Visible to the public NIST Workshop: Reasoning about IoT TrustworthinessConflict Detection Enabled

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NIST invites you to join a workshop on methods and technologies for reasoning about IoT trustworthiness on September 13, 2018 at its Gaithersburg campus. The workshop will feature presentations and discussions about current research on the NIST Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) Framework, Modeling Trustworthiness, and Reasoning about CPS Model computationally. The registration page for the workshop is at:
Internet of Things (IoT) systems are a special case of cyber-physical systems that are not only an integration of the logical, physical and human actors, but are connected or networked. Autonomy, AI and connectivity are challenging industry, researchers and government to explore new avenues for assuring the safety, security, privacy, resilience and reliability of Internet of Things systems being deployed at an ever-increasing rate. New ways of addressing these challenges are imperative.
“Trustworthiness,” as defined in the CPS Framework, encompasses the concerns of security, privacy, safety, reliability and resilience. These concerns are all too often addressed separately and in isolation in traditional assurance and risk management approaches. Design, manufacturing and service activities intended to address one concern may adversely impact efforts to address the others. (The overall concept of trustworthiness was introduced in the CPS Framework and further explored during a 2016 workshop, “Exploring the Dimensions of Trustworthiness: Challenges and Opportunities.”)
This upcoming workshop will highlight extensions of existing research and industrial approaches to IoT and Cyber-Physical Systems analysis and assurance by adding intelligence or reasoning methods to traditional design, realization and assurance of trustworthiness. 
Systematic reasoning about system requirements and models allows one to assess their logical equivalence and conflicts and thus allows one to determine whether or not the IoT or CPS model meets the concerns of its stakeholders. Formalizing this reasoning can reveal dependencies and tradeoffs between concerns and ultimately form the basis for ‘onboard’ system health management.
Please register, at , and join us to discuss and contribute your expertise to the discussions. Registration closes September 5, 2018. All in-person attendees must be pre-registered to gain entry to the NIST campus. Photo identification must be presented at the main gate to be admitted to the conference. International attendees are required to present a passport. Attendees must wear their conference badge at all times while on the campus. There is no on-site registration for meetings held at NIST.  There is no fee to attend this event.