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Pisharody, S., Chowdhary, A., Huang, Dijiang.  2016.  Security policy checking in distributed SDN based clouds. 2016 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS). :19–27.

Separation of network control from devices in Software Defined Network (SDN) allows for centralized implementation and management of security policies in a cloud computing environment. The ease of programmability also makes SDN a great platform implementation of various initiatives that involve application deployment, dynamic topology changes, and decentralized network management in a multi-tenant data center environment. Dynamic change of network topology, or host reconfiguration in such networks might require corresponding changes to the flow rules in the SDN based cloud environment. Verifying adherence of these new flow policies in the environment to the organizational security policies and ensuring a conflict free environment is especially challenging. In this paper, we extend the work on rule conflicts from a traditional environment to an SDN environment, introducing a new classification to describe conflicts stemming from cross-layer conflicts. Our framework ensures that in any SDN based cloud, flow rules do not have conflicts at any layer; thereby ensuring that changes to the environment do not lead to unintended consequences. We demonstrate the correctness, feasibility and scalability of our framework through a proof-of-concept prototype.

Bouhoula, A., Yazidi, A..  2016.  A security Policy Query Engine for fully automated resolution of anomalies in firewall configurations. 2016 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA). :76–80.

Legacy work on correcting firewall anomalies operate with the premise of creating totally disjunctive rules. Unfortunately, such solutions are impractical from implementation point of view as they lead to an explosion of the number of firewall rules. In a related previous work, we proposed a new approach for performing assisted corrective actions, which in contrast to the-state-of-the-art family of radically disjunctive approaches, does not lead to a prohibitive increase of the configuration size. In this sense, we allow relaxation in the correction process by clearly distinguishing between constructive anomalies that can be tolerated and destructive anomalies that should be systematically fixed. However, a main disadvantage of the latter approach was its dependency on the guided input from the administrator which controversially introduces a new risk for human errors. In order to circumvent the latter disadvantage, we present in this paper a Firewall Policy Query Engine (FPQE) that renders the whole process of anomaly resolution a fully automated one and which does not require any human intervention. In this sense, instead of prompting the administrator for inserting the proper order corrective actions, FPQE executes those queries against a high level firewall policy. We have implemented the FPQE and the first results of integrating it with our legacy anomaly resolver are promising.

Massonet, P., Dupont, S., Michot, A., Levin, A., Villari, M..  2016.  Enforcement of global security policies in federated cloud networks with virtual network functions. 2016 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA). :81–84.

Federated cloud networks are formed by federating virtual network segments from different clouds, e.g. in a hybrid cloud, into a single federated network. Such networks should be protected with a global federated cloud network security policy. The availability of network function virtualisation and service function chaining in cloud platforms offers an opportunity for implementing and enforcing global federated cloud network security policies. In this paper we describe an approach for enforcing global security policies in federated cloud networks. The approach relies on a service manifest that specifies the global network security policy. From this manifest configurations of the security functions for the different clouds of the federation are generated. This enables automated deployment and configuration of network security functions across the different clouds. The approach is illustrated with a case study where communications between trusted and untrusted clouds, e.g. public clouds, are encrypted. The paper discusses future work on implementing this architecture for the OpenStack cloud platform with the service function chaining API.

Rudolph, M., Moucha, C., Feth, D..  2016.  A Framework for Generating User-and Domain-Tailored Security Policy Editors. 2016 IEEE 24th International Requirements Engineering Conference Workshops (REW). :56–61.

In modern enterprises, incorrect or inconsistent security policies can lead to massive damage, e.g., through unintended data leakage. As policy authors have different skills and background knowledge, usable policy editors have to be tailored to the author's individual needs and to the corresponding application domain. However, the development of individual policy editors and the customization of existing ones is an effort consuming task. In this paper, we present a framework for generating tailored policy editors. In order to empower user-friendly and less error-prone specification of security policies, the framework supports multiple platforms, policy languages, and specification paradigms.

Weichselbaum, L., Spagnuolo, M., Janc, A..  2016.  Adopting Strict Content Security Policy for XSS Protection. 2016 IEEE Cybersecurity Development (SecDev). :149–149.

Content Security Policy is a mechanism designed to prevent the exploitation of XSS – the most common high-risk web application flaw. CSP restricts which scripts can be executed by allowing developers to define valid script sources; an attacker with a content-injection flaw should not be able to force the browser to execute arbitrary malicious scripts. Currently, CSP is commonly used in conjunction with domain-based script whitelist, where the existence of a single unsafe endpoint in the script whitelist effectively removes the value of the policy as a protection against XSS ( some examples ).

Chaisiri, S., Ko, R. K. L..  2016.  From Reactionary to Proactive Security: Context-Aware Security Policy Management and Optimization under Uncertainty. 2016 IEEE Trustcom/BigDataSE/ISPA. :535–543.

