CfP Extended Deadlines: 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2018)
CALL FOR PAPERS - EXTENDED DEADLINES - June 10, 2018 (Regular Tracks), June 30, 2018 (Special Sessions)
44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2018)
October 21-23, 2018 | Washington, D.C. |
Dear Colleagues,
Following an overwhelming number of requests from around the world, we have a great pleasure to announce new deadlines for contributed papers to technical tracks on June 10, 2018, and to special sessions on June 30, 2018!
We are now counting close to 80 active tracks and special sessions on wide range of topics from power & energy (electronics, smart grids, electrical machines, drives and converters), to controls, automation, smart buildings, and security.
Join us at IECON 2018 this fall and enjoy the opportunity to build partnerships with U.S. and world academic, industry, and government leaders in cutting edge topics in the heart of U.S.A and nation's capital: Washington D.C.
Submit your contributions to IES flagship conference at on topics that include, but are not limited to:
ENERGY (Power Systems, Electrical Machines and Drives, Power Electronics, Resilience, Renewables, Transportation Electrification)
CONTROLS (Control Systems, Mechatronics, Robotics, Computational Intelligence, Sensors, Actuators)
INFORMATION and COMMUNICATIONS (ESoC, CPS, IoT, Factory Automation, Education, Cloud, Big Data, Industrial Informatics)
Important dates:
- Special Session Proposals: June 1, 2018 (new deadline)
- Technical Tracks Papers: June 10, 2018 (new deadline)
- Special Sessions Papers: June 30, 2018 (new deadline)
- Acceptance notification: July 15, 2018
- Final submission and author registration: September 7, 2018
- Early registration: September 7, 2018
Conference location:
Soak in the American history at the legend in its own right, Omni Shoreham Hotel, a luxury hotel hosting presidents and world leaders for over 70 years. Enjoy the banquet dinner where every U.S. President from Franklin D. Roosevelt to Barack Obama held their inaugural balls. Wonder through the hallways and recognize the set of movies with actors like Julia Roberts and Kevin Costner.
Or, enjoy free access to 17 world-class Smithsonian museums. At night, enjoy the lights of Lincoln Memorial, take a stroll by the White House, or catch a show at The John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts.
Looking forward to hosting you in D.C.,
- Milos Manic, IECON 2018 Conference Chair
- Kamal Al-Haddad, Mo-Yuen Chow, IECON 2018 Co-Chairs
- Juan Rodriguez-Andina, Luis Gomes, IECON 2018, TPC Lead Co-Chairs