Visible to the public 2012 Education Planning Meeting - Travel Policy

Travel Reimbursements

We are offering to attempt to reimburse travel expenses for university-based attendees. To receive a reimbursement, travel expenses must follow the UC Berkeley Travel Policy (basically, no business class airfare, there are limits on meal expenses, no alcohol expenses will be reimbursed).

Note that it appears that to receive a reimbursement, you must either be a US Citizen or have a work visa. Email Christopher Brooks by September 21 and tell him you are an academic and you would like to be reimbursed for travel. Before booking your travel, please review the UC Berkeley Travel Policy

  1. The traveler will need to be added to UC Berkeley's vendor system, which requires a Social Security Number (SSN). At the meeting, Christopher Brooks will provide a paper form. Please do not email your SSN.
  2. After travel is completed, each traveler will fill out a UC Berkeley Travel Reimbursement Form, scan in receipts as pdf files and email it all to Christopher .
  3. Assuming the expenses follow the travel policy, a check will be cut.