Visible to the public Research Position for PhD Candidates: System Correctness under Adverse Conditions (SCARE)Conflict Detection Enabled

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The Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Germany, offers one Research Position for a PhD Candidate in the second phase of the Computer Science Research Training Group SCARE -- System Correctness under Adverse Conditions

funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG GRK 1765/2). The position is available immediately and for a duration of three years.

SCARE addresses computerized systems cooperating with their environment. System correctness requires that this cooperation satisfies desired behavioral properties. SCARE investigates system correctness under adverse, only partially predictable conditions, which can influence the behavior of the system, the system context, and the assumptions made for verifying correctness. SCARE considers three aspects of adverse conditions, both individually and in their combination: limited knowledge, unpredictable behavior, changing system environment and system structure. SCARE aims at notions of system correctness that guarantee robustness of the system behavior under such adverse conditions.

For the doctorands SCARE offers:

  • a full salary in the TV-L E13 public sector pay scale (amounts to over 2,000 Euro per month after deduction of taxes) for academics with a master degree;
  • a contract for three years;
  • research positions enabling the doctorands to concentrate on their PhD projects;
  • a cooperative and supportive research environment;
  • supervision by two expert professors;
  • support for traveling to conferences and visits of foreign research institutes;
  • regular visits of invited guest researchers;
  • a full spectrum of opportunities for knowledge acquisition;
  • support for equal opportunities in science.

Successful applicants for the research program should have an excellent Master's degree or equivalent in Computer Science or a closely related discipline like Mathematics, fluency in English, and an interest in exploring new notions of system correctness. To this end, we expect skills in developing or applying formal methods.

We invite applications for *one research position*. The position is available immediately. An application must comprise

  • a CV with a photograph,
  • a detailed statement of interest in SCARE referring explicitly to one or two PhD topics proposed for SCARE-2 on the web page
  • transcripts of the records summarizing the candidate's academic performance, and
  • names of two references

as four separate PDF documents and should be emailed to by April 30, 2018.

The Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg seeks to increase the proportion of women in science. Therefore, women are strongly encouraged to apply for the offered positions. According to ss21,3 NHG (the law governing universities in the German state of Lower Saxony) female applicants with equal qualification will be preferred. Disabled persons with equal qualifications will be given preference.