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Cognizant Autonