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Liang, Bowen, Tian, Jianye, Zhu, Yi.  2022.  A Named In-Network Computing Service Deployment Scheme for NDN-Enabled Software Router. 2022 5th International Conference on Hot Information-Centric Networking (HotICN). :25–29.
Named in-network computing is an emerging technology of Named Data Networking (NDN). Through deploying the named computing services/functions on NDN router, the router can utilize its free resources to provide nearby computation for users while relieving the pressure of cloud and network edge. Benefitted from the characteristic of named addressing, named computing services/functions can be easily discovered and migrated in the network. To implement named in-network computing, integrating the computing services as Virtual Machines (VMs) into the software router is a feasible way, but how to effectively deploy the service VMs to optimize the local processing capability is still a challenge. Focusing on this problem, we first give the design of NDN-enabled software router in this paper, then propose a service earning based named service deployment scheme (SE-NSD). For available service VMs, SE-NSD not only considers their popularities but further evaluates their service earnings (processed data amount per CPU cycle). Through modelling the deployment problem as the knapsack problem, SE-NSD determines the optimal service VMs deployment scheme. The simulation results show that, comparing with the popularity-based deployment scheme, SE-NSD can promote about 30% in-network computing capability while slightly reducing the service invoking RTT of user.
ISSN: 2831-4395
Mafioletti, Diego Rossi, de Mello, Ricardo Carminati, Ruffini, Marco, Frascolla, Valerio, Martinello, Magnos, Ribeiro, Moises R. N..  2021.  Programmable Data Planes as the Next Frontier for Networked Robotics Security: A ROS Use Case. 2021 17th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM). :160—165.
In-Network Computing is a promising field that can be explored to leverage programmable network devices to offload computing towards the edge of the network. This has created great interest in supporting a wide range of network functionality in the data plane. Considering a networked robotics domain, this brings new opportunities to tackle the communication latency challenges. However, this approach opens a room for hardware-level exploits, with the possibility to add a malicious code to the network device in a hidden fashion, compromising the entire communication in the robotic facilities. In this work, we expose vulnerabilities that are exploitable in the most widely used flexible framework for writing robot software, Robot Operating System (ROS). We focus on ROS protocol crossing a programmable SmartNIC as a use case for In-Network Hijacking and In-Network Replay attacks, that can be easily implemented using the P4 language, exposing security vulnerabilities for hackers to take control of the robots or simply breaking the entire system.
Bronzino, F., Chao Han, Yang Chen, Nagaraja, K., Xiaowei Yang, Seskar, I., Raychaudhuri, D..  2014.  In-Network Compute Extensions for Rate-Adaptive Content Delivery in Mobile Networks. Network Protocols (ICNP), 2014 IEEE 22nd International Conference on. :511-517.

Traffic from mobile wireless networks has been growing at a fast pace in recent years and is expected to surpass wired traffic very soon. Service providers face significant challenges at such scales including providing seamless mobility, efficient data delivery, security, and provisioning capacity at the wireless edge. In the Mobility First project, we have been exploring clean slate enhancements to the network protocols that can inherently provide support for at-scale mobility and trustworthiness in the Internet. An extensible data plane using pluggable compute-layer services is a key component of this architecture. We believe these extensions can be used to implement in-network services to enhance mobile end-user experience by either off-loading work and/or traffic from mobile devices, or by enabling en-route service-adaptation through context-awareness (e.g., Knowing contemporary access bandwidth). In this work we present details of the architectural support for in-network services within Mobility First, and propose protocol and service-API extensions to flexibly address these pluggable services from end-points. As a demonstrative example, we implement an in network service that does rate adaptation when delivering video streams to mobile devices that experience variable connection quality. We present details of our deployment and evaluation of the non-IP protocols along with compute-layer extensions on the GENI test bed, where we used a set of programmable nodes across 7 distributed sites to configure a Mobility First network with hosts, routers, and in-network compute services.