CfP: 38th International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security (SafeComp 2019)
38th International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security (SafeComp 2019)
Turku, Finland | 10 - 13 September 2019 |
SAFECOMP was established in 1979 by the European Workshop on Industrial Computer Systems, Technical Committee 7 on Reliability, Safety and Security (EWICS TC7).
Since then, it has contributed to the progress of the state-of-the-art in dependable application of computers in safety-related and safety-critical systems. SAFECOMP has contributed to the progress of the state-of-the-art in dependable application of computers in safety-related and safety-critical systems.
Important dates
- Abstract submission:
14 February 2019Extended: 17 February 2019 - Paper submission:
17 February 2019Extended: 27 February 2019 - Notification: 30 April 2019
- Camera ready: 5 June 2019
Topics include, but are not limited to:
- development, verification and assessment of highly automated and autonomous dependable systems
- formal modelling, verification and validation of critical systems, software and hardware
- model-driven engineering and assessment of safety and security-critical systems and software
- resilient and fault-tolerant hardware and software architectures
- fault detection and recovery mechanisms
- distributed and real-time monitoring and control
- security and privacy protection mechanisms for safety-related and safety-critical systems
- safety/security co-engineering and risk assessment
- probabilistic verification and validation
- testing, verification and validation methods and tools for safety and security
- methods and tools for qualification, assurance and certification
- data-driven techniques for engineering dependable systems, software and hardware
- cyber-physical threats and vulnerability analysis
- safety and security guidelines, standards and certification of critical systems
- safety and security assurance cases
- safety and security issues of applied AI and machine learning in critical systems
- devops and agile development methods
- Domains of application include:
- railways, automotive, space, avionics, nuclear and process industries
- highly automated and autonomous systems, advanced robotics, construction engines and off-road vehicles
- telecommunications and networks
- safety-related applications of smart systems and IoT (Internet of Things, Smart Anything Everywhere)
- critical infrastructures, smart grids, SCADA
- medical devices and healthcare
- surveillance, defense, emergency & rescue
- logistics, industrial automation, off-shore technology
- education & training
Types of submissions:
- regular research papers up to 14 pages
- practical and industrial experience reports and tool papers up to 8 pages
The papers must be formatted according the LNCS templates provided by the Springer Verlag.
Papers should be electronically submitted via the EasyChair submission system link to the submission page.
Papers must not have been previously published or concurrently submitted elsewhere.
Conference proceedings
Proceedings will be published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Series by Springer Verlag.
Paper Submission
Papers can be submitted via easychair at
Formatting guidelines
Please ensure you adhere to Springer formatting guidelines.