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Fleet Management System for Autonomous Mobile Robots in Secure Shop-floor Environments. 2021 IEEE 30th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE). :1—6.
2021. This paper presents a management system for a fleet of autonomous mobile robots performing logistics in security-heterogeneous factories. Loading and unloading goods and parts between workstations in these dynamic environments often demands from the mobile robots to share space and resources such as corridors, interlocked security doors and elevators among themselves. This model explores a dynamic task scheduling and assignment to the robots taking into account their location, tasks previously assigned and battery levels, all the while being aware of the physical constraints of the installation. The benefits of the proposed architecture were validated through a set of experiments in a mockup of INCM's shop-floor environment. During these tests 3 robots operated continuously for several hours, self-charging without any human intervention.
Programmable Data Planes as the Next Frontier for Networked Robotics Security: A ROS Use Case. 2021 17th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM). :160—165.
2021. In-Network Computing is a promising field that can be explored to leverage programmable network devices to offload computing towards the edge of the network. This has created great interest in supporting a wide range of network functionality in the data plane. Considering a networked robotics domain, this brings new opportunities to tackle the communication latency challenges. However, this approach opens a room for hardware-level exploits, with the possibility to add a malicious code to the network device in a hidden fashion, compromising the entire communication in the robotic facilities. In this work, we expose vulnerabilities that are exploitable in the most widely used flexible framework for writing robot software, Robot Operating System (ROS). We focus on ROS protocol crossing a programmable SmartNIC as a use case for In-Network Hijacking and In-Network Replay attacks, that can be easily implemented using the P4 language, exposing security vulnerabilities for hackers to take control of the robots or simply breaking the entire system.
Meta Preference Learning for Fast User Adaptation in Human-Supervisory Multi-Robot Deployments. 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). :5851—5856.
2021. As multi-robot systems (MRS) are widely used in various tasks such as natural disaster response and social security, people enthusiastically expect an MRS to be ubiquitous that a general user without heavy training can easily operate. However, humans have various preferences on balancing between task performance and safety, imposing different requirements onto MRS control. Failing to comply with preferences makes people feel difficult in operation and decreases human willingness of using an MRS. Therefore, to improve social acceptance as well as performance, there is an urgent need to adjust MRS behaviors according to human preferences before triggering human corrections, which increases cognitive load. In this paper, a novel Meta Preference Learning (MPL) method was developed to enable an MRS to fast adapt to user preferences. MPL based on meta learning mechanism can quickly assess human preferences from limited instructions; then, a neural network based preference model adjusts MRS behaviors for preference adaption. To validate method effectiveness, a task scenario "An MRS searches victims in an earthquake disaster site" was designed; 20 human users were involved to identify preferences as "aggressive", "medium", "reserved"; based on user guidance and domain knowledge, about 20,000 preferences were simulated to cover different operations related to "task quality", "task progress", "robot safety". The effectiveness of MPL in preference adaption was validated by the reduced duration and frequency of human interventions.
Security Robot for Real-time Monitoring and Capturing. 2021 10th International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability (ICIAfS). :434—439.
2021. Autonomous navigation of a robot is more challenging in an uncontrolled environment owing to the necessity of coordination among several activities. This includes, creating a map of the surrounding, localizing the robot inside the map, generating a motion plan consistent with the map, executing the plan with control and all other tasks involved concurrently. Moreover, autonomous navigation problems are significant for future robotics applications such as package delivery, security, cleaning, agriculture, surveillance, search and rescue, construction, and transportation which take place in uncontrolled environments. Therefore, an attempt has been made in this research to develop a robot which could function as a security agent for a house to address the aforesaid particulars. This robot has the capability to navigate autonomously in the prescribed map of the operating zone by the user. The desired map can be generated using a Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) sensor. For robot navigation, it requires to pick out the robot location accurately itself, otherwise robot will not move autonomously to a particular target. Therefore, Adaptive Monte Carlo Localization (AMCL) method was used to validate the accuracy of robot localization process. Moreover, additional sensors were placed around the building to sense the prevailing security threats from intruders with the aid of the robot.
Secure Communication System Implementation for Robot-based Surveillance Applications. 2021 International Symposium of Asian Control Association on Intelligent Robotics and Industrial Automation (IRIA). :270—275.
2021. Surveillance systems involve a camera module (at a fixed location) connected/streaming video via Internet Protocol to a (video) server. In our IMPRINT consortium project, by mounting miniaturised camera module/s on mobile quadruped-lizard like robots, we developed a stealth surveillance system, which could be very useful as a monitoring system in hostage situations. In this paper, we report about the communication system that enables secure transmission of: Live-video from robots to a server, GPS-coordinates of robots to the server and Navigation-commands from server to robots. Since the end application is for stealth surveillance, often can involve sensitive data, data security is a crucial concern, especially when data is transmitted through the internet. We use the RC4 algorithm for video transmission; while the AES algorithm is used for GPS data and other commands’ data transmission. Advantages of the developed system is easy to use for its web interface which is provided on the control station. This communication system, because of its internet-based communication, it is compatible with any operating system environment. The lightweight program runs on the control station (on the server side) and robot body that leads to less memory consumption and faster processing. An important requirement in such hostage surveillance systems is fast data processing and data-transmission rate. We have implemented this communication systems with a single-board computer having GPU that performs better in terms of speed of transmission and processing of data.
