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Trojan Traffic Detection Based on Machine Learning. 2020 17th International Computer Conference on Wavelet Active Media Technology and Information Processing (ICCWAMTIP). :157–160.
2020. At present, most Trojan detection methods are based on the features of host and code. Such methods have certain limitations and lag. This paper analyzes the network behavior features and network traffic of several typical Trojans such as Zeus and Weasel, and proposes a Trojan traffic detection algorithm based on machine learning. First, model different machine learning algorithms and use Random Forest algorithm to extract features for Trojan behavior and communication features. Then identify and detect Trojans' traffic. The accuracy is as high as 95.1%. Comparing the detection of different machine learning algorithms, experiments show that our algorithm has higher accuracy, which is helpful and useful for identifying Trojan.
Age-Based Scheduling Policy for Federated Learning in Mobile Edge Networks. ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). :8743–8747.
2020. Federated learning (FL) is a machine learning model that preserves data privacy in the training process. Specifically, FL brings the model directly to the user equipments (UEs) for local training, where an edge server periodically collects the trained parameters to produce an improved model and sends it back to the UEs. However, since communication usually occurs through a limited spectrum, only a portion of the UEs can update their parameters upon each global aggregation. As such, new scheduling algorithms have to be engineered to facilitate the full implementation of FL. In this paper, based on a metric termed the age of update (AoU), we propose a scheduling policy by jointly accounting for the staleness of the received parameters and the instantaneous channel qualities to improve the running efficiency of FL. The proposed algorithm has low complexity and its effectiveness is demonstrated by Monte Carlo simulations.
Optimising Network Architectures for Provable Adversarial Robustness. 2020 Sensor Signal Processing for Defence Conference (SSPD). :1–5.
2020. Existing Lipschitz-based provable defences to adversarial examples only cover the L2 threat model. We introduce the first bound that makes use of Lipschitz continuity to provide a more general guarantee for threat models based on any Lp norm. Additionally, a new strategy is proposed for designing network architectures that exhibit superior provable adversarial robustness over conventional convolutional neural networks. Experiments are conducted to validate our theoretical contributions, show that the assumptions made during the design of our novel architecture hold in practice, and quantify the empirical robustness of several Lipschitz-based adversarial defence methods.
Smart Grid Security: Attack Modeling from a CPS Perspective. 2020 IEEE Computing, Communications and IoT Applications (ComComAp). :1–6.
2020. With the development of smart grid technologies and the fast adoption of household IoT devices in recent years, new threats, attacks, and security challenges arise. While a large number of vulnerabilities, threats, attacks and controls have been discussed in the literature, there lacks an abstract and generalizable framework that can be used to model the cyber-physical interactions of attacks and guide the design of defense mechanisms. In this paper, we propose a new modeling approach for security attacks in smart grids and IoT devices using a Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) perspective. The model considers both the cyber and physical aspects of the core components of the smart grid system and the household IoT devices, as well as the interactions between the components. In particular, our model recognizes the two parallel attack channels via the cyber world and the physical world, and identifies the potential crossing routes between these two attack channels. We further discuss all possible attack surfaces, attack objectives, and attack paths in this newly proposed model. As case studies, we examine from the perspective of this new model three representative attacks proposed in the literature. The analysis demonstrates the applicability of the model, for instance, to assist the design of detection and defense mechanisms against smart grid cyber-attacks.
DRaNN: A Deep Random Neural Network Model for Intrusion Detection in Industrial IoT. 2020 International Conference on UK-China Emerging Technologies (UCET). :1–4.
2020. Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has arisen as an emerging trend in the industrial sector. Millions of sensors present in IIoT networks generate a massive amount of data that can open the doors for several cyber-attacks. An intrusion detection system (IDS) monitors real-time internet traffic and identify the behavior and type of network attacks. In this paper, we presented a deep random neural (DRaNN) based scheme for intrusion detection in IIoT. The proposed scheme is evaluated by using a new generation IIoT security dataset UNSW-NB15. Experimental results prove that the proposed model successfully classified nine different types of attacks with a low false-positive rate and great accuracy of 99.54%. To validate the feasibility of the proposed scheme, experimental results are also compared with state-of-the-art deep learning-based intrusion detection schemes. The proposed model achieved a higher attack detection rate of 99.41%.