At the core of its nature, security is a highly contextual and dynamic challenge. However, current security policy approaches are usually static, and slow to adapt to ever-changing requirements, let alone catching up with reality. In a 2012 Sophos survey, it was stated that a unique malware is created every half a second. This gives a glimpse of the unsustainable nature of a global problem, any improvement in terms of closing the "time window to adapt" would be a significant step forward. To exacerbate the situation, a simple change in threat and attack vector or even an implementation of the so-called "bring-your-own-device" paradigm will greatly change the frequency of changed security requirements and necessary solutions required for each new context. Current security policies also typically overlook the direct and indirect costs of implementation of policies. As a result, technical teams often fail to have the ability to justify the budget to the management, from a business risk viewpoint. This paper considers both the adaptive and cost-benefit aspects of security, and introduces a novel context-aware technique for designing and implementing adaptive, optimized security policies. Our approach leverages the capabilities of stochastic programming models to optimize security policy planning, and our preliminary results demonstrate a promising step towards proactive, context-aware security policies.

Buthelezi, M. P., Poll, J. A. van der, Ochola, E. O..  2016.  Ambiguity as a Barrier to Information Security Policy Compliance: A Content Analysis. 2016 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI). :1360–1367.

Institutions use the information security (InfoSec) policy document as a set of rules and guidelines to govern the use of the institutional information resources. However, a common problem is that these policies are often not followed or complied with. This study explores the extent to which the problem lies with the policy documents themselves. The InfoSec policies are documented in the natural languages, which are prone to ambiguity and misinterpretation. Subsequently such policies may be ambiguous, thereby making it hard, if not impossible for users to comply with. A case study approach with a content analysis was conducted. The research explores the extent of the problem by using a case study of an educational institution in South Africa.

Zhengqiu, H., Fangxia, X., Wenfu, L., Rongmao, H., Zhongfu, X..  2016.  Research of Secure Service Composition Based on Semantic Security Policy. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom) and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom) and IEEE Smart Data (SmartData). :246–251.

Expressing and matching the security policy of each participant accurately is the precondition to construct a secure service composition. Most schemes presently use syntactic approaches to represent and match the security policy for service composition process, which is prone to result in false negative because of lacking semantics. In this paper, a novel approach based on semantics is proposed to express and match the security policies in service composition. Through constructing a general security ontology, the definition method and matching algorithm of the semantic security policy for service composition are presented, and the matching problem of policy is translated into the subsumption reasoning problem of semantic concept. Both the theoretical analysis and experimental evaluation show that, the proposed approach can present the necessary semantic information in the representation of policy and effectively improve the accuracy of matching result, thus overcome the deficiency of the syntactic approaches, and can also simplify the definition and management of the policy at the same time, which thereby provides a more effective solution for building the secure service composition based on security policy.

Cox, J. H., Clark, R. J., Owen, H. L..  2016.  Security policy transition framework for Software Defined networks. 2016 IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (NFV-SDN). :56–61.

Controllers for software defined networks (SDNs) are quickly maturing to offer network operators more intuitive programming frameworks and greater abstractions for network application development. Likewise, many security solutions now exist within SDN environments for detecting and blocking clients who violate network policies. However, many of these solutions stop at triggering the security measure and give little thought to amending it. As a consequence, once the violation is addressed, no clear path exists for reinstating the flagged client beyond having the network operator reset the controller or manually implement a state change via an external command. This presents a burden for the network and its clients and administrators. Hence, we present a security policy transition framework for revoking security measures in an SDN environment once said measures are activated.

Agrafiotis, Ioannis, Erola, Arnau, Goldsmith, Michael, Creese, Sadie.  2016.  A Tripwire Grammar for Insider Threat Detection. Proceedings of the 8th ACM CCS International Workshop on Managing Insider Security Threats. :105–108.
The threat from insiders is an ever-growing concern for organisations, and in recent years the harm that insiders pose has been widely demonstrated. This paper describes our recent work into how we might support insider threat detection when actions are taken which can be immediately determined as of concern because they fall into one of two categories: they violate a policy which is specifically crafted to describe behaviours that are highly likely to be of concern if they are exhibited, or they exhibit behaviours which follow a pattern of a known insider threat attack. In particular, we view these concerning actions as something that we can design and implement tripwires within a system to detect. We then orchestrate these tripwires in conjunction with an anomaly detection system and present an approach to formalising tripwires of both categories. Our intention being that by having a single framework for describing them, alongside a library of existing tripwires in use, we can provide the community of practitioners and researchers with the basis to document and evolve this common understanding of tripwires.
Agrafiotis, Ioannis, Erola, Arnau, Goldsmith, Michael, Creese, Sadie.  2016.  A Tripwire Grammar for Insider Threat Detection. Proceedings of the 8th ACM CCS International Workshop on Managing Insider Security Threats. :105–108.

