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Safitri, Winda Ayu, Ahmad, Tohari, Hostiadi, Dandy Pramana.  2022.  Analyzing Machine Learning-based Feature Selection for Botnet Detection. 2022 1st International Conference on Information System & Information Technology (ICISIT). :386–391.
In this cyber era, the number of cybercrime problems grows significantly, impacting network communication security. Some factors have been identified, such as malware. It is a malicious code attack that is harmful. On the other hand, a botnet can exploit malware to threaten whole computer networks. Therefore, it needs to be handled appropriately. Several botnet activity detection models have been developed using a classification approach in previous studies. However, it has not been analyzed about selecting features to be used in the learning process of the classification algorithm. In fact, the number and selection of features implemented can affect the detection accuracy of the classification algorithm. This paper proposes an analysis technique for determining the number and selection of features developed based on previous research. It aims to obtain the analysis of using features. The experiment has been conducted using several classification algorithms, namely Decision tree, k-NN, Naïve Bayes, Random Forest, and Support Vector Machine (SVM). The results show that taking a certain number of features increases the detection accuracy. Compared with previous studies, the results obtained show that the average detection accuracy of 98.34% using four features has the highest value from the previous study, 97.46% using 11 features. These results indicate that the selection of the correct number and features affects the performance of the botnet detection model.
Toyeer-E-Ferdoush, Ghosh, Bikarna Kumar, Taher, Kazi Abu.  2021.  Security Policy Based Network Infrastructure for Effective Digital Service. 2021 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Development (ICICT4SD). :136–140.

In this research a secured framework is developed to support effective digital service delivery for government to stakeholders. It is developed to provide secured network to the remote area of Bangladesh. The proposed framework has been tested through the rough simulation of the network infrastructure. Each and every part of the digital service network has been analyzed in the basis of security purpose. Through the simulation the security issues are identified and proposed a security policy framework for effective service. Basing on the findings the issues are included and the framework has designed as the solution of security issues. A complete security policy framework has prepared on the basis of the network topology. As the output the stakeholders will get a better and effective data service. This model is better than the other expected network infrastructure. Till now in Bangladesh none of the network infrastructure are security policy based. This is needed to provide the secured network to remote area from government.

Foster, Rita, Priest, Zach, Cutshaw, Michael.  2021.  Infrastructure eXpression for Codified Cyber Attack Surfaces and Automated Applicability. 2021 Resilience Week (RWS). :1–4.
The internal laboratory directed research and development (LDRD) project Infrastructure eXpression (IX) at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL), is based on codifying infrastructure to support automatic applicability to emerging cyber issues, enabling automated cyber responses, codifying attack surfaces, and analysis of cyber impacts to our nation's most critical infrastructure. IX uses the Structured Threat Information eXpression (STIX) open international standard version 2.1 which supports STIX Cyber Observable (SCO) to codify infrastructure characteristics and exposures. Using these codified infrastructures, STIX Relationship Objects (SRO) connect to STIX Domain Objects (SDO) used for modeling cyber threat used to create attack surfaces integrated with specific infrastructure. This IX model creates a shareable, actionable and implementable attack surface that is updateable with emerging threat or infrastructure modifications. Enrichment of cyber threat information includes attack patterns, indicators, courses of action, malware and threat actors. Codifying infrastructure in IX enables creation of software and hardware bill of materials (SBoM/HBoM) information, analysis of emerging cyber vulnerabilities including supply chain threat to infrastructure.
Pawar, Shrikant, Stanam, Aditya.  2020.  Scalable, Reliable and Robust Data Mining Infrastructures. 2020 Fourth World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and Sustainability (WorldS4). :123—125.

Mining of data is used to analyze facts to discover formerly unknown patterns, classifying and grouping the records. There are several crucial scalable statistics mining platforms that have been developed in latest years. RapidMiner is a famous open source software which can be used for advanced analytics, Weka and Orange are important tools of machine learning for classifying patterns with techniques of clustering and regression, whilst Knime is often used for facts preprocessing like information extraction, transformation and loading. This article encapsulates the most important and robust platforms.

Fraiji, Yosra, Ben Azzouz, Lamia, Trojet, Wassim, Saidane, Leila Azouz.  2018.  Cyber security issues of Internet of electric vehicles. 2018 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC). :1—6.

The use of Electric Vehicle (EV) is growing rapidly due to its environmental benefits. However, the major problem of these vehicles is their limited battery, the lack of charging stations and the re-charge time. Introducing Information and Communication Technologies, in the field of EV, will improve energy efficiency, energy consumption predictions, availability of charging stations, etc. The Internet of Vehicles based only on Electric Vehicles (IoEV) is a complex system. It is composed of vehicles, humans, sensors, road infrastructure and charging stations. All these entities communicate using several communication technologies (ZigBee, 802.11p, cellular networks, etc). IoEV is therefore vulnerable to significant attacks such as DoS, false data injection, modification. Hence, security is a crucial factor for the development and the wide deployment of Internet of Electric Vehicles (IoEV). In this paper, we present an overview of security issues of the IoEV architecture and we highlight open issues that make the IoEV security a challenging research area in the future.