Network Security Posture Prediction Based on SAPSO-Elman Neural Networks. 2020 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Engineering (ICAICE). :533–537.
2020. With the increasing popularity of the Internet, mobile Internet and the Internet of Things, the current network environment continues to become more complicated. Due to the increasing variety and severity of cybersecurity threats, traditional means of network security protection have ushered in a huge challenge. The network security posture prediction can effectively predict the network development trend in the future time based on the collected network history data, so this paper proposes an algorithm based on simulated annealing-particle swarm algorithm to optimize improved Elman neural network parameters to achieve posture prediction for network security. Taking advantage of the characteristic that the value of network security posture has periodicity, a simulated annealing algorithm is introduced along with an improved particle swarm algorithm to solve the problem that neural network training is prone to fall into a local optimal solution and achieve accurate prediction of the network security posture. Comparison of the proposed scheme with existing prediction methods validates that the scheme has a good posture prediction accuracy.
Adaptive E-Learning Authentication and Monitoring. 2020 2nd International Conference on Innovative Mechanisms for Industry Applications (ICIMIA). :277–283.
2020. E-learning enables the transfer of skills, knowledge, and education to a large number of recipients. The E-Learning platform has the tendency to provide face-to-face learning through a learning management system (LMS) and facilitated an improvement in traditional educational methods. The LMS saves organization time, money and easy administration. LMS also saves user time to move across the learning place by providing a web-based environment. However, a few students could be willing to exploit such a system's weakness in a bid to cheat if the conventional authentication methods are employed. In this scenario user authentication and surveillance of end user is more challenging. A system with the simultaneous authentication is put forth through multifactor adaptive authentication methods. The proposed system provides an efficient, low cost and human intervention adaptive for e-learning environment authentication and monitoring system.
ACETA: Accelerating Encrypted Traffic Analytics on Network Edge. ICC 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). :1–6.
2020. Applying machine learning techniques to detect malicious encrypted network traffic has become a challenging research topic. Traditional approaches based on studying network patterns fail to operate on encrypted data, especially without compromising the integrity of encryption. In addition, the requirement of rendering network-wide intelligent protection in a timely manner further exacerbates the problem. In this paper, we propose to leverage ×86 multicore platforms provisioned at enterprises' network edge with the software accelerators to design an encrypted traffic analytics (ETA) system with accelerated speed. Specifically, we explore a suite of data features and machine learning models with an open dataset. Then we show that by using Intel DAAL and OpenVINO libraries in model training and inference, we are able to reduce the training and inference time by a maximum order of 31× and 46× respectively while retaining the model accuracy.
Cross Platform IoT-Malware Family Classification Based on Printable Strings. 2020 IEEE 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom). :775–784.
2020. In this era of rapid network development, Internet of Things (IoT) security considerations receive a lot of attention from both the research and commercial sectors. With limited computation resource, unfriendly interface, and poor software implementation, legacy IoT devices are vulnerable to many infamous mal ware attacks. Moreover, the heterogeneity of IoT platforms and the diversity of IoT malware make the detection and classification of IoT malware even more challenging. In this paper, we propose to use printable strings as an easy-to-get but effective cross-platform feature to identify IoT malware on different IoT platforms. The discriminating capability of these strings are verified using a set of machine learning algorithms on malware family classification across different platforms. The proposed scheme shows a 99% accuracy on a large scale IoT malware dataset consisted of 120K executable fils in executable and linkable format when the training and test are done on the same platform. Meanwhile, it also achieves a 96% accuracy when training is carried out on a few popular IoT platforms but test is done on different platforms. Efficient malware prevention and mitigation solutions can be enabled based on the proposed method to prevent and mitigate IoT malware damages across different platforms.
