The hardware and low-level software in many mobile devices are capable of mobile-to-mobile communication, including ad-hoc 802.11, Bluetooth, and cognitive radios. We have started to leverage this capability to provide interpersonal communication both over infrastructure networks (the Internet), and over ad-hoc and delay-tolerant networks composed of the mobile devices themselves. This network is decentralized in the sense that it can function without any infrastructure, but does take advantage of infrastructure connections when available. All interpersonal communication is encrypted and authenticated so packets may be carried by devices belonging to untrusted others. The decentralized model of security builds a flexible trust network on top of the social network of communicating individuals. This social network can be used to prioritize packets to or from individuals closely related by the social network. Other packets are prioritized to favor packets likely to consume fewer network resources. Each device also has a policy that determines how many packets may be forwarded, with the goal of providing useful interpersonal communications using at most 1% of any given resource on mobile devices. One challenge in a fully decentralized network is routing. Our design uses Rendezvous Points (RPs) and Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs) for delivery over infrastructure networks, and hop-limited broadcast and Delay Tolerant Networking (DTN) within the wireless ad-hoc network.
A two-server password-based authentication (2PA) protocol is a special kind of authentication primitive that provides additional protection for the user's password. Through a 2PA protocol, a user can distribute his low-entropy password between two authentication servers in the initialization phase and authenticate himself merely via a matching password in the login phase. No single server can learn any information about the user's password, nor impersonate the legitimate user to authenticate to the honest server. In this paper, we first formulate and realize the security definition of two-server password-based authentication in the well-known universal composability (UC) framework, which thus provides desirable properties such as composable security. We show that our construction is suitable for the asymmetric communication model in which one server acts as the front-end server interacting directly with the user and the other stays backstage. Then, we show that our protocol could be easily extended to more complicate password-based cryptographic protocols such as two-server password-authenticated key exchange (2PAKE) and two-server password-authenticated secret sharing (2PASS), which enjoy stronger security guarantees and better efficiency performances in comparison with the existing schemes.
Use-After-Free (UAF) vulnerabilities are caused by the program operating on a dangling pointer and can be exploited to compromise critical software systems. While there have been many tools to mitigate UAF vulnerabilities, UAF remains one of the most common attack vectors. UAF is particularly di cult to detect in concurrent programs, in which a UAF may only occur with rare thread schedules. In this paper, we present a novel technique, UFO, that can precisely predict UAFs based on a single observed execution trace with a provably higher detection capability than existing techniques with no false positives. The key technical advancement of UFO is an extended maximal thread causality model that captures the largest possible set of feasible traces that can be inferred from a given multithreaded execution trace. By formulating UAF detection as a constraint solving problem atop this model, we can explore a much larger thread scheduling space than classical happens-before based techniques. We have evaluated UFO on several real-world large complex C/C++ programs including Chromium and FireFox. UFO scales to real-world systems with hundreds of millions of events in their execution and has detected a large number of real concurrency UAFs.
Mobile applications frequently request sensitive data. While prior work has focused on analyzing sensitive-data uses originating from well-dened API calls in the system, the security and privacy implications of inputs requested via application user interfaces have been widely unexplored. In this paper, our goal is to understand the broad implications of such requests in terms of the type of sensitive data being requested by applications.
To this end, we propose UiRef (User Input REsolution Framework), an automated approach for resolving the semantics of user inputs requested by mobile applications. UiRef’s design includes a number of novel techniques for extracting and resolving user interface labels and addressing ambiguity in semantics, resulting in signicant improvements over prior work.We apply UiRef to 50,162 Android applications from Google Play and use outlier analysis to triage applications with questionable input requests. We identify concerning developer practices, including insecure exposure of account passwords and non-consensual input disclosures to third parties. These ndings demonstrate the importance of user-input semantics when protecting end users.
We present a task-based domain-decomposition preconditioner for partial differential equations (PDEs) resilient to silent data corruption (SDC) and hard faults. The algorithm exploits a reformulation of the PDE as a sampling problem, followed by a regression-based solution update that is resilient to SDC. We adopt a server-client model implemented using the User Level Fault Mitigation MPI (MPI-ULFM). All state information is held by the servers, while clients only serve as computational units. The task-based nature of the algorithm and the capabilities of ULFM are complemented at the algorithm level to support missing tasks, making the application resilient to hard faults affecting the clients. Weak and strong scaling tests up to \textasciitilde115k cores show an excellent performance of the application with efficiencies above 90%, demonstrating the suitability to run at large scale. We demonstrate the resilience of the application for a 2D elliptic PDE by injecting SDC using a random single bit-flip model, and hard faults in the form of clients crashing. We show that in all cases, the application converges to the right solution. We analyze the overhead caused by the faults, and show that, for the test problem considered, the overhead incurred due to SDC is minimal compared to that from the hard faults.
