Web browsers are among the most important but also complex software solutions to access the web. It is therefore not surprising that web browsers are an attractive target for attackers. Especially in the last decade, security researchers and browser vendors have developed sandboxing mechanisms like security-relevant HTTP headers to tackle the problem of getting a more secure browser. Although the security community is aware of the importance of security-relevant HTTP headers, legacy applications and individual requests from different parties have led to possible insecure configurations of these headers. Even if specific security headers are configured correctly, conflicts in their functionalities may lead to unforeseen browser behaviors and vulnerabilities. Recently, the first work which analyzed duplicated headers and conflicts in headers was published by Calzavara et al. at USENIX Security [1]. The authors focused on inconsistent protections by using both, the HTTP header X-Frame-Options and the framing protection of the Content-Security-Policy.We extend their work by analyzing browser behaviors when parsing duplicated headers, conflicting directives, and values that do not conform to the defined ABNF metalanguage specification. We created an open-source testbed running over 19,800 test cases, at which nearly 300 test cases are executed in the set of 66 different browsers. Our work shows that browsers conform to the specification and behave securely. However, all tested browsers behave differently when it comes, for example, to parsing the Strict-Transport-Security header. Moreover, Chrome, Safari, and Firefox behave differently if the header contains a character, which is not allowed by the defined ABNF. This results in the protection mechanism being fully enforced, partially enforced, or not enforced and thus completely bypassable.
ISSN: 2770-8411
Companies like Netflix increasingly use the cloud to deploy their business processes. Those processes often involve partnerships with other companies, and can be modeled as workflows where the owner of the data at risk interacts with contractors to realize a sequence of tasks on the data to be secured.In practice, access control is an essential building block to deploy these secured workflows. This component is generally managed by administrators using high-level policies meant to represent the requirements and restrictions put on the workflow. Handling access control with a high-level scheme comes with the benefit of separating the problem of specification, i.e. defining the desired behavior of the system, from the problem of implementation, i.e. enforcing this desired behavior. However, translating such high-level policies into a deployed implementation can be error-prone.Even though semi-automatic and automatic tools have been proposed to assist this translation, policy verification remains highly challenging in practice. In this paper, our aim is to define and propose structures assisting the checking and correction of potential errors introduced on the ground due to a faulty translation or corrupted deployments. In particular, we investigate structures with formal foundations able to naturally model policies. Metagraphs, a generalized graph theoretic structure, fulfill those requirements: their usage enables to compare high-level policies to their implementation. In practice, we consider Rego, a language used by companies like Netflix and Plex for their release process, as a valuable representative of most common policy languages. We propose a suite of tools transforming and checking policies as metagraphs, and use them in a global framework to show how policy verification can be achieved with such structures. Finally, we evaluate the performance of our verification method.
In this research a secured framework is developed to support effective digital service delivery for government to stakeholders. It is developed to provide secured network to the remote area of Bangladesh. The proposed framework has been tested through the rough simulation of the network infrastructure. Each and every part of the digital service network has been analyzed in the basis of security purpose. Through the simulation the security issues are identified and proposed a security policy framework for effective service. Basing on the findings the issues are included and the framework has designed as the solution of security issues. A complete security policy framework has prepared on the basis of the network topology. As the output the stakeholders will get a better and effective data service. This model is better than the other expected network infrastructure. Till now in Bangladesh none of the network infrastructure are security policy based. This is needed to provide the secured network to remote area from government.
Employees' compliance with information security policies (ISP) which may minimize the information security threats has always been a major concern for organizations. Numerous research and theoretical models had been investigated in the related field of study to identify factors that influence ISP compliance behavior. The study presented in this paper is the first to apply the Theory of Interpersonal Behavior (TIB) for predicting ISP compliance, despite a few studies suggested its strong explanatory power. Taking on the prior results of the literature review, we adopt the TIB and aim to further the theoretical advancement in this field of study. Besides, previous studies had only focused on individuals as well as organizations in which the role of government, from the aspect of its effectiveness in enforcing data protection regulation, so far has not been tested on its influence on individuals' intention to comply with ISP. Hence, we propose an exploratory study to integrate government effectiveness with TIB to explain ISP compliance in a Malaysian context. Our results show a significant influence of government effectiveness in ISP compliance, and the TIB is a promising model as well as posing strong explanatory power in predicting ISP compliance.
Renewed focus on spacecraft networking by government and private industry promises to establish interoperable communications infrastructures and enable distributed computing in multi-nodal systems. Planned near-Earth and cislunar missions by NASA and others evidence the start of building this networking vision. Working with space agencies, academia, and industry, NASA has developed a suite of communications protocols and algorithms collectively referred to as Delay-Tolerant Networking (DTN) to support an interoperable space network. Included in the DTN protocol suite is a security protocol - the Bundle Protocol Security Protocol - which provides the kind of delay-tolerant, transport-layer security needed for cislunar and deep-space trusted networking. We present an analysis of the lifecycle of security operations inherent in a space network with a focus on the DTN-enabled space networking paradigm. This analysis defines three security-related roles for spacecraft (Security Sources, verifiers, and acceptors) and associates a series of critical processing events with each of these roles. We then define the set of required and optional actions associated with these security events. Finally, we present a series of best practices associated with policy configurations that are unique to the space-network security problem. Framing space network security policy as a mapping of security actions to security events provides the details necessary for making trusted networks semantically interoperable. Finally, this method is flexible enough to allow for customization even while providing a unifying core set of mandatory security actions.
Firewall is the first defense line for network security. Packet filtering is a basic function in firewall, which filter network packets according to a series of rules called firewall policy. The design of firewall policy is invariably under the instruction of security policy, which is a generic guideline that lists the needs for network access permissions. The design of firewall policy should observe the regulations of security policy. However, even for IPv4 firewall policy, it is extremely difficult to keep the consistency between security policy and firewall policy. Some consistency decision methods of security policy and IPv4 firewall policy were proposed. However, the address space of IPv6 address is a very large, the existing consistency decision methods can not be directly used to deal with IPv6 firewall policy. To resolve the above problem, in this paper, we use a formal technique to decide the consistency between IPv6 firewall policy and security policy effectively and rapidly. We also developed a prototype model and evaluated the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Network security policies contain requirements - including system and software features as well as expected and desired actions of human actors. In this paper, we present a framework for evaluation of textual network security policies as requirements documents to identify areas for improvement. Specifically, our framework concentrates on completeness. We use topic modeling coupled with expert evaluation to learn the complete list of important topics that should be addressed in a network security policy. Using these topics as a checklist, we evaluate (students) a collection of network security policies for completeness, i.e., the level of presence of these topics in the text. We developed three methods for topic recognition to identify missing or poorly addressed topics. We examine network security policies and report the results of our analysis: preliminary success of our approach.