CPS Summer School
The Summer School on Cyber Physical Systems
June 10th - 14th at KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
Theme - Trustworthy Highly Autonomous CPS
You are invited to an intensive week covering the latest CPS insights and knowledge. We have gathered the most prominent leaders in the field to make this week one of its kind. These, hopefully warm and sunny, days will leave you with a deep understanding of the complexity of Autonomous CPS solution and how different areas intertwine with each other.
As you know; Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) integrate computation, networking and physical processes to provide products and services that are autonomous, intelligent, connected and collaborative. Resulting in Cyber-Physical Systems of Systems (CPSoS) that have unprecedented capabilities but also unprecedented corresponding technological complexity - representing an ongoing technological shift with corresponding socio-technical implications.
The Theme
This CPS Summer School thematically focuses specifically on trustworthy highly autonomous CPS and brings together multiple perspectives to this theme. These perspectives encompass theoretical foundations, engineering challenges and socio-technical considerations. Areas where new ground needs to be broken. By trustworthiness we refer to a number of properties that we generally would like to see exhibited by a system for us to trust it. In the context of this course, we mainly refer to safety ("do not harm me") and security ("do not allow hackers to violate the system"). Also, other related (or derived) properties will be touched upon including availability, reliability, resilience, robustness, predictability, and privacy.
The Schedule
The integrative thread throughout the Summer School is provided by industrial examples - case studies - that will be provided the first day, and through the theme of trustworthy autonomous CPS.
The red thread will be maintained by daily reflections, discussion sessions and exercises - to revisit the topics treated, bring up open problems and questions - promoting dialogue and learning. Invited speakers and additional experts will be joining these sessions to take part in the discussions and provide further insight into ongoing research and state of the art. The schedule is consequently designed to provide for significant opportunities for interaction between the participants and the speakers.
The summer school takes place from June 10-14th, 2019 in Stockholm, hosted by KTH - the Royal Institute of Technology in cooperation with Halmstad University. The Summer School is intended for professionals from industry (engineers, researchers, and managers) and academics (including doctoral students). While the school is broadly open, an engineering background or corresponding experience is highly recommended to be able to appreciate the topics treated.
Registration and Fees
Use this link to register for the Summer School. Last day of registration is 15th of May 2019. There will be a limited number of seats so don't wait with your registration if you really want to join.
Registration fee
The fees include one week of participation, lunches and all material according to the schedule. Accommodation is not included in the price. After registration you will receive an invoice via mail.
For questions regarding registration please contact Johanna Olsson, joo2@kth.se .