Position Announcement: University of Gothenburg (Sweden) PostDoc position
Position Announcement
PostDoc position at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Application deadline: July 31, 2019
The successful candidate will work in the context of the Swedish Project "Cyber Resilience for Vehicles" (CyReV) funded by VINNOVA and under the supervision of Riccardo Scandariato (http://scandariato.org).
The project is positioned in the domain of connected and autonomy road vehicles. The project focusses on understanding the root cause of an ongoing cyber-attack, e.g., in order to identify the software components that have been breached and/or compromised. As such, the project requires the development of techniques to monitor the security posture of software components at run-time.
The primary job assignment is to independently plan, conduct and report research studies and to transfer research results to the industrial partners in the project, including Volvo and Volvo Cars.
Candidates with a PhD in computer science and a keen interest in software security are invited to apply for a 2-year postdoc position in Gothenburg, Sweden. The start date is January 2020 at the latest. You will be part of a top research group in software engineering and collaborate with leading automakers in an automotive research project. The group is very international, English is the operative language, and we value a healthy working environment.
Job Terms
Type of employment: Fixed-term employment, central agreement
Extent: 100 % of full time
Location: Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Division of Software Engineering
First day of employment: 2020-01-01 or as soon as possible
For a detailed description of the job offering and the instructions on how to apply, please visit the link here.
For more info, contact Riccardo Scandariato here.
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