Visible to the public Postdoctoral position at Virginia TechConflict Detection Enabled

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Postdoctoral Research Associate
Systems Software Research Group
Virginia Tech
A postdoctoral position is available with the Systems Software Research Group ( at VirginiaTech ( on a project that is investigating verification of x86 machine code. The project involves formal verification of x86-64 binaries, specifically targeting operating systems. We are interested in verifying parts of the Linux kernel, or unikernels such as OSv, MirageOS, and HermitCore.
Recent computer science or computer engineering PhD graduates with a solid background and expertise in x86-64 assembly and x86-64 binary analysis are sought. Moreover, we seek candidates with affinity for:
OS kernels
Program analysis
Theorem proving / formal semantics
Interested candidates should send a CV and cover letter to Dr. Freek Verbeek ( Please indicate in your email that you are applying for a postdoc position. The position is for one year, with strong possibilities for additional years. The start date is flexible, but we aim to fill the position as soon as possible. Please also contact Dr. Verbeek for any questions.