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Zhang, Lixue, Li, Yuqin, Gao, Yan, Li, Yanfang, Shi, Weili, Jiang, Zhengang.  2021.  A memory-enhanced anomaly detection method for surveillance videos. 2021 International Conference on Electronic Information Engineering and Computer Science (EIECS). :1012–1015.
Surveillance videos can capture anomalies in real scenarios and play an important role in security systems. Anomaly events are unpredictable, which reflect the unsupervised nature of the problem. In addition, it is difficult to construct a complete video dataset which contains all normal events. Based on the diversity of normal events, this paper proposes a memory-enhanced unsupervised method for anomaly detection. The proposed method reconstructs video events by combining prototype features and encoded features to detect anomaly events. Furthermore, a memory module is introduced to better store the prototype patterns of normal events. Experimental results in various benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed method.
Anagnostopoulos, Nikolaos Athanasios, Fan, Yufan, Heinrich, Markus, Matyunin, Nikolay, Püllen, Dominik, Muth, Philipp, Hatzfeld, Christian, Rosenstihl, Markus, Arul, Tolga, Katzenbeisser, Stefan.  2021.  Low-Temperature Attacks Against Digital Electronics: A Challenge for the Security of Superconducting Modules in High-Speed Magnetic Levitation (MagLev) Trains. 2021 IEEE 14th Workshop on Low Temperature Electronics (WOLTE). :1–4.
This work examines volatile memory modules as ephemeral key storage for security applications in the context of low temperatures. In particular, we note that such memories exhibit a rising level of data remanence as the temperature decreases, especially for temperatures below 280 Kelvin. Therefore, these memories cannot be used to protect the superconducting modules found in high-speed Magnetic Levitation (MagLev) trains, as such modules most often require extremely low temperatures in order to provide superconducting applications. Thus, a novel secure storage solution is required in this case, especially within the oncoming framework concept of the internet of railway things, which is partially based on the increasing utilisation of commercial off-the-shelf components and potential economies of scale, in order to achieve cost efficiency and, thus, widespread adoption. Nevertheless, we do note that volatile memory modules can be utilised as intrinsic temperature sensors, especially at low temperatures, as the data remanence they exhibit at low temperatures is highly dependent on the ambient temperature, and can, therefore, be used to distinguish between different temperature levels.