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Chauhan, Surendra Singh, Jain, Nitin, Pandey, Satish Chandra.  2022.  Digital Signature with Message Security Process. 2022 2nd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE). :182–187.
This is the time of internet, and we are communicating our confidential data over internet in daily life. So, it is necessary to check the authenticity in communication to stop non-repudiation, of the sender. We are using the digital signature for stopping the non-repudiation. There are many versions of digital signature are available in the market. But in every algorithm, we are sending the original message and the digest message to the receiver. Hence, there is no security applied on the original message. In this paper we are proposed an algorithm which can secure the original and its integrity. In this paper we are using the RSA algorithm as the encryption and decryption algorithm, and SHA256 algorithm for making the hash.
Sharif, Amer, Ginting, Dewi S., Dias, Arya D..  2021.  Securing the Integrity of PDF Files using RSA Digital Signature and SHA-3 Hash Function. 2021 International Conference on Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Business Analytics (DATABIA). :154–159.
Signatures are used on documents as written proof that the document was verified by the person indicated. Signature also indicated that the document originated from the signer if the document is transferred to another party. A document maybe in physical print form but may also be a digital print. A digital print requires additional security since a digital document may easily be altered by anyone although the said document is signed using a photographed or scanned signature. One of the means of security is by using the RSA Digital Signature method which is a combination of the RSA algorithm with Digital Signature. RSA algorithm is one of the public key cryptography algorithms, while Digital Signature is a security scheme which may guarantee the authenticity, non-repudiation, and integrity of a file by means of a hash function. This research implemented a web-based combination of RSA Digital Signature with SHA-3 hash function to secure the integrity of PDF files using PHP programming language. The result is a web-based system which could guarantee the authenticity, non repudiation and integrity of PDF files. Testing were carried out on six different sizes of PDF files ranging from 6 KB, up to 23285 KB on three different web browsers: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox. Average processing times of signing and verifying on each browsers were 1.3309 seconds, 1.2565 seconds, and 1.2667 seconds.
Radhakrishnan, Sangeetha, Akila, A..  2021.  Securing Distributed Database Using Elongated RSA Algorithm. 2021 7th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS). 1:1931–1936.
Securing data, management of the authorised access of the user and maintaining the privacy of the data are some of the problems relating with the stored data in the database. The security of the data stored is considered as the major concern which is to be managed in a very serious manner as the users are sensitive about their shared data. The user's data can be protected by the process of cryptography which is considered as the conventional method. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Data Encryption Standard(DES), Two Fish, Rivest Shamir Adleman Algorithm (RSA), Attribute Based Encryption (ABE), Blowfish algorithms are considered as some of the cryptographic algorithms. These algorithms are classified into symmetric and asymmetric algorithms. Same key is used for the encryption and decoding technique in symmetric key cryptographic algorithm whereas two keys are used for the asymmetric ones. In this paper, the implementation of one of the asymmetric algorithm RSA with the educational dataset is done. To secure the distributed database, the extended version of the RSA algorithm is implemented as the proposed work.
Kumar, A..  2020.  A Novel Privacy Preserving HMAC Algorithm Based on Homomorphic Encryption and Auditing for Cloud. 2020 Fourth International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC). :198–202.
Cloud is the perfect way to hold our data every day. Yet the confidentiality of our data is a big concern in the handling of cloud data. Data integrity, authentication and confidentiality are basic security threats in the cloud. Cryptography techniques and Third Party Auditor (TPA) are very useful to impose the integrity and confidentiality of data. In this paper, a system is proposed Enhancing data protection that is housed in cloud computing. The suggested solution uses the RSA algorithm and the AES algorithm to encrypt user data. The hybridization of these two algorithms allows better data protection before it is stored in the cloud. Secure hash algorithm 512 is used to compute the Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC). A stable audit program is also introduced for Third Party Auditor (TPA) use. The suggested algorithm is applied in python programming and tested in a simple sample format. It is checked that the proposed algorithm functions well to guarantee greater data protection.
K.R., Raghunandan, Aithal, Ganesh, Shetty, Surendra.  2019.  Comparative Analysis of Encryption and Decryption Techniques Using Mersenne Prime Numbers and Phony Modulus to Avoid Factorization Attack of RSA. 2019 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronic Systems (ICAMechS). :152–157.
In this advanced era, it is important to keep up an abnormal state of security for online exchanges. Public Key cryptography assumes an indispensable job in the field of security. Rivest, Shamir and Adleman (RSA) algorithm is being utilized for quite a long time to give online security. RSA is considered as one of the famous Public Key cryptographic algorithm. Nevertheless, a few fruitful assaults are created to break this algorithm because of specific confinements accepted in its derivation. The algorithm's security is principally founded on the issue of factoring large number. If the process factorization is done then, at that point the entire algorithm can end up fragile. This paper presents a methodology which is more secure than RSA algorithm by doing some modifications in it. Public Key exponent n, which is termed as common modulus replaced by phony modulus to avoid the factorization attack and it is constructed by Mersenne prime numbers to provide more efficiency and security. Paper presents a comparative analysis of the proposed algorithm with the conventional RSA algorithm and Dual RSA.
Ichsani, Yuditha, Deyani, Resisca Audia, Bahaweres, Rizal Broer.  2019.  The Cryptocurrency Simulation using Elliptic Curve Cryptography Algorithm in Mining Process from Normal, Failed, and Fake Bitcoin Transactions. 2019 7th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM). 7:1—8.
On each cryptocurrency transaction, a high-level security is needed to protect user data as well as data on the transaction. At this stage, it takes the appropriate algorithm in securing transactions with more efficient processing time. The Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) is one of the cryptography algorithms which has high-level security, and ECC is often compared with the Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman (RSA) algorithm because it has a security level that is almost the same but has some differences that make ECC is superior compared to the RSA algorithm, so that the ECC algorithm can optimize cryptocurrency security in the transaction process. The purpose of this study is to simulate the bitcoin transactions using cryptography algorithms. This study uses the ECC algorithm as the algorithm ECDH and ECDSA key exchange as the algorithm for signing and verifying. The comparison results of ECC and RSA processing time is 1:25, so the ECC is more efficient. The total processing time of ECC is 0,006 seconds and RSA is 0,152 seconds. The researcher succeeded to implement the ECC algorithm as securing algorithms in mining process of 3 scenarios, normal, failed, and fake bitcoin transactions.
Cai, Huili, Liu, Xiaofeng, Cangelosi, Angelo.  2019.  Security of Cloud Intelligent Robot Based on RSA Algorithm and Digital Signature. 2019 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI). :1453–1456.
Considering the security of message exchange between service robot and cloud, we propose to authenticate the message integrity based on RSA algorithm and digital signature. In the process of message transmission, RSA algorithm is used to encrypt message for service robot and decrypt message for cloud. The digital signature algorithm is used to authenticate the source of the message. The results of experiment have proved that the proposed scheme can guarantee the security of message transmission.
Aufa, F. J., Endroyono, Affandi, A..  2018.  Security System Analysis in Combination Method: RSA Encryption and Digital Signature Algorithm. 2018 4th International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST). :1-5.

