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Oulaaffart, Mohamed, Badonnel, Remi, Bianco, Christophe.  2022.  An Automated SMT-based Security Framework for Supporting Migrations in Cloud Composite Services. NOMS 2022-2022 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium. :1–9.
The growing maturity of orchestration languages is contributing to the elaboration of cloud composite services, whose resources may be deployed over different distributed infrastructures. These composite services are subject to changes over time, that are typically required to support cloud properties, such as scalability and rapid elasticity. In particular, the migration of their elementary resources may be triggered by performance constraints. However, changes induced by this migration may introduce vulnerabilities that may compromise the resources, or even the whole cloud service. In that context, we propose an automated SMT1-based security framework for supporting the migration of resources in cloud composite services, and preventing the occurrence of new configuration vulnerabilities. We formalize the underlying security automation based on SMT solving, in order to assess the migrated resources and select adequate counter-measures, considering both endogenous and exogenous security mechanisms. We then evaluate its benefits and limits through large series of experiments based on a proof-of-concept prototype implemented over the CVC4 commonly-used open-source solver. These experiments show a minimal overhead with regular operating systems deployed in cloud environments.
Panfili, M., Giuseppi, A., Fiaschetti, A., Al-Jibreen, H. B., Pietrabissa, A., Priscoli, F. Delli.  2018.  A Game-Theoretical Approach to Cyber-Security of Critical Infrastructures Based on Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning. 2018 26th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED). :460-465.

This paper presents a control strategy for Cyber-Physical System defense developed in the framework of the European Project ATENA, that concerns Critical Infrastructure (CI) protection. The aim of the controller is to find the optimal security configuration, in terms of countermeasures to implement, in order to address the system vulnerabilities. The attack/defense problem is modeled as a multi-agent general sum game, where the aim of the defender is to prevent the most damage possible by finding an optimal trade-off between prevention actions and their costs. The problem is solved utilizing Reinforcement Learning and simulation results provide a proof of the proposed concept, showing how the defender of the protected CI is able to minimize the damage caused by his her opponents by finding the Nash equilibrium of the game in the zero-sum variant, and, in a more general scenario, by driving the attacker in the position where the damage she/he can cause to the infrastructure is lower than the cost it has to sustain to enforce her/his attack strategy.

Gschwandtner, Mathias, Demetz, Lukas, Gander, Matthias, Maier, Ronald.  2018.  Integrating Threat Intelligence to Enhance an Organization's Information Security Management. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. :37:1-37:8.

As security incidents might have disastrous consequences on an enterprise's information technology (IT), organizations need to secure their IT against threats. Threat intelligence (TI) promises to provide actionable information about current threats for information security management systems (ISMS). Common information range from malware characteristics to observed perpetrator origins that allow customizing security controls. The aim of this article is to assess the impact of utilizing public available threat feeds within the corporate process on an organization's security information level. We developed a framework to integrate TI for large corporations and evaluated said framework in cooperation with a global acting manufacturer and retailer. During the development of the TI framework, a specific provider of TI was analyzed and chosen for integration within the process of vulnerability management. The evaluation of this exemplary integration was assessed by members of the information security department at the cooperating enterprise. During our evaluation it was emphasized that a prioritization of management activities based on whether threats that have been observed in the wild are targeting them or similar companies. Furthermore, indicators of compromise (IoC) provided by the chosen TI source, can be automatically integrated utilizing a provided software development kit. Theoretical relevance is based on the contribution towards the verification of proposed benefits of TI integration, such as increasing the resilience of an enterprise network, within a real-world environment. Overall, practitioners suggest that TI integration should result in enhanced management of security budgets and more resilient enterprise networks.

Grieco, Gustavo, Dinaburg, Artem.  2018.  Toward Smarter Vulnerability Discovery Using Machine Learning. Proceedings of the 11th ACM Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Security. :48-56.

A Cyber Reasoning System (CRS) is designed to automatically find and exploit software vulnerabilities in complex software. To be effective, CRSs integrate multiple vulnerability detection tools (VDTs), such as symbolic executors and fuzzers. Determining which VDTs can best find bugs in a large set of target programs, and how to optimally configure those VDTs, remains an open and challenging problem. Current solutions are based on heuristics created by security analysts that rely on experience, intuition and luck. In this paper, we present Central Exploit Organizer (CEO), a proof-of-concept tool to optimize VDT selection. CEO uses machine learning to optimize the selection and configuration of the most suitable vulnerability detection tool. We show that CEO can predict the relative effectiveness of a given vulnerability detection tool, configuration, and initial input. The estimation accuracy presents an improvement between \$11%\$ and \$21%\$ over random selection. We are releasing CEO and our dataset as open source to encourage further research.

Dixit, Vaibhav Hemant, Kyung, Sukwha, Zhao, Ziming, Doupé, Adam, Shoshitaishvili, Yan, Ahn, Gail-Joon.  2018.  Challenges and Preparedness of SDN-based Firewalls. Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Workshop on Security in Software Defined Networks & Network Function Virtualization. :33–38.

