VISOR Spring 2018
VISOR Workshop on Data in Gentrification and Equitable Development
Addressing Gentrification and Equitable Development Challenges Faced by Communities in Nashville
Bring together a collaborative group of experts from academia, Nashville, and the Vanderbilt University administration to evaluate the Nashville specific transportation and mobility problems identified by city leaders, establish what the specific challenges are in technical terms, and develop innovative solutions for Metro Nashville and Vanderbilt University that can be applied in the next 5 years. In addition to building on the collaborations between Metro Nashville and Vanderbilt, this endeavor will tie into Let's Move Nashville: Metro's Transportation Solution as well as ongoing national conversations that encompass MetroLabs and the Global Cities Super Cluster on Transportation. The outcome of this workshop will be a socio-technical framework for future mobility solutions for our community.
- Dr. Ken Steif - University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA)
- Erin McElroy - Anti-Eviction Mapping Project (San Francisco, CA)
- Adriane Bond Harris - Director, Mayor's Office of Housing (Nashville, TN)
- Dr. James Fraser - Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN)
Peabody Wyatt Center - Wyatt Rotunda
1930 South Dr. | Nashville, TN 37203