure by revealing the guilty agent who caused the data leakage.

Lakhno, Valeriy, Kasatkin, Dmytro, Blozva, Andriy.  2019.  Modeling Cyber Security of Information Systems Smart City Based on the Theory of Games and Markov Processes. 2019 IEEE International Scientific-Practical Conference Problems of Infocommunications, Science and Technology (PIC S T). :497–501.
The article considers some aspects of modeling information security circuits for information and communication systems used in Smart City. As a basic research paradigm, the postulates of game theory and mathematical dependencies based on Markov processes were used. Thus, it is possible to sufficiently substantively describe the procedure for selecting rational variants of cyber security systems used to protect information technologies in Smart City. At the same time, using the model proposed by us, we can calculate the probability of cyber threats for the Smart City systems, as well as the cybernetic risks of diverse threats. Further, on the basis of the described indicators, rational contour options are chosen to protect the information systems used in Smart City.
Nejatifar, Abbas, Hadavi, Mohammad Ali.  2019.  Threat Extraction in IoT-Based Systems Focusing on Smart Cities. 2019 16th International ISC (Iranian Society of Cryptology) Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ISCISC). :92–98.
IoT-based services are widely increasing due to their advantages such as economy, automation, and comfort. Smart cities are among major applications of IoT-based systems. However, security and privacy threats are vital issues challenging the utilization of such services. Connectivity nature, variety of data technology, and volume of data maintained through these systems make their security analysis a difficult process. Threat modeling is one the best practices for security analysis, especially for complex systems. This paper proposes a threat extraction method for IoT-based systems. We elaborate on a smart city scenario with three services including lighting, car parking, and waste management. Investigating on these services, firstly, we identify thirty-two distinct threat types. Secondly, we distinguish threat root causes by associating a threat to constituent parts of the IoT-based system. In this way, threat instances can be extracted using the proposed derivation rules. Finally, we evaluate our method on a smart car parking scenario as well as on an E-Health system and identify more than 50 threat instances in each cases to show that the method can be easily generalized for other IoT-based systems whose constituent parts are known.
Mohanta, Bhabendu K., Panda, Soumyashree S., Satapathy, Utkalika, Jena, Debasish, Gountia, Debasis.  2019.  Trustworthy Management in Decentralized IoT Application using Blockchain. 2019 10th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT). :1–5.
Internet of Things (IoT) as per estimated will connect 50 billion devices by 2020. Since its evolution, IoT technology provides lots of flexibility to develop and implement any application. Most of the application improves the human living standard and also makes life easy to access and monitoring the things in real time. Though there exist some security and privacy issues in IoT system like authentication, computation, data modification, trust among users. In this paper, we have identified the IoT application like insurance, supply chain system, smart city and smart car where trust among associated users is an major issue. The current centralized system does not provide enough trust between users. Using Blockchain technology we have shown that trust issue among users can be managed in a decentralized way so that information can be traceable and identify/verify any time. Blockchain has properties like distributed, digitally share and immutable which enhance security. For Blockchain implementation, Ethereum platform is used.
Mumtaz, Majid, Akram, Junaid, Ping, Luo.  2019.  An RSA Based Authentication System for Smart IoT Environment. 2019 IEEE 21st International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications; IEEE 17th International Conference on Smart City; IEEE 5th International Conference on Data Science and Systems (HPCC/SmartCity/DSS). :758–765.
Authentication is the fundamental security service used in almost all remote applications. All such sensitive applications over an open network need authentication mechanism that should be delivered in a trusted way. In this paper, we design an RSA based authentication system for smart IoT environment over the air network using state-of-the-art industry standards. Our system provide security services including X.509 certificate, RSA based Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), challenge/response protocols with the help of proxy induced security service provider. We describe an innovative system model, protocol design, system architecture and evaluation against known threats. Also the implemented solution designed as an add on service for multiple other sensitive applications (smart city apps, cyber physical systems etc.) which needs the support of X.509 certificate based on hard tokens to populate other security services including confidentiality, integrity, non-repudiation, privacy and anonymity of the identities. The proposed scheme is evaluated against known vulnerabilities and given detail comparisons with popular known authentication schemes. The result shows that our proposed scheme mitigate all the known security risks and provide highest level assurance to smart gadgets.
Ahmadi-Assalemi, Gabriela, al-Khateeb, Haider M., Epiphaniou, Gregory, Cosson, Jon, Jahankhani, Hamid, Pillai, Prashant.  2019.  Federated Blockchain-Based Tracking and Liability Attribution Framework for Employees and Cyber-Physical Objects in a Smart Workplace. 2019 IEEE 12th International Conference on Global Security, Safety and Sustainability (ICGS3). :1–9.
The systematic integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) into the supply chain to increase operational efficiency and quality has also introduced new complexities to the threat landscape. The myriad of sensors could increase data collection capabilities for businesses to facilitate process automation aided by Artificial Intelligence (AI) but without adopting an appropriate Security-by-Design framework, threat detection and response are destined to fail. The emerging concept of Smart Workplace incorporates many CPS (e.g. Robots and Drones) to execute tasks alongside Employees both of which can be exploited as Insider Threats. We introduce and discuss forensic-readiness, liability attribution and the ability to track moving Smart SPS Objects to support modern Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR) within a defence-in-depth strategy. We present a framework to facilitate the tracking of object behaviour within Smart Controlled Business Environments (SCBE) to support resilience by enabling proactive insider threat detection. Several components of the framework were piloted in a company to discuss a real-life case study and demonstrate anomaly detection and the emerging of behavioural patterns according to objects' movement with relation to their job role, workspace position and nearest entry or exit. The empirical data was collected from a Bluetooth-based Proximity Monitoring Solution. Furthermore, a key strength of the framework is a federated Blockchain (BC) model to achieve forensic-readiness by establishing a digital Chain-of-Custody (CoC) and a collaborative environment for CPS to qualify as Digital Witnesses (DW) to support post-incident investigations.
Shukla, Meha, Johnson, Shane D., Jones, Peter.  2019.  Does the NIS implementation strategy effectively address cyber security risks in the UK? 2019 International Conference on Cyber Security and Protection of Digital Services (Cyber Security). :1–11.
This research explored how cyber security risks are managed across UK Critical National Infrastructure (CNI) sectors following implementation of the 2018 Networks and Information Security (NIS) legislation. Being in its infancy, there has been limited study into the effectiveness of this national framework for cyber risk management. The analysis of data gathered through interviews with key stakeholders against the NIS objectives indicated a collaborative implementation approach to improve cyber-risk management capabilities in CNI sectors. However, more work is required to bridge the gaps in the NIS framework to ensure holistic security across cyber spaces as well as non-cyber elements: cyber-physical security, cross-sector CNI service security measures, outcome-based regulatory assessments and risks due to connected smart technology implementations alongside legacy systems. This paper proposes ten key recommendations to counter the danger of not meeting the NIS key strategic objectives. In particular, it recommends that the approach to NIS implementation needs further alignment with its objectives, such as bringing a step-change in the cyber-security risk management capabilities of the CNI sectors.