CNLN: Spacecraft Rendezvous
Mon, 04/30/2018 - 10:05am
Dear all,
my name is Niklas Kochdumper and I am a Phd student of Matthias Althoff. We computed the reachable set for the nonlinear spacecraft rendezvous with CORA and wanted to share our results:
- For the nonlinear system equations we used the passive (uncontrolled) model from A spaceEx-file that contains the model is attached to this message
- The initial set is given by x in [-70,-60], y in [-30,-20], v_x in [1.95, 2.05] and v_y in [0.75, 0.85].
- The verification task would be to not hit the satellite that is located at the position [x y] = [0 0]. The satellite is modeled as a cirle with radius 0.1m. The considered time interval is 0 < t < 100 min.
This verification taks would be similar to the one that is displayed in Figure 5 in, but with the original nonlinear model instead of the lienarized one. Please feel free to propose modifications and extensions.
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Here is the SpaceEx-model for the 4-dimensional nonlinear benchmark as it is described in the report for ARCH 2018