Visible to the public CYbersecure Distribution systems with power Electronically interfaced Renewables (CYDER)

The overarching research goal of this project is to design a new comprehensive methodology for cyber-security monitoring and mitigation in systems with a multitude of dynamical devices that are prone to cyberattacks. To demonstrate the performance of our proposed algorithms, we study their application for an electric power distribution system as a critical cyberinfrastructure, which includes substations, feeder devices, and smart meters. Existing distribution systems are operated based on outdated distribution management systems (DMS) that were designed without anticipation of the new advances and their associated challenges, e.g., cybersecurity threats, high penetration of renewable energy systems, and advanced sensing and control requirements. If this project is successful, it will result in a new vision for the next generation of cyber-enabled distribution systems. This work will also address the increasing need for technologies to secure the power grid due to the growing sophistication of computer hacking and helps U.S. utilities, which already spend between $1M to $10M annually on cybersecurity, to meet the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) requirements. Our objectives contribute mainly to the Science of Cyber-Physical Systems, with our case studies and validation eorts, including experimental testbeds, contribute also to Technology for Cyber-Physical Systems. The intellectual merit of this exploratory research project lies in the design of algorithms and theories to detect cyberattacks and mitigate their impact at the distribution system level. In this work, a CPS model of the distribution system will be built for simulation/validation needs, which will include (i) cyber attack models, (ii) intrusion detection algorithm, and (iii) optimization of location of intrusion detection systems (IDS) in a smart meter environment. Additionally, methods and algorithms will be designed to mitigate cyber intrusions. These methods will include enhanced controllers for both reference tracking and frequency regulation under varying system topology and operating point as caused by the cyberattacks, e.g., disconnection of distributed generation units and system topology changes. The designed methodologies will be evaluated via WSU's existing smart city testbed. Our specific objectives are

  • Objective 1: Detection of Cyberthreats on the Distribution System. We will design algorithms to detect cyber security issues in communication-enabled advanced metering infrastructure and distribution substations. We will also build a cyberphysical system (CPS) model of the distribution system for simulation and evaluation to include (i) cyber attack models, (ii) intrusion detection algorithm, and (iii) optimization of location of intrusion detection systems (IDS) in a smart meter environment.
  • Objective 2: Mitigation of and Response to Cyber Intrusions. We will design methods and algorithms to mitigate cyber intrusions. Our methods include advanced controllers for both reference tracking and frequency regulation. Our controllers cater to the fast response-time required of power electronic converters while maintaining stability under dierent operating modes and conditions.
  • Objective 3: Preparing the Next Generation of Cyber-Aware Engineers. Our education program aims at producing skillful \workforce-ready day-one" graduates while emphasizing broadening participation in computing via an enhanced undergraduate- and graduate-level educational experience.
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CYbersecure Distribution systems with power Electronically interfaced Renewables (CYDER)
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