Software-Defined Network (SDN) is a novel architecture created to address the issues of traditional and vertically integrated networks. To increase cost-effectiveness and enable logical control, SDN provides high programmability and centralized view of the network through separation of network traffic delivery (the "data plane") from network configuration (the "control plane"). SDN controllers and related protocols are rapidly evolving to address the demands for scaling in complex enterprise networks. Because of the evolution of modern SDN technologies, production networks employing SDN are prone to several security vulnerabilities. The rate at which SDN frameworks are evolving continues to overtake attempts to address their security issues. According to our study, existing defense mechanisms, particularly SDN-based firewalls, face new and SDN-specific challenges in successfully enforcing security policies in the underlying network. In this paper, we identify problems associated with SDN-based firewalls, such as ambiguous flow path calculations and poor scalability in large networks. We survey existing SDN-based firewall designs and their shortcomings in protecting a dynamically scaling network like a data center. We extend our study by evaluating one such SDN-specific security solution called FlowGuard, and identifying new attack vectors and vulnerabilities. We also present corresponding threat detection techniques and respective mitigation strategies.

Leal, A. G., Teixeira, Í C..  2018.  Development of a suite of IPv6 vulnerability scanning tests using the TTCN-3 language. 2018 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC). :1–6.

With the transition from IPv4 IPv6 protocol to improve network communications, there are concerns about devices and applications' security that must be dealt at the beginning of implementation or during its lifecycle. Automate the vulnerability assessment process reduces management overhead, enabling better management of risks and control of the vulnerabilities. Consequently, it reduces the effort needed for each test and it allows the increase of the frequency of application, improving time management to perform all the other complicated tasks necessary to support a secure network. There are several researchers involved in tests of vulnerability in IPv6 networks, exploiting addressing mechanisms, extension headers, fragmentation, tunnelling or dual-stack networks (using both IPv4 and IPv6 at the same time). Most existing tools use the programming languages C, Java, and Python instead of a language designed specifically to create a suite of tests, which reduces maintainability and extensibility of the tests. This paper presents a solution for IPv6 vulnerabilities scan tests, based on attack simulations, combining passive analysis (observing the manifestation of behaviours of the system under test) and an active one (stimulating the system to become symptomatic). Also, it describes a prototype that simulates and detects denial-of-service attacks on the ICMPv6 Protocol from IPv6. Also, a detailed report is created with the identified vulnerability and the possible existing solutions to mitigate such a gap, thus assisting the process of vulnerability management.

Aksu, M. U., Dilek, M. H., Tatlı, E. İ, Bicakci, K., Dirik, H. İ, Demirezen, M. U., Aykır, T..  2017.  A Quantitative CVSS-Based Cyber Security Risk Assessment Methodology for IT Systems. 2017 International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology (ICCST). :1–8.

IT system risk assessments are indispensable due to increasing cyber threats within our ever-growing IT systems. Moreover, laws and regulations urge organizations to conduct risk assessments regularly. Even though there exist several risk management frameworks and methodologies, they are in general high level, not defining the risk metrics, risk metrics values and the detailed risk assessment formulas for different risk views. To address this need, we define a novel risk assessment methodology specific to IT systems. Our model is quantitative, both asset and vulnerability centric and defines low and high level risk metrics. High level risk metrics are defined in two general categories; base and attack graph-based. In our paper, we provide a detailed explanation of formulations in each category and make our implemented software publicly available for those who are interested in applying the proposed methodology to their IT systems.

Barrere, M., Badonnel, R., Festor, O..  2014.  Vulnerability Assessment in Autonomic Networks and Services: A Survey. Communications Surveys Tutorials, IEEE. 16:988-1004.

Autonomic networks and services are exposed to a large variety of security risks. The vulnerability management process plays a crucial role for ensuring their safe configurations and preventing security attacks. We focus in this survey on the assessment of vulnerabilities in autonomic environments. In particular, we analyze current methods and techniques contributing to the discovery, the description and the detection of these vulnerabilities. We also point out important challenges that should be faced in order to fully integrate this process into the autonomic management plane.

Maass, Michael, Scherlis, William L., Aldrich, Jonathan.  2014.  In-nimbo Sandboxing. Proceedings of the 2014 Symposium and Bootcamp on the Science of Security. :1:1–1:12.

Sandboxes impose a security policy, isolating applications and their components from the rest of a system. While many sandboxing techniques exist, state of the art sandboxes generally perform their functions within the system that is being defended. As a result, when the sandbox fails or is bypassed, the security of the surrounding system can no longer be assured. We experiment with the idea of in-nimbo sandboxing, encapsulating untrusted computations away from the system we are trying to protect. The idea is to delegate computations that may be vulnerable or malicious to virtual machine instances in a cloud computing environment. This may not reduce the possibility of an in-situ sandbox compromise, but it could significantly reduce the consequences should that possibility be realized. To achieve this advantage, there are additional requirements, including: (1) A regulated channel between the local and cloud environments that supports interaction with the encapsulated application, (2) Performance design that acceptably minimizes latencies in excess of the in-situ baseline. To test the feasibility of the idea, we built an in-nimbo sandbox for Adobe Reader, an application that historically has been subject to significant attacks. We undertook a prototype deployment with PDF users in a large aerospace firm. In addition to thwarting several examples of existing PDF-based malware, we found that the added increment of latency, perhaps surprisingly, does not overly impair the user experience with respect to performance or usability.