Software defined networking is a rapidly expanding networking paradigm that aims to separate the control logic from the forwarding devices. Through centralized control, network operators are able to deploy and manage more efficient forwarding strategies. Traditionally, when the network undergoes a change through maintenance, failure, or cyber attack, the centralized controller processes these events and deploys new forwarding rules reactively. This work provides a strategy that does not require a controller in order to maintain connectivity while only using features within the existing OpenFlow protocol version 1.3 or greater. In this paper we illustrate why forwarding resiliency is desired in OpenFlow networks and provide an algorithm that computes the flow entries required to achieve maximal forwarding resiliency in presence of both multiple link and controller failures on any arbitrary network.
Personalized medicine brings the promise of better diagnoses, better treatments, a higher quality of life and increased longevity. To achieve these noble goals, it exploits a number of revolutionary technologies, including genome sequencing and DNA editing, as well as wearable devices and implantable or even edible biosensors. In parallel, the popularity of "quantified self" gadgets shows the willingness of citizens to be more proactive with respect to their own health. Yet, this evolution opens the door to all kinds of abuses, notably in terms of discrimination, blackmailing, stalking, and subversion of devices. After giving a general description of this situation, in this talk we will expound on some of the main concerns, including the temptation to permanently and remotely monitor the physical (and metabolic) activity of individuals. We will describe the potential and the limitations of techniques such as cryptography (including secure multi-party computation), trusted hardware and differential privacy. We will also discuss the notion of consent in the face of the intrinsic correlations of human data. We will argue in favor of a more systematic, principled and cross-disciplinary research effort in this field and will discuss the motives of the various stakeholders.
Recent years have witnessed a rapid growth in the domain of Internet of Things (IoT). This network of billions of devices generates and exchanges huge amount of data. The limited cache capacity and memory bandwidth make transferring and processing such data on traditional CPUs and GPUs highly inefficient, both in terms of energy consumption and delay. However, many IoT applications are statistical at heart and can accept a part of inaccuracy in their computation. This enables the designers to reduce complexity of processing by approximating the results for a desired accuracy. In this paper, we propose an ultra-efficient approximate processing in-memory architecture, called APIM, which exploits the analog characteristics of non-volatile memories to support addition and multiplication inside the crossbar memory, while storing the data. The proposed design eliminates the overhead involved in transferring data to processor by virtually bringing the processor inside memory. APIM dynamically configures the precision of computation for each application in order to tune the level of accuracy during runtime. Our experimental evaluation running six general OpenCL applications shows that the proposed design achieves up to 20x performance improvement and provides 480x improvement in energy-delay product, ensuring acceptable quality of service. In exact mode, it achieves 28x energy savings and 4.8x speed up compared to the state-of-the-art GPU cores.
Current BLE transmitters are susceptible to selective jamming due to long dwell times in a channel. To mitigate these attacks, we propose physical-layer security through an ultra-fast bit-level frequency-hopping (FH) scheme by exploiting the frequency agility of bulk acoustic wave resonators (BAW). Here we demonstrate the first integrated bit-level FH transmitter (TX) that hops at 1$μ$s period and uses data-driven random dynamic channel selection to enable secure wireless communications with additional data encryption. This system consists of a time-interleaved BAW-based TX implemented in 65nm CMOS technology with 80MHz coverage in the 2.4GHz ISM band and a measured power consumption of 10.9mW from 1.1V supply.
Embedded devices with constrained computational resources, such as wireless sensor network nodes, electronic tag readers, roadside units in vehicular networks, and smart watches and wristbands, are widely used in the Internet of Things. Many of such devices are deployed in untrustable environments, and others may be easy to lose, leading to possible capture by adversaries. Accordingly, in the context of security research, these devices are running in the white-box attack context, where the adversary may have total visibility of the implementation of the built-in cryptosystem with full control over its execution. It is undoubtedly a significant challenge to deal with attacks from a powerful adversary in white-box attack contexts. Existing encryption algorithms for white-box attack contexts typically require large memory use, varying from one to dozens of megabytes, and thus are not suitable for resource-constrained devices. As a countermeasure in such circumstances, we propose an ultra-lightweight encryption scheme for protecting the confidentiality of data in white-box attack contexts. The encryption is executed with secret components specialized for resource-constrained devices against white-box attacks, and the encryption algorithm requires a relatively small amount of static data, ranging from 48 to 92 KB. The security and efficiency of the proposed scheme have been theoretically analyzed with positive results, and experimental evaluations have indicated that the scheme satisfies the resource constraints in terms of limited memory use and low computational cost.
