NITRD Report on CPS and IoT There has historically been uncertainty about the relationship between CPS and IoT, which has hindered close interaction and communication across the respective communities. This document describes the origins of these terms, analyzes the range of definitions over time, and describes a unified perspective that clarifies that relationship and reduces uncertainty to promote a common basis for working together -- exchanging best practices and ideas, pursuing shared goals, avoiding duplication of effort, reducing the proliferation of conflicting standards, and catalyzing discovery and innovation. |
Rebooting the IT Revoluation To realize the full benefits of the Internet of Things and Big Data and to build the foundation for future technologies that convert data to "insight", there is an urgent need for a targeted and coordinated government initiative similar to that which sparked the semiconductor revolution fifty years ago--a "National Computing and Insight Technologies Ecosystem" initiative (N-CITE). |
IoT/CPS Opportunity Report The objective of this report is to provide a draft selection of EU-US cooperation opportunities on IoT/CPS that were identified within the PICASSO project and that will be refined, validated, and extended during the remainder of the project. |