Using Federated Learning on Malware Classification. 2020 22nd International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT). :585–589.
2020. In recent years, everything has been more and more systematic, and it would generate many cyber security issues. One of the most important of these is the malware. Modern malware has switched to a high-growth phase. According to the AV-TEST Institute showed that there are over 350,000 new malicious programs (malware) and potentially unwanted applications (PUA) be registered every day. This threat was presented and discussed in the present paper. In addition, we also considered data privacy by using federated learning. Feature extraction can be performed based on malware. The proposed method achieves very high accuracy ($\approx$0.9167) on the dataset provided by VirusTotal.
End-to-End Multimodel Deep Learning for Malware Classification. 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). :1–7.
2020. Malicious software (malware) is designed to cause unwanted or destructive effects on computers. Since modern society is dependent on computers to function, malware has the potential to do untold damage. Therefore, developing techniques to effectively combat malware is critical. With the rise in popularity of polymorphic malware, conventional anti-malware techniques fail to keep up with the rate of emergence of new malware. This poses a major challenge towards developing an efficient and robust malware detection technique. One approach to overcoming this challenge is to classify new malware among families of known malware. Several machine learning methods have been proposed for solving the malware classification problem. However, these techniques rely on hand-engineered features extracted from malware data which may not be effective for classifying new malware. Deep learning models have shown paramount success for solving various classification tasks such as image and text classification. Recent deep learning techniques are capable of extracting features directly from the input data. Consequently, this paper proposes an end-to-end deep learning framework for multimodels (henceforth, multimodel learning) to solve the challenging malware classification problem. The proposed model utilizes three different deep neural network architectures to jointly learn meaningful features from different attributes of the malware data. End-to-end learning optimizes all processing steps simultaneously, which improves model accuracy and generalizability. The performance of the model is tested with the widely used and publicly available Microsoft Malware Challenge Dataset and is compared with the state-of-the-art deep learning-based malware classification pipeline. Our results suggest that the proposed model achieves comparable performance to the state-of-the-art methods while offering faster training using end-to-end multimodel learning.
Malware Detection for Industrial Internet Based on GAN. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Information Technology,Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (ICIBA). 1:475–481.
2020. This thesis focuses on the detection of malware in industrial Internet. The basic flow of the detection of malware contains feature extraction and sample identification. API graph can effectively represent the behavior information of malware. However, due to the high algorithm complexity of solving the problem of subgraph isomorphism, the efficiency of analysis based on graph structure feature is low. Due to the different scales of API graph of different malicious codes, the API graph needs to be normalized. Considering the difficulties of sample collection and manual marking, it is necessary to expand the number of malware samples in industrial Internet. This paper proposes a method that combines PageRank with TF-IDF to process the API graph. Besides, this paper proposes a method to construct the adversarial samples of malwares based on GAN.
A Malware Similarity Analysis Method Based on Network Control Structure Graph. 2020 IEEE 11th International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS). :295–300.
2020. Recently, graph-based malware similarity analysis has been widely used in the field of malware detection. However, the wide application of code obfuscation, polymorphism, and deformation changes the structure of malicious code, which brings great challenges to the malware similarity analysis. To solve these problems, in this paper, we present a new approach to malware similarity analysis based on the network control structure graph (NCSG). This method analyzed the behavior of malware by application program interface (API) association and constructed NCSG. The graph could reflect the command-and-control(C&C) logic of malware. Therefore, it can resist the interference of code obfuscation technology. The structural features extracted from NCSG will be used as the basis of similarity analysis for training the detection model. Finally, we tested the dataset constructed from five known malware family samples, and the experimental results showed that the accuracy of this method for malware variation analysis reached 92.75%. In conclusion, the malware similarity analysis based on NCSG has a strong application value for identifying the same family of malware.
Analysis of Malware Prediction Based on Infection Rate Using Machine Learning Techniques. 2020 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP). :706–709.
