Multi-model Testbed for the Simulation-based Evaluation of Resilience 
PI(s), Co-PI(s), Researchers:
- Peter Volgyesi (PI)
- Himanshu Neema (Co-PI)
This refers to Hard Problems, released November 2012.
- Security Metrics Driven Evaluation, Design, Development, and Deployment
- Resilient Architectures
Himanshu Neema, Bradley Potteiger, Xenofon Koutsoukos, Gabor Karsai, Peter Volgyesi, and Janos Sztipanovits."Integrated Simulation Testbed for Security and Resilience of CPS", The 13th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2018), Pau, France, April 9-13, 2018.
This is the first quarter of the project. Thus, a significant portion of our efforts was spent on planning the overall architecture and priorities of the new testbed. We decided to rely on Veins as an integrated simulation capability (for the highway traffic and connected vehicle scenarios), WebGME as our collaborative web-based front-end and Jupyter notebooks for executing and evaluating simulation runs. The new architecture is a significant departure from our previous SURE testbed, thus we decided bring-in and re-use previously developed elements selectively, instead of to continue the development of the previous testbed. One of the major design and implementation tasks is the develop programmable attack and mitigation strategies (courses of actions) in the Veins simulation engine. This capability has been provided by the C2 Windtunnel platform in the SURE testbed, previously.
During the reporting period, we built the initial infrastructure of the testbed (currently available at Note, that the current version does not provide developed scenario models. However, all architectural elements above are included and integrated.
In parallel with the development of the web-based testbed, we created a simple emergency vehicle-based scenario using Veins/OMNeT++ directly. The scenario investigates how smart/connected traffic lights can improve the time needed for emergency vehicles to travel through a realistic street network (Vanderbilt campus). The next step is to adopt this scenario in the web-based framework.
Undergraduate student (1) participation. The student acquired knowledge to design, build and execute test scenarios targeting the Vanderbilt campus street network using the Veins platform.