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Call for Papers

Artificial Intelligence for Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response Workshop (AI + HADR 2019)

December 13 or 14, 2019

Part of the 2019 Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems

Humanitarian crises from disease outbreak to war to oppression against disadvantaged groups have threatened people and their communities throughout history. Natural disasters are a single, extreme example of such crises. In the wake of hurricanes, earthquakes, and other such crises, people have ceaselessly sought ways--often harnessing innovation--to provide assistance to victims after disasters have struck.

Through this workshop, we intend to establish meaningful dialogue between the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response (HADR) communities. By the end of the workshop, the NeurIPS research community can learn the practical challenges of aiding those in crisis, while the HADR community can get to know the state of art and practice in AI. We seek to establish a pipeline of transitioning the research created by the NeurIPS community to real-world humanitarian issues. We believe such an endeavor is possible due to recent successes in applying techniques from various AI and Machine Learning (ML) disciplines to HADR.


We welcome methods from these and other related fields:

  • Machine Learning
  • Computer Vision
  • Robotics
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Information Theory
  • Decision Theory
  • Game Theory
  • Causal Modeling
  • Applied Statistics

Further, we welcome applications to a variety of humanitarian and disaster response issues, including but not limited to the following:

  • Search and rescue robotics
  • Computer vision for damage assessment
  • Motion planning in obstructed roads
  • Disinformation management on social media

Formatting Instructions

Submissions will be limited to 5 pages of content and 1 page of references in the NeurIPS 2019 format. Papers can contain appendices after the sixth page, but reviewers are not required to consider them in their decisions.

Submission Instructions

The deadline for submission is September 16th, 2019 at 11:59PM Pacific Time. Submissions must be made on the hosted CMT instance at All submissions will undergo double-blind review; Thus, please ensure that your submission is anonymized when submitted, including removing names, affiliations, contact information, and ensuring that references to your own previous work are in the third person.

Review Criteria

Submissions will be judged on

  • Their technical merit
  • The clarity in conveying the importance of the work, methodology, and experimental results (if applicable)
  • The relevance to the goal of the workshop.

Each submission will be reviewed by at least one member each from the AI and HADR communities to ensure both technical merit and impact are both considered.

Accepted Papers

Authors of accepted papers will be notified on October 1st, 2019. Upon notification, we ask that authors of accepted papers deanonymize their works, make any final changes, host their paper on the web (for instance, on arXiv), and then submit a link to where the paper is hosted to the workshop organizers by October 14th, 2019. This website will then host a collection of these links.

Note that accepted papers will not be formally published. This means that:

  • Authors can retain full copyright of their works
  • Work contained in accepted papers are not precluded to be published in other research venues
  • Submitted papers are allowed to have significant overlap with previously published or currently submitted work (in this case, please indicate overlapping works).

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