CERT Data Science in Cybersecurity Symposium 2018
PITTSBURGH, July 30, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- The Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Institute CERT Division today announced the 2nd annual CERT Data Science in Cybersecurity Symposium, a free one-day symposium to be held in Arlington, Va., on August 29. Registration is now open.
Modern computer networks generate incredible amounts of data, but making sense of this data is simultaneously a critically important task and a near-impossible exercise requiring advanced software and highly trained personnel.
Data science focuses on creating techniques that uncover hidden patterns in enormous data sets and developing tools that enable this discovery in any dataset and in any environment. Over the past few years, significant advances were made in both techniques and tools, enabling even the most subtle of patterns to be identified using modern computing power.
The 2018 CERT Data Science in Cybersecurity Symposium focuses on metadata and will examine the deep insights to be gleaned from what appears to be highly limited data and the relationship between cybersecurity data and privacy and how to manage that risk.
Speakers at the symposium will include
- Lujo Bauer, associate professor, Carnegie Mellon University Institute for Software Research
- Ari Gesher, morning keynote speaker, founding director of software engineering at Kairos Aerospace
- Bob Rudis, chief security data scientist, Rapid7
- Shawn Riley, chief data officer and CISO, Darklight Cybersecurity (invited)
- Eliezer Kanal, technical manager, science of cybersecurity, SEI CERT Division
- Doug Sicker, department head and professor, Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University
- Mark Perlin, CSO and CEO, Cybergenetics
- Lisa Gumbs, assistant general counsel for operations (ret.), Defense Intelligence Agency
- April Galyardt, machine learning research scientist, SEI CERT Division
The event is free to attend, but space is limited, and registration is required to reserve a seat.
For more information about the CERT Data Science in Cybersecurity Symposium and to register, visit https://data-science-symposium.eventbrite.com.