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3rd Congress on Formal Methods (FM'19)

Every 10 years, the Symposium on Formal Methods organized by Formal Methods Europe takes the form of a World Congress. Twenty years after FM'99 in Toulouse, and ten years after FM'09 in Eindhoven, formal methods communities from all over the world will again have the opportunity to meet at the FM'19 World Congress, coinciding with the 23rd symposium of the series. Therefore, FM'19 will be both an occasion to celebrate, and a platform for enthusiastic researchers and practitioners from a diversity of backgrounds and schools to exchange their ideas and share their experience.


FM 2019 is the 23rd in a series of symposia organised by Formal Methods Europe , an independent association whose aim is to stimulate the use of, and research on, formal methods for software development. It is now more than 30 years since the first VDM symposium in 1987 brought together researchers with the common goal of creating methods to produce high quality software based on rigour and reason. Since then the diversity and complexity of computer technology has changed enormously and the formal methods community has stepped up to the challenges those changes brought by adapting, generalising and improving the models and analysis techniques that were the focus of that first symposium. The theme for FM 2019 is a reflection on how far the community has come and the lessons we can learn for understanding and developing the best software for future technologies.

Conferences and Symposia

  • FM 2019 - 23rd International Symposium on Formal Methods (including a Journal-first Track)
  • LOPSTR 2019 - 29th International Symposium on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation
  • MPC 2019 - 13th International Conference on Mathematics of Program Construction
  • PPDP 2019 - 21st International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming
  • RV 2019 - 19th International Conference on Runtime Verification
  • SAS 2019 - 26th International Static Analysis Symposium
  • TAP 2019 - 13th International Conference on Tests and Proofs
  • UTP 2019 - 7th International Symposium on Unifying Theories of Programming
  • VECoS 2019 - 13th International Conference on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems


  • AFFORD 2019 - Practical Formal Verification for Software Dependability
  • DALI 2019 - 2nd Workshop on Dynamic Logic: New Trends and Applications
  • DataMod 2019 - 8th International Symposium "From Data to Models and Back (DataMod)"
  • EFM 2019 - 1st International Workshop on Empirical Formal Methods
  • FMAS 2019 - Formal Methods for Autonomous Systems
  • FMBC 2019 - Workshop on Formal Methods for Blockchains
  • FMIS 2019 - 8th Formal Methods for Interactive Systems Workshop
  • FMTea 2019 - Formal Methods Teaching Workshop and Tutorial
  • F-IDE 2019 - 5th Workshop on Formal Integrated Development Environment
  • HFM 2019 - History of Formal Methods
  • OVT 2019 - 17th Overture Workshop
  • REFINE 2019 - 19th Refinement Workshop
  • RPLA 2019 - Reversibility in Programming, Languages, and Automata
  • Information about other workshops will be provided as soon as their website are available.

Doctoral Symposium & Industry Day

  • DS - Doctoral symposium
  • i-Day - Industry day


  • ALLOY - Formal software design with Alloy and Electrum
  • CbC - The Correctness by Construction Approach to Programming
  • FM4BioMed - Formal Methods for BioMedicine
  • FRAMA-C-IoT - Formal Verification of IoT Software with Frama-C
  • KEYMAERA X - Modular Formal Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems with KeYmaera X
  • MLFV - ML + FV = ? A Gentle Introduction to the use of Machine Learning within Formal Verification Tools
  • SRV - Stream-based Runtime Verification

General Chair

  • Jose Nuno Oliveira, INESC TEC & University of Minho

Organising Committee

  • Luis Soares Barbosa (Publicity Chair), INESC TEC & University of Minho
  • Jose Creissac Campos (Financial Chair), INESC TEC & University of Minho
  • Joao Pascoal Faria, INESC TEC and University of Porto
  • Sara Fernandes, University of Minho & INESC TEC
  • Luis Neves, Critical Software
  • Ana Paiva (Industry Relations Chair), INESC TEC and University of Porto

Local Organisers

  • Catarina Fernandes, INESC TEC & University of Minho
  • Paula Rodrigues, INESC TEC

Web Team

  • Francisco Neves, INESC TEC & University of Minho
  • Rogerio Pontes, INESC TEC & University of Minho
  • Paula Rodrigues, INESC TEC

Program Committee Chairs

  • Annabelle McIver, Macquarie University
  • Maurice ter Beek, Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione

Program Committee

Event Details
Porto, Portugal