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22nd Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD 2019)

August 28 - 30, 2019 | Kallithea, Chalkidiki, Greece |

The Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD) addresses all aspects of (embedded, pervasive and high-performance) digital and mixed HW/SW system engineering, covering the whole design trajectory from specification down to micro-architectures, digital circuits and VLSI implementations. It is a forum for researchers and engineers from academia and industry working on advanced investigations, developments and applications.

It focuses on today's and future challenges of advanced embedded, high-performance and cyber-physical applications; system and processor architectures for embedded and high-performance HW/SW systems; design methodology and design automation for all design levels of embedded, high-performance and cyber-physical systems; modern implementation technologies from full custom in nanometer technology nodes, through FPGAs, to MPSoC infrastructures.

Authors are kindly invited to submit their work according (but not limited) to the main topics of the conference main track. In addition, several Special Sessions (with their own coordinators and subprogram committees) do also welcome contributions in specific themes of particular interest. All papers are reviewed following guidelines, quality requirements and thresholds that are common to all committees.

The Author's Session selection can be changed according actually sent papers to create a thematically comprehensive DSD conference program.

Extended versions of selected best papers will be published in a special issue of the ISI indexed Euromicro/Elsevier journal "Microprocessors and Microsystems: Embedded Hardware Design" (MICPRO) having the 2017 Impact Factor as high as 1.049.

Main Topics

  • Design and synthesis of systems, hardware and embedded software
  • IoT, cyber-physical and embedded systems
  • Systems-on-a-chip, networks-on-a-chip and systems-in-a-package
  • Programmable/re-configurable/adaptable architectures
  • Reliable, Secure, Safe and Optimized systems and their design methods
  • Formal Methods in System Design
  • Specification, modeling, analysis, validation and test for systems, hardware and embedded software
  • Design automation at system, register-transfer, logic and physical levels
  • Advanced applications of embedded and cyber-physical systems
  • Application analysis and parallelization for embedded and high-performance design
  • New issues introduced by emerging applications and technologies

Submission Guidelines

Authors are encouraged to submit their manuscripts to EasyChair. Should an unexpected web access problem be encountered, please contact the Program Chair by email ( and

Each manuscript should include the complete paper text, all illustrations, and references. The manuscript should conform to the IEEE format: single-spaced, double column, US letter page size, 10-point size Times Roman font, up to 8 pages. In order to conduct a blind review, no indication of the authors' names should appear in the manuscript, references included.

IEEE Conference Publishing Services (CPS) will publish accepted papers in the conference proceedings and the proceedings will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore Digital library and indexing services.

The author's session selection may be changed to create a thematically comprehensive DSD conference program.

Special Sessions and Organizers

  • AHSA: Architectures and Hardware for Security Applications, P. Kitsos (TEI of Western Greece, GR), Martin Novotny (CTU Prague, CZ) | CfP (PDF format)
  • AMDL: Applications, Architectures, Methods and Tools for Machine - and Deep Learning | H. Corporaal (TU/e Eindhoven, NL), M. Peemen (Termo Fisher Sci, NL)
  • ASAASIT: Architectures and Systems for Automotive, Aeronautic, Space and Intelligent Transportation, Smail Niar (U de Valenciennes, FR), Hamid Reza Pourshaghaghi (TU/e, NL), Ihsen Alouani (U de Valenciennes, FR)| CfP (PDF format)
  • ASHWPA: Advanced Systems in Healthcare, Wellness and Personal Assistance | F. Leporati (U Pavia, IT), R. Stojanovic (U Montenegro, ME) | CfP (PDF format)
  • DCPS: Design of Cyber-Physical Systems, D. Goswami (TU/e, NL), A. Hamann (Bosch, DE), M. Geilen, (TU/e, NL), D. Quaglia (U Verona, IT) | CfP (PDF format)
  • DTFT: Dependability, Testing and Fault Tolerance in Digital Systems | P. Fiser (CTU Prague, CZ), Z. Kotasek (TU Brno, CZ) | CfP (PDF format)
  • EPDSD: European Projects in Digital System Design | F. Leporati (U Pavia, IT), L. Jozwiak (TU/e, NL) | CfP (PDF format)
  • FTET: Future Trends in Emerging Technologies | O. Keszocze (FAU Erlangen, DE), P. Fiser (CTU in Prague, CZ) | CfP (PDF format)
  • MCSDIA: Mixed-Criticality System Design, Implementation and Analysis | K. Gruttner (OFFIS, DE), M. Azkarate-Askatsua (IK4-IKERLAN, ES) | CfP (PDF format)
  • SDCIS: System Design for Collaborating Intelligent Systems | E. Ebeid (U Southern Denmark, DK), R. Jacobsen (Aarhus U, DK), B. Beach (U Southern Denmark, DK)| CfP (PDF format)

Important Dates

  • Paper Submission Deadline: 01 April 2019
  • Notification of Acceptance: 15 May 2019
  • Camera-Ready Papers: 15 June 2019