In this work we propose a novel deep learning approach for ultra-low bitrate video compression for video conferencing applications. To address the shortcomings of current video compression paradigms when the available bandwidth is extremely limited, we adopt a model-based approach that employs deep neural networks to encode motion information as keypoint displacement and reconstruct the video signal at the decoder side. The overall system is trained in an end-to-end fashion minimizing a reconstruction error on the encoder output. Objective and subjective quality evaluation experiments demonstrate that the proposed approach provides an average bitrate reduction for the same visual quality of more than 60% compared to HEVC.
ISSN: 2381-8549
This demo dramatically illustrates how replacing 'Classic' TCP congestion control (Reno, Cubic, etc.) with a 'Scalable' alternative like Data Centre TCP (DCTCP) keeps queuing delay ultra-low; not just for a select few light applications like voice or gaming, but even when a variety of interactive applications all heavily load the same (emulated) Internet access. DCTCP has so far been confined to data centres because it is too aggressive–-it starves Classic TCP flows. To allow DCTCP to be exploited on the public Internet, we developed DualQ Coupled Active Queue Management (AQM), which allows the two TCP types to safely co-exist. Visitors can test all these claims. As well as running Web-based apps, they can pan and zoom a panoramic video of a football stadium on a touch-screen, and experience how their personalized HD scene seems to stick to their finger, even though it is encoded on the fly on servers accessed via an emulated delay, representing 'the cloud'. A pair of VR goggles can be used at the same time, making a similar point. The demo provides a dashboard so that visitors can not only experience the interactivity of each application live, but they can also quantify it via a wide range of performance stats, updated live. It also includes controls so visitors can configure different TCP variants, AQMs, network parameters and background loads and immediately test the effect.
The Global Positioning System (GPS) can determine the position of any person or object on earth based on satellite signals. But when inside the building, the GPS cannot receive signals, the indoor positioning system will determine the precise position. How to achieve more precise positioning is the difficulty of an indoor positioning system now. In this paper, we proposed an ultra-wideband fingerprinting positioning method based on a convolutional neural network (CNN), and we collect the dataset in a room to test the model, then compare our method with the existing method. In the experiment, our method can reach an accuracy of 98.36%. Compared with other fingerprint positioning methods our method has a great improvement in robustness. That results show that our method has good practicality while achieves higher accuracy.
With the frequent use of Wi-Fi and hotspots that provide a wireless Internet environment, awareness and threats to wireless AP (Access Point) security are steadily increasing. Especially when using unauthorized APs in company, government and military facilities, there is a high possibility of being subjected to various viruses and hacking attacks. It is necessary to detect unauthorized Aps for protection of information. In this paper, we use RTT (Round Trip Time) value data set to detect authorized and unauthorized APs in wired / wireless integrated environment, analyze them using machine learning algorithms including SVM (Support Vector Machine), C4.5, KNN (K Nearest Neighbors) and MLP (Multilayer Perceptron). Overall, KNN shows the highest accuracy.
Since the term “Fog Computing” has been coined by Cisco Systems in 2012, security and privacy issues of this promising paradigm are still open challenges. Among various security challenges, Access Control is a crucial concern for all cloud computing-like systems (e.g. Fog computing, Mobile edge computing) in the IoT era. Therefore, assigning the precise level of access in such an inherently scalable, heterogeneous and dynamic environment is not easy to perform. This work defines the uncertainty challenge for authentication phase of the access control in fog computing because on one hand fog has a number of characteristics that amplify uncertainty in authentication and on the other hand applying traditional access control models does not result in a flexible and resilient solution. Therefore, we have proposed a novel prediction model based on the extension of Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) model. Our data-driven model is able to handle uncertainty in authentication. It is also able to consider the mobility of mobile edge devices in order to handle authentication. In doing so, we have built our model using and comparing four supervised classification algorithms namely as Decision Tree, Naïve Bayes, Logistic Regression and Support Vector Machine. Our model can achieve authentication performance with 88.14% accuracy using Logistic Regression.