Visible to the public Security Threats for Autonomous and Remotely Controlled Vehicles in Smart City

TitleSecurity Threats for Autonomous and Remotely Controlled Vehicles in Smart City
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsPromyslov, V., Semenkov, K.
Conference Name2020 International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Applications and Manufacturing (ICIEAM)
Date PublishedMay 2020
ISBN Number978-1-7281-4590-7
Keywordsautonomous controlled vehicles, Autonomous vehicles, AV system, control engineering computing, control system security, cyber, cybersecurity threats, data integrity, Human Behavior, human factors, industrial control, industrial control systems, integrity, integrity property, mobile robots, Model, policy-based governance, pubcrawl, remotely controlled vehicles, remotely operated vehicles, resilience, Resiliency, robot operating systems, security, security context, security graph, security of data, smart cities, smart city, telerobotics, Threat, traffic engineering computing

The paper presents a comprehensive model of cybersecurity threats for a system of autonomous and remotely controlled vehicles (AV) in the environment of a smart city. The main focus in the security context is given to the "integrity" property. That property is of higher importance for industrial control systems in comparison with other security properties (availability and confidentiality). The security graph, which is part of the model, is dynamic, and, in real cases, its analysis may require significant computing resources for AV systems with a large number of assets and connections. The simplified example of the security graph for the AV system is presented.

Citation Keypromyslov_security_2020