Visible to the public The Role of Cyberespionage in Innovation: Artificial Intelligence Edition

Christopher Porter is the Chief Intelligence Strategist of FireEye and a Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council.

Christopher has testified before Congress and offered commentary on cybersecurity and threat intelligence in the New York Times, USA Today, NBC News, the Council on Foreign Relations, BBC, Lawfare, Foreign Policy, Defense One, Christian Science Monitor, Bloomberg News, Cipher Brief, War on the Rocks, Politico, Cyberscoop, Dark Reading, Roll Call and many other TV, radio, and print outlets worldwide.

Prior to joining FireEye, Christopher served nearly nine years at the Central Intelligence Agency, where he won the National Intelligence Analysis Award, coauthored a National Intelligence Estimate, served as cyber threat intelligence briefer to the White House National Security Council Staff, and was the first analyst to win the Cyber Threats Group Director's Award for Innovation.

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The Role of Cyberespionage in Innovation: Artificial Intelligence Edition
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