2020. In this modern, technological age, the internet has been adopted by the masses. And with it, the danger of malicious attacks by cybercriminals have increased. These attacks are done via Malware, and have resulted in billions of dollars of financial damage. This makes the prevention of malicious attacks an essential part of the battle against cybercrime. In this paper, we are applying machine learning algorithms to predict the malware infection rates of computers based on its features. We are using supervised machine learning algorithms and gradient boosting algorithms. We have collected a publicly available dataset, which was divided into two parts, one being the training set, and the other will be the testing set. After conducting four different experiments using the aforementioned algorithms, it has been discovered that LightGBM is the best model with an AUC Score of 0.73926.
CT PUF: Configurable Tristate PUF against Machine Learning Attacks. 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS). :1–5.
2020. Strong physical unclonable function (PUF) is a promising lightweight hardware security primitive for device authentication. However, it is vulnerable to machine learning attacks. This paper demonstrates that even a recently proposed dual-mode PUF is still can be broken. In order to improve the security, this paper proposes a highly flexible machine learning resistant configurable tristate (CT) PUF which utilizes the response generated in the working state of Arbiter PUF to XOR the challenge input and response output of other two working states (ring oscillator (RO) PUF and bitable ring (BR) PUF). The proposed CT PUF is implemented on Xilinx Artix-7 FPGAs and the experiment results show that the modeling accuracy of logistic regression and artificial neural network is reduced to the mid-50%.
DoS attack detection model of smart grid based on machine learning method. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Power, Intelligent Computing and Systems (ICPICS). :735–738.
2020. In recent years, smart grid has gradually become the common development trend of the world's power industry, and its security issues are increasingly valued by researchers. Smart grids have applied technologies such as physical control, data encryption, and authentication to improve their security, but there is still a lack of timely and effective detection methods to prevent the grid from being threatened by malicious intrusions. Aiming at this problem, a model based on machine learning to detect smart grid DoS attacks has been proposed. The model first collects network data, secondly selects features and uses PCA for data dimensionality reduction, and finally uses SVM algorithm for abnormality detection. By testing the SVM, Decision Tree and Naive Bayesian Network classification algorithms on the KDD99 dataset, it is found that the SVM model works best.
The Software Application for Increasing the Awareness of Industrial Enterprise Workers on Information Security of Significant Objects of Critical Information Infrastructure. 2020 Global Smart Industry Conference (GloSIC). :121–126.
2020. Digitalization of production and management as the imperatives of Industry 4.0 stipulated the requirements of state regulators for informing and training personnel of a significant object of critical information infrastructure. However, the attention of industrial enterprises to this problem is assessed as insufficient. This determines the relevance and purpose of this article - to develop a methodology and tool for raising the awareness of workers of an industrial enterprise about information security (IS) of significant objects of critical information infrastructure. The article reveals the features of training at industrial enterprises associated with a high level of development of safety and labor protection systems. Traditional and innovative methods and means of training personnel at the workplace within the framework of these systems and their opportunities for training in the field of information security are shown. The specificity of the content and forms of training employees on the security of critical information infrastructure has been substantiated. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the development of methods and software applications that can perform the functions of identifying personal qualities of employees; testing the input level of their knowledge in the field of IS; testing for knowledge of IS rules (by the example of a response to socio-engineering attacks); planning an individual thematic plan for employee training; automatic creation of a modular program and its content; automatic notification of the employee about the training schedule at the workplace; organization of training according to the schedule; control self-testing and testing the level of knowledge of the employee after training; organizing a survey to determine satisfaction with employee training. The practical significance of the work lies in the possibility of implementing the developed software application in industrial enterprises, which is confirmed by the successful results of its testing.
When NAS Meets Robustness: In Search of Robust Architectures Against Adversarial Attacks. 2020 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). :628–637.