Public key cryptography or asymmetric keys are widely used in the implementation of data security on information and communication systems. The RSA algorithm (Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman) is one of the most popular and widely used public key cryptography because of its less complexity. RSA has two main functions namely the process of encryption and decryption process. Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) is a digital signature algorithm that serves as the standard of Digital Signature Standard (DSS). DSA is also included in the public key cryptography system. DSA has two main functions of creating digital signatures and checking the validity of digital signatures. In this paper, the authors compare the computational times of RSA and DSA with some bits and choose which bits are better used. Then combine both RSA and DSA algorithms to improve data security. From the simulation results, the authors chose RSA 1024 for the encryption process and added digital signatures using DSA 512, so the messages sent are not only encrypted but also have digital signatures for the data authentication process.

Joshi, V. B., Goudar, R. H..  2017.  Intrusion detection systems in MANETs using hybrid techniques. 2017 International Conference On Smart Technologies For Smart Nation (SmartTechCon). :534–538.

The use of self organized wireless technologies called as Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) has increased and these wireless devices can be deployed anywhere without any infrastructural support or without any base station, hence securing these networks and preventing from Intrusions is necessary. This paper describes a method for securing the MANETs using Hybrid cryptographic technique which uses RSA and AES algorithm along with SHA 256 Hashing technique. This hybrid cryptographic technique provides authentication to the data. To check whether there is any malicious node present, an Intrusion Detection system (IDS) technique called Enhanced Adaptive Acknowledgement (EAACK) is used, which checks for the acknowledgement packets to detect any malicious node present in the system. The routing of packets is done through two protocols AODV and ZRP and both the results are compared. The ZRP protocol when used for routing provides better performance as compared to AODV.

Innokentievich, T. P., Vasilevich, M. V..  2017.  The Evaluation of the Cryptographic Strength of Asymmetric Encryption Algorithms. 2017 Second Russia and Pacific Conference on Computer Technology and Applications (RPC). :180–183.

We propose a method for comparative analysis of evaluation of the cryptographic strength of the asymmetric encryption algorithms RSA and the existing GOST R 34.10-2001. Describes the fundamental design ratios, this method is based on computing capacity used for decoding and the forecast for the development of computer technology.

Bai, Xu, Jiang, Lei, Dai, Qiong, Yang, Jiajia, Tan, Jianlong.  2017.  Acceleration of RSA processes based on hybrid ARM-FPGA cluster. 2017 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC). :682–688.

Cooperation of software and hardware with hybrid architectures, such as Xilinx Zynq SoC combining ARM CPU and FPGA fabric, is a high-performance and low-power platform for accelerating RSA Algorithm. This paper adopts the none-subtraction Montgomery algorithm and the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) to implement high-speed RSA processors, and deploys a 48-node cluster infrastructure based on Zynq SoC to achieve extremely high scalability and throughput of RSA computing. In this design, we use the ARM to implement node-to-node communication with the Message Passing Interface (MPI) while use the FPGA to handle complex calculation. Finally, the experimental results show that the overall performance is linear with the number of nodes. And the cluster achieves 6× 9× speedup against a multi-core desktop (Intel i7-3770) and comparable performance to a many-core server (288-core). In addition, we gain up to 2.5× energy efficiency compared to these two traditional platforms.

Stanisavljevic, Z., Stanisavljevic, J., Vuletic, P., Jovanovic, Z..  2014.  COALA - System for Visual Representation of Cryptography Algorithms. Learning Technologies, IEEE Transactions on. 7:178-190.

Educational software systems have an increasingly significant presence in engineering sciences. They aim to improve students' attitudes and knowledge acquisition typically through visual representation and simulation of complex algorithms and mechanisms or hardware systems that are often not available to the educational institutions. This paper presents a novel software system for CryptOgraphic ALgorithm visuAl representation (COALA), which was developed to support a Data Security course at the School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade. The system allows users to follow the execution of several complex algorithms (DES, AES, RSA, and Diffie-Hellman) on real world examples in a step by step detailed view with the possibility of forward and backward navigation. Benefits of the COALA system for students are observed through the increase of the percentage of students who passed the exam and the average grade on the exams during one school year.