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Luckie, Matthew, Beverly, Robert, Koga, Ryan, Keys, Ken, Kroll, Joshua A., claffy, k.  2019.  Network Hygiene, Incentives, and Regulation: Deployment of Source Address Validation in the Internet. Proceedings of the 2019 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :465–480.
The Spoofer project has collected data on the deployment and characteristics of IP source address validation on the Internet since 2005. Data from the project comes from participants who install an active probing client that runs in the background. The client automatically runs tests both periodically and when it detects a new network attachment point. We analyze the rich dataset of Spoofer tests in multiple dimensions: across time, networks, autonomous systems, countries, and by Internet protocol version. In our data for the year ending August 2019, at least a quarter of tested ASes did not filter packets with spoofed source addresses leaving their networks. We show that routers performing Network Address Translation do not always filter spoofed packets, as 6.4% of IPv4/24 tested in the year ending August 2019 did not filter. Worse, at least two thirds of tested ASes did not filter packets entering their networks with source addresses claiming to be from within their network that arrived from outside their network. We explore several approaches to encouraging remediation and the challenges of evaluating their impact. While we have been able to remediate 352 IPv4/24, we have found an order of magnitude more IPv4/24 that remains unremediated, despite myriad remediation strategies, with 21% unremediated for more than six months. Our analysis provides the most complete and confident picture of the Internet's susceptibility to date of this long-standing vulnerability. Although there is no simple solution to address the remaining long-tail of unremediated networks, we conclude with a discussion of possible non-technical interventions, and demonstrate how the platform can support evaluation of the impact of such interventions over time.
Jensen, Mads Møller, Rädle, Roman, Klokmose, Clemens N., Bodker, Susanne.  2018.  Remediating a Design Tool: Implications of Digitizing Sticky Notes. Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. :224:1–224:12.

Sticky notes are ubiquitous in design processes because of their tangibility and ease of use. Yet, they have well-known limitations in professional design processes, as documentation and distribution are cumbersome at best. This paper compares the use of sticky notes in ideation with a remediated digital sticky notes setup. The paper contributes with a nuanced understanding of what happens when remediating a physical design tool into digital space, by emphasizing focus shifts and breakdowns caused by the technology, but also benefits and promises inherent in the digital media. Despite users' preference for creating physical notes, handling digital notes on boards was easier and the potential of proper documentation make the digital setup a possible alternative. While the analogy in our remediation supported a transfer of learned handling, the users' experiences across technological setups impact their use and understanding, yielding new concerns regarding cross-device transfer and collaboration.

Harsch, A., Idler, S., Thurner, S..  2014.  Assuming a State of Compromise: A Best Practise Approach for SMEs on Incident Response Management. IT Security Incident Management IT Forensics (IMF), 2014 Eighth International Conference on. :76-84.

Up-to-date studies and surveys regarding IT security show, that companies of every size and branch nowadays are faced with the growing risk of cyber crime. Many tools, standards and best practices are in place to support enterprise IT security experts in dealing with the upcoming risks, whereas meanwhile especially small and medium sized enterprises(SMEs) feel helpless struggling with the growing threats. This article describes an approach, how SMEs can attain high quality assurance whether they are a victim of cyber crime, what kind of damage resulted from a certain attack and in what way remediation can be done. The focus on all steps of the analysis lies in the economic feasibility and the typical environment of SMEs.