2020. Recent advances in adversarial attacks uncover the intrinsic vulnerability of modern deep neural networks. Since then, extensive efforts have been devoted to enhancing the robustness of deep networks via specialized learning algorithms and loss functions. In this work, we take an architectural perspective and investigate the patterns of network architectures that are resilient to adversarial attacks. To obtain the large number of networks needed for this study, we adopt one-shot neural architecture search, training a large network for once and then finetuning the sub-networks sampled therefrom. The sampled architectures together with the accuracies they achieve provide a rich basis for our study. Our ''robust architecture Odyssey'' reveals several valuable observations: 1) densely connected patterns result in improved robustness; 2) under computational budget, adding convolution operations to direct connection edge is effective; 3) flow of solution procedure (FSP) matrix is a good indicator of network robustness. Based on these observations, we discover a family of robust architectures (RobNets). On various datasets, including CIFAR, SVHN, Tiny-ImageNet, and ImageNet, RobNets exhibit superior robustness performance to other widely used architectures. Notably, RobNets substantially improve the robust accuracy ( 5% absolute gains) under both white-box and black-box attacks, even with fewer parameter numbers. Code is available at
Cyber-Resiliency for Digital Enterprises: A Strategic Leadership Perspective. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. :1–14.
2020. As organizations increasingly view information as one of their most valuable assets, which supports the creation and distribution of their products and services, information security will be an integral part of the design and operation of organizational business processes. Yet, risks associated with cyber-attacks are on the rise. Organizations that are subjected to attacks can suffer significant reputational damage as well as loss of information and knowledge. As a consequence, effective leadership is cited as a critical factor for ensuring corporate level attention for information security. However, there is a lack of empirical understanding as to the roles strategic leaders play in shaping and supporting the cyber-security strategy. This article seeks to address this gap in the literature by focusing on how senior leaders support the cyber-security strategy. The authors conducted a series of exploratory interviews with leaders in the positions of Chief Information Officer, Chief Security Information Officer, and Chief Technology Officer. The findings revealed that leaders are engaged in both transitional, where the focus is on improving governance and integration and transformational support, which involves fostering a new cultural mindset for cyber-resiliency and the development of an ecosystem approach to security thinking.
SecBot: a Business-Driven Conversational Agent for Cybersecurity Planning and Management. 2020 16th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM). :1–7.
2020. Businesses were moving during the past decades to-ward full digital models, which made companies face new threats and cyberattacks affecting their services and, consequently, their profits. To avoid negative impacts, companies' investments in cybersecurity are increasing considerably. However, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) operate on small budgets, minimal technical expertise, and few personnel to address cybersecurity threats. In order to address such challenges, it is essential to promote novel approaches that can intuitively present cybersecurity-related technical information.This paper introduces SecBot, a cybersecurity-driven conversational agent (i.e., chatbot) for the support of cybersecurity planning and management. SecBot applies concepts of neural networks and Natural Language Processing (NLP), to interact and extract information from a conversation. SecBot can (a) identify cyberattacks based on related symptoms, (b) indicate solutions and configurations according to business demands, and (c) provide insightful information for the decision on cybersecurity investments and risks. A formal description had been developed to describe states, transitions, a language, and a Proof-of-Concept (PoC) implementation. A case study and a performance evaluation were conducted to provide evidence of the proposed solution's feasibility and accuracy.
Chatbot: A Deep Neural Network Based Human to Machine Conversation Model. 2020 11th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT). :1–7.
2020. A conversational agent (chatbot) is computer software capable of communicating with humans using natural language processing. The crucial part of building any chatbot is the development of conversation. Despite many developments in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), creating a good chatbot model remains a significant challenge in this field even today. A conversational bot can be used for countless errands. In general, they need to understand the user's intent and deliver appropriate replies. This is a software program of a conversational interface that allows a user to converse in the same manner one would address a human. Hence, these are used in almost every customer communication platform, like social networks. At present, there are two basic models used in developing a chatbot. Generative based models and Retrieval based models. The recent advancements in deep learning and artificial intelligence, such as the end-to-end trainable neural networks have rapidly replaced earlier methods based on hand-written instructions and patterns or statistical methods. This paper proposes a new method of creating a chatbot using a deep neural learning method. In this method, a neural network with multiple layers is built to learn and process the data.
Attention-based Sequential Generative Conversational Agent. 2020 5th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Security (ICCCS). :1–6.
2020. In this work, we examine the method of enabling computers to understand human interaction by constructing a generative conversational agent. An experimental approach in trying to apply the techniques of natural language processing using recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to emulate the concept of textual entailment or human reasoning is presented. To achieve this functionality, our experiment involves developing an integrated Long Short-Term Memory cell neural network (LSTM) system enhanced with an attention mechanism. The results achieved by the model are shown in terms of the number of epochs versus loss graphs as well as a brief illustration of the model's conversational capabilities.
Rapid, Multi-vehicle and Feed-forward Neural Network based Intrusion Detection System for Controller Area Network Bus. 2020 IEEE Green Energy and Smart Systems Conference (IGESSC). :1–6.
2020. In this paper, an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) in the Controller Area Network (CAN) bus of modern vehicles has been proposed. NESLIDS is an anomaly detection algorithm based on the supervised Deep Neural Network (DNN) architecture that is designed to counter three critical attack categories: Denial-of-service (DoS), fuzzy, and impersonation attacks. Our research scope included modifying DNN parameters, e.g. number of hidden layer neurons, batch size, and activation functions according to how well it maximized detection accuracy and minimized the false positive rate (FPR) for these attacks. Our methodology consisted of collecting CAN Bus data from online and in real-time, injecting attack data after data collection, preprocessing in Python, training the DNN, and testing the model with different datasets. Results show that the proposed IDS effectively detects all attack types for both types of datasets. NESLIDS outperforms existing approaches in terms of accuracy, scalability, and low false alarm rates.
A Convolutional Encoder Network for Intrusion Detection in Controller Area Networks. 2020 16th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS). :366–369.
2020. Integrated with various electronic control units (ECUs), vehicles are becoming more intelligent with the assistance of essential connections. However, the interaction with the outside world raises great concerns on cyber-attacks. As a main standard for in-vehicle network, Controller Area Network (CAN) does not have any built-in security mechanisms to guarantee a secure communication. This increases risks of denial of service, remote control attacks by an attacker, posing serious threats to underlying vehicles, property and human lives. As a result, it is urgent to develop an effective in-vehicle network intrusion detection system (IDS) for better security. In this paper, we propose a Feature-based Sliding Window (FSW) to extract the feature of CAN Data Field and CAN IDs. Then we construct a convolutional encoder network (CEN) to detect network intrusion of CAN networks. The proposed FSW-CEN method is evaluated on real-world datasets. The experimental results show that compared to traditional data processing methods and convolutional neural networks, our method is able to detect attacks with a higher accuracy in terms of detection accuracy and false negative rate.
Robustness Analysis of Triangle Relations Attack in Social Recommender Systems. 2020 IEEE 13th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD). :557–565.
2020. Cloud computing is applied in various domains, among which social recommender systems are well-received because of their effectivity to provide suggestions for users. Social recommender systems perform well in alleviating cold start problem, but it suffers from shilling attack due to its natural openness. Shilling attack is an injection attack mainly acting on the training process of machine learning, which aims to advance or suppress the recommendation ranking of target items. Some researchers have studied the influence of shilling attacks in two perspectives simultaneously, which are user-item's rating and user-user's relation. However, they take more consideration into user-item's rating, and up to now, the construction of user-user's relation has not been explored in depth. To explore shilling attacks with complex relations, in this paper, we propose two novel attack models based on triangle relations in social networks. Furthermore, we explore the influence of these models on five social recommendation algorithms. The experimental results on three datasets show that the recommendation can be affected by the triangle relation attacks. The attack model combined with triangle relation has a better attack effect than the model only based on rating injection and the model combined with random relation. Besides, we compare the functions of triangle relations in friend recommendation and product recommendation.