Visible to the public Chapter 18 - Probabilistic Graphical Modeling of Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems

TitleChapter 18 - Probabilistic Graphical Modeling of Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsS. Sarkar, Z. Jiang, A. Akintayo, S. Krishnamurthy, A. Tewari
Secondary AuthorsSong, Houbing, Rawat, Danda B., Jeschke, Sabina, Brecher, Christian
Book TitleCyber-Physical Systems
Series TitleIntelligent Data-Centric Systems
Pagination265 - 285
PublisherAcademic Press
ISBN Number978-0-12-803801-7
KeywordsWind energy farms
Citation KeySarkar2017265