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Katie Dey
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Joined: Oct 13 2010

4th International Science of Smart City Operations and Platforms Engineering

SCOPE 2019 with GCTC

Co-located with CPSWeek 2019 in Montreal, Canada


Theme: Trustworthy Analytics and Privacy and Smart City Applications


Smart cities have emerged as a priority for Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) research and development across the world.  Solutions encompass data science, distributed systems and social cyber physical systems.


The problems of ‘closing-the-loop’ in all these application areas are compounded due to the spatial and temporal scales of operation, heterogeneity, and complexity of the underlying physical systems, their interaction with socio-economic behaviors, and risks of cybersecurity and privacy.  Of particular concern is the emerging privacy and trustworthy analytics challenge. This workshop is aiming to address these topics.


We expect the participants in the workshop to encompass researchers and professionals from academia, government, and industry. In addition to the technical papers,  we will be hosting keynotes from leading industrial researchers in this domain and include presentations from urban planning experts from cities.   Presentation about case studies and data sharing opportunities are strongly encouraged.


Papers should describe original work and be maximum six pages in length using the CPSWeek ACM format. Submissions can fall under one or more of the following categories: (1) initial and promising research results, (2) industrial case studies, (3) position statements with sufficient justification and rationale for the proposed idea(s). At least three workshop committee members will review all submitted papers. All papers will be published in the ACM digital library.


Selected high quality papers will be considered for publication (after substantial extension) in the Elsevier's Pervasive and Mobile Computing journal


Topics of Interest are

  • Trustworthy Analytics and Privacy control:

    • Anomaly Detection in Smart Connected Communities
    • Trust Models for Rogue Component Identification
    • Security vs Privacy Tradeoffs in Smart Connected Communities
  • Online reasoning and middleware architectures for trustworthy and dependable decision making.
  • Interactions between privacy, security, resilience, reliability, and safety from both theoretical and operational perspectives
  • Social media data and public safety issues, including understanding issues related to trustworthiness of the data and suggested decisions
  • Smart city solutions and their deployment examples with cybersecurity and privacy as the first order concern.
  • Critical infrastructure modeling, simulation, and (real-time) control: Multi-tiered architecture and frameworks that can integrate applications across domains:
    • Water management, water quality, and flooding.
    • Evolving landscape and uncertainties with mixed energy generation, and storage technologies.
    • Disaster resilience and recovery.
    • Improving mobility services, including rideshare, parking, and sustainable impacts of autonomous vehicles.
  • Technologies for city-scale data gathering, and analysis:
    • Platforms and frameworks for solving the challenge of integrating heterogeneous and cross-domain data.
    • Interactive and predictive analytics for smart cities; using data to inform policies.  
    • Making Open Data and data-sets available to the research community.
    • Tools and guidelines for data governance and exchange between  cities, research communities, and industry stakeholders


Important Dates

Submission: Jan 20

Notification of Acceptance: Feb 8

Camera Ready: Feb 14