Title | Ultimate Secrecy in Cooperative and Multi-hop Wireless Communications |
Publication Type | Conference Paper |
Year of Publication | 2020 |
Authors | Ekşim, A., Demirci, T. |
Conference Name | 2020 XXXIIIrd General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science |
Keywords | Attenuation, Bandwidth, channel capacity, chip-to-chip communications, communication channel, communication secrecy, communication security, compositionality, cooperative communication, cooperative wireless communications, frequency 550.0 GHz to 565.0 GHz, frequency reuse, in-device communication systems, indoor communication systems, Information Reuse and Security, millimetre wave communication, multihop channel measurements, point-to-point channel, pubcrawl, radio transmitters, Receivers, Relays, Resiliency, security, short-range wireless communication systems, telecommunication security, ultimate secrecy ranges, wireless channels |
Abstract | In this work, communication secrecy in cooperative and multi-hop wireless communications for various radio frequencies are examined. Attenuation lines and ranges of both detection and ultimate secrecy regions were calculated for cooperative communication channel and multi-hop channel with various number of hops. From results, frequency ranges with the highest potential to apply bandwidth saving method known as frequency reuse were determined and compared to point-to-point channel. Frequencies with the highest attenuation were derived and their ranges of both detection and ultimate secrecy are calculated. Point-to-point, cooperative and multi-hop channels were compared in terms of ultimate secrecy ranges. Multi-hop channel measurements were made with different number of hops and the relation between the number of hops and communication security is examined. Ultimate secrecy ranges were calculated up to 1 Terahertz and found to be less than 13 meters between 550-565 GHz frequency range. Therefore, for short-range wireless communication systems such as indoor and in-device communication systems (board-to-board or chip-to-chip communications), it is shown that various bands in the Terahertz band can be used to reuse the same frequency in different locations to obtain high security and high bandwidth. |
DOI | 10.23919/URSIGASS49373.2020.9232409 |
Citation Key | eksim_ultimate_2020 |