5th Workshop on Compositional Theory and Technology for Real-Time Embedded Systems (CRTS 2012)
Call for papers: CRTS 2012
5th Workshop on Compositional Theory and Technology for
Real-Time Embedded Systems (CRTS 2012)
****** DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: 12th Sept. 2012 ******
In conjunction with RTSS 2012 (http://www.rtss.org/)
The 33rd IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium
December 4th - December 7th, 2012, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Topics of interest: The increasing complexity of real-time embedded systems requires advanced platforms and methodologies that can reduce the cost of their design and analysis, while ensuring that requirements on functional correctness, real-time behavior, and performance are met. Compositional theories and technologies facilitate the decomposition of a complex system into components, as well as their integration via interfaces. Component interfaces hide the internal details of the components, thereby reducing integration complexity. A system is said to be composable if the properties established and validated for components in isolation hold once the components are integrated to form the system.
Topics of interest to CRTS include (but are not limited to):
- Composition of single processor, multiprocessor, and distributed systems
- Composition of multi-criticality and multi-mode systems
- Composition of policies, services, and system layers
- Composition of validation and verification techniques
- Interface models, interface theories, and integration techniques for real-time components
- Compositional schedulability analysis, execution time analysis, and performance analysis
- Compositional formal methods
- Hardware/software architectures for composable systems
- Trade-offs between optimality, associativity, and complexity in compositional theory
- Practical issues in composition including performance penalties and overheads
- Experimental and implementation frameworks for compositional theory
- Decomposition of requirements for component-based development
- Policing of non-CPU resources (e.g. resources in the memory system)
CRTS invites papers that describe state-of-the-art research, present work-in-progress, or suggest open problems covering one or more of the topics of interest to the workshop. Submissions should not exceed 8 pages in two-column, single-space, 10pt format, see IEEE formatting guidelines. Submission should be made electronically via: https://www.easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?conf=crts2012.
By submitting a paper, the authors agree and confirm that: neither this paper nor a version close to it is under submission or will be submitted elsewhere before notification by CRTS 2012, and if accepted, at least one author will register for the CRTS 2012 workshop by the special registration deadline set in the notification of acceptance, and present the paper at the workshop in person. Please note that papers that do not fall within the scope of the workshop will not be accepted. Submissions will be refereed for quality and relevance. Submissions exceeding the page limit may be rejected without review.
All accepted papers will appear in a special issue of ACM SIGBED Review. By submitting to the workshop, the authors are granting permission for ACM to publish the paper in print and digital formats for the newsletter and the ACM Digital Library.
Program Chairs:
Benny Akesson, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands
Bjorn Andersson, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Program Committee:
Arvind Easwaran - Honeywell, USA
Luis Almeida - University of Porto, Portugal
Reinder Bril, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands
Francisco Cazorla - Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, Spain
Jian-Jia Chen - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Rob Davis - University of York, UK
Peter Feiler - Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Kees Goossens - Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands
Orlando Moreira - ST Ericsson, the Netherlands
Roman Obermaisser - University of Siegen, Germany
Linh Thi Xuan Phan - University of Pennsylvania, USA
Jan Reineke - Saarland University, Germany
Mikael Sjodin - Malardalen University, Sweden
Tullio Vardanega - University of Padua, Italy
Organizing Committee:
Insup Lee - University of Pennsylvania, USA
Thomas Nolte - Malardalen University, Sweden
Insik Shin - KAIST, South Korea
Oleg Sokolsky - University of Pennsylvania, USA
Important Dates:
Submission deadline: 12th Sept 2012 (No extensions)
Notification of acceptance: 10th Oct 2012
CRTS Workshop: 4th Dec 2012