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The 24th International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2019

10-14 June 2019 | Warsaw, Poland |

Important dates

  • 28 January 2019
    Submission of regular papers, industrial presentation outlines, tutorial and workshop proposals
  • 1 March 2019
    Notification of acceptance to all authors
  • 16 March 2019
    Camera-ready version of regular papers required
  • 30 April 2019
    Industrial presentations, tutorial and workshop material required
  • 10-14 June 2019

Regular papers

For submission of regular papers, please use the EasyChair system set up for the conference by following the URL:

If you do not have an EasyChair account you will be requested to create a new one so that we can contact you.

Industrial Presentations
For submission of an industrial presentation proposal, please use the URL:

Log in as "author". You may have to create an account. First select "New Submission", then "AE Industrial Track", and follow the instructions.

The proposal shall be at least 1 page, including title, author name and affiliation, and the extended abstract of your presentation. A PDF-file is preferred. There are no particular requirements to fonts, margins, etc.

Please note that Industrial presentations shall NOT be product presentations (there are other inroads into the conference for that).

For any further questions, please contact the Industrial Chairs.

For submission of Workshop proposals please contact the Tutorial and Workshop Chair.