The threat from insiders is an ever-growing concern for organisations, and in recent years the harm that insiders pose has been widely demonstrated. This paper describes our recent work into how we might support insider threat detection when actions are taken which can be immediately determined as of concern because they fall into one of two categories: they violate a policy which is specifically crafted to describe behaviours that are highly likely to be of concern if they are exhibited, or they exhibit behaviours which follow a pattern of a known insider threat attack. In particular, we view these concerning actions as something that we can design and implement tripwires within a system to detect. We then orchestrate these tripwires in conjunction with an anomaly detection system and present an approach to formalising tripwires of both categories. Our intention being that by having a single framework for describing them, alongside a library of existing tripwires in use, we can provide the community of practitioners and researchers with the basis to document and evolve this common understanding of tripwires.

Mhana, Samer Attallah, Din, Jamilah Binti, Atan, Rodziah Binti.  2016.  Automatic generation of Content Security Policy to mitigate cross site scripting. 2016 2nd International Conference on Science in Information Technology (ICSITech). :324–328.

Content Security Policy (CSP) is powerful client-side security layer that helps in mitigating and detecting wide ranges of Web attacks including cross-site scripting (XSS). However, utilizing CSP by site administrators is a fallible process and may require significant changes in web application code. In this paper, we propose an approach to help site administers to overcome these limitations in order to utilize the full benefits of CSP mechanism which leads to more immune sites from XSS. The algorithm is implemented as a plugin. It does not interfere with the Web application original code. The plugin can be “installed” on any other web application with minimum efforts. The algorithm can be implemented as part of Web Server layer, not as part of the business logic layer. It can be extended to support generating CSP for contents that are modified by JavaScript after loading. Current approach inspects the static contents of URLs.

J. Vukalović, D. Delija.  2015.  "Advanced Persistent Threats - detection and defense". 2015 38th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO). :1324-1330.

The term “Advanced Persistent Threat” refers to a well-organized, malicious group of people who launch stealthy attacks against computer systems of specific targets, such as governments, companies or military. The attacks themselves are long-lasting, difficult to expose and often use very advanced hacking techniques. Since they are advanced in nature, prolonged and persistent, the organizations behind them have to possess a high level of knowledge, advanced tools and competent personnel to execute them. The attacks are usually preformed in several phases - reconnaissance, preparation, execution, gaining access, information gathering and connection maintenance. In each of the phases attacks can be detected with different probabilities. There are several ways to increase the level of security of an organization in order to counter these incidents. First and foremost, it is necessary to educate users and system administrators on different attack vectors and provide them with knowledge and protection so that the attacks are unsuccessful. Second, implement strict security policies. That includes access control and restrictions (to information or network), protecting information by encrypting it and installing latest security upgrades. Finally, it is possible to use software IDS tools to detect such anomalies (e.g. Snort, OSSEC, Sguil).

Rieke, R., Repp, J., Zhdanova, M., Eichler, J..  2014.  Monitoring Security Compliance of Critical Processes. Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing (PDP), 2014 22nd Euromicro International Conference on. :552-560.

Enforcing security in process-aware information systems at runtime requires the monitoring of systems' operation using process information. Analysis of this information with respect to security and compliance aspects is growing in complexity with the increase in functionality, connectivity, and dynamics of process evolution. To tackle this complexity, the application of models is becoming standard practice. Considering today's frequent changes to processes, model-based support for security and compliance analysis is not only needed in pre-operational phases but also at runtime. This paper presents an approach to support evaluation of the security status of processes at runtime. The approach is based on operational formal models derived from process specifications and security policies comprising technical, organizational, regulatory and cross-layer aspects. A process behavior model is synchronized by events from the running process and utilizes prediction of expected close-future states to find possible security violations and allow early decisions on countermeasures. The applicability of the approach is exemplified by a misuse case scenario from a hydroelectric power plant.

Schneider, Fred B..  2000.  Enforceable Security Policies. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. Secur.. 3:30–50.

A precise characterization is given for the class of security policies enforceable with mechanisms that work by monitoring system execution, and automata are introduced for specifying exactly that class of security policies. Techniques to enforce security policies specified by such automata are also discussed.

This article was identified by the SoS Best Scientific Cybersecurity Paper Competition Distinguished Experts as a Science of Security Significant Paper. The Science of Security Paper Competition was developed to recognize and honor recently published papers that advance the science of cybersecurity. During the development of the competition, members of the Distinguished Experts group suggested that listing papers that made outstanding contributions, empirical or theoretical, to the science of cybersecurity in earlier years would also benefit the research community.

Schneider, Fred B..  2000.  Enforceable Security Policies. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. Secur.. 3:30–50.
A precise characterization is given for the class of security policies enforceable with mechanisms that work by monitoring system execution, and automata are introduced for specifying exactly that class of security policies. Techniques to enforce security policies specified by such automata are also discussed.