Who Controls Your Robot? An Evaluation of ROS Security Mechanisms 2021 7th International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Applications (ICARA). :60—66.
2021. The Robot Operation System (ROS) is widely used in academia as well as the industry to build custom robot applications. Successful cyberattacks on robots can result in a loss of control for the legitimate operator and thus have a severe impact on safety if the robot is moving uncontrollably. A high level of security thus needs to be mandatory. Neither ROS 1 nor 2 in their default configuration provide protection against network based attackers. Multiple protection mechanisms have been proposed that can be used to overcome this. Unfortunately, it is unclear how effective and usable each of them are. We provide a structured analysis of the requirements these protection mechanisms need to fulfill by identifying realistic, network based attacker models and using those to derive relevant security requirements and other evaluation criteria. Based on these criteria, we analyze the protection mechanisms available and compare them to each other. We find that none of the existing protection mechanisms fulfill all of the security requirements. For both ROS 1 and 2, we discuss which protection mechanism are most relevant and give hints on how to decide on one. We hope that the requirements we identify simplify the development or enhancement of protection mechanisms that cover all aspects of ROS and that our comparison helps robot operators to choose an adequate protection mechanism for their use case.
Web Controlled Raspberry Pi Robot Surveillance. 2021 International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SEFET). :1—5.
2021. Security is a major thing to focus on during this modern era as it is very important to secure your surroundings for the well being of oneself and his family, But there are many drawbacks of using conventional security surveillance cameras as they have to be set in a particular angle for good visual and they do not cover a large area, conventional security cameras can only be used from a particular device and cannot alert the user during an unforeseen circumstance. Hence we require a much more efficient device for better security a web controlled surveillance robot is much more practical device to be used compared to conventional security surveillance, this system needs a single camera to perform its operation and the user can monitor a wide range of area, any device with a wireless connection to the internet can be used to operate this device. This robot can move to any location within the range of the network and can be accessed globally from anywhere and as it uses only one camera to secure a large area it is also cost-efficient. At the core of the system lies Raspberry-pi which is responsible for all the operation of the system and the size of the device can be engineered according to the area it is to be used.
Examining Autonomous Vehicle Operating Systems Vulnerabilities using a Cyber-Physical Approach. 2021 IEEE International Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC). :976—981.
2021. Increasingly, the transportation industry has moved towards automation to improve safety, fuel efficiency, and system productivity. However, the increased scrutiny that automated vehicles (AV) face over functional safety has hindered the industry's unbridled confidence in self-driving technologies. As AVs are cyber-physical systems, they utilize distributed control to accomplish a range of safety-critical driving tasks. The Operation Systems (OS) serve as the core of these control systems. Therefore, their designs and implementation must incorporate ways to protect AVs against what must be assumed to be inevitable cyberattacks to meet the overall AV functional safety requirements. This paper investigates the connection between functional safety and cybersecurity in the context of OS. This study finds that risks due to delays can worsen by potential cybersecurity vulnerabilities through a case example of an automated vehicle following. Furthermore, attack surfaces and cybersecurity countermeasures for protecting OSs from security breaches are addressed.
Securing Robots: An Integrated Approach for Security Challenges and Monitoring for the Robotic Operating System (ROS). 2021 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM). :754—759.
2021. Robotic systems are becoming an ever-increasing part of everyday life due to their capacity to carry out physical tasks on behalf of human beings. Found in nearly every facet of our lives, robotic systems are used domestically, in small and large-scale factories, for the production and processing of agriculture, for military operations, to name a few. The Robotic Operating System (ROS) is the standard operating system used today for the development of modular robotic systems. However, in its development, ROS has been notorious for the absence of security mechanisms, placing people in danger both physically and digitally. This dissertation summary presents the development of a suite of ROS tools, leading up to the development of a modular, secure framework for ROS. An integrated approach for the security of ROS-enabled robotic systems is described, to set a baseline for the continual development to increase ROS security. The work culminates in the ROS security tool ROS-Immunity, combining internal system defense, external system verification, and automated vulnerability detection in an integrated tool that, in conjunction with Secure-ROS, provides a suite of defenses for ROS systems against malicious attackers.
Security Assessment for Zenbo Robot Using Drozer and mobSF Frameworks. 2021 11th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS). :1—7.
2021. These days, almost everyone has been entirely relying on mobile devices and mobile related applications running on Android Operating Systems, the most used Mobile Operating System in the world with the largest market share. These Mobile devices and applications can become an information goldmine for hackers and are considered one of the significant concerns mobile users face who stand a chance of being victimized during data breach from hackers due to lapse in information security and controls. Such challenge can be put to bare through systematic digital forensic analysis through penetration testing for a humanoid robot like Zenbo, which run Android OS and related application, to help identify associated security vulnerabilities and develop controls required to improve security using popular penetration testing tools such as Drozer, Mobile Application Security framework (mobSF), and AndroBugs with the help of Santoku Linux distribution.