Visible to the public 40th Summer School of Automatic ControlConflict Detection Enabled

40th Summer School of Automatic Control

special topic on Control of Computing Systems

Grenoble, France

September, 09-13, 2019

More informations at

Important dates

For administrative reasons, registration takes place in 2 steps:

  • pre-registration
  • registration

Registrants will be informed how to proceed with registration once they have made their pre-registration.

  • Pre-registration deadline : July 12th, 2019
  • Registration deadline : July 15th, 2019
  • Summer School : September 09-13, 2019

Context and motivations

Self-managing or autonomic computing systems are answering to the need to address dynamic variations in the computing, memory or communication loads, as well as in their environment, the evolutions in their computing infrastructure (shared or subject to faults) or (re)adaptations of their initial functionalities. Their administration, usually performed by human administrators, needs to be automated in order to be efficient, safe and highly reactive. The Autonomic Computing paradigm using self-manageable closed loops emerged in the early 2000, targeting distributed system and addressing these questions from a computer science point of view. A particularly insightful way of building such control loops is to use control systems theory, which employs a large spectrum of modelling, estimation and control techniques (continuous, discrete, stochastic), classically applied mostly to electro-mechanical, physical systems, but much less usually to computing systems. .

The aim of this Summer School is to offer the opportunity of a scientific forum from control systems, informatics, distributed systems, around the various challenges and methodologies dedicated to the control of computing systems. To this end, domain experts will be present to share their expertise and cutting-edge research results.


The School will consist of a series of surveys, lectures and research talks taught in English, completed by a series of applications sessions.


The School is mainly intended for PhD students, researchers and industrial participants interested in self-managing systems, autonomic management and control of Cloud, Real-Time or High Performance Computing (HPC) systems, privacy or BigData management. Basic knowledge in automatic control and mathematics is useful.

Confirmed lecturers:

Karl-Erik Arzen (Lund University Sweden); Lydia Chen (TU Delft (IBM) Netherlands); Niklas Karlsson (Verizon Media, CA USA); Eric Kerrigan (Imperial College London, UK); Stephane Lafortune (University of Michigan, USA); Daniel Simon (LIRMM-INRIA France)


The School will consist of a series of surveys, lectures and research talks taught in English, completed by a series of applications sessions.


The School is mainly intended for PhD students, researchers and industrial participants interested in self-managing systems, autonomic management and control of Cloud, Real-Time or High Performance Computing (HPC) systems, privacy or BigData management. Basic knowledge in automatic control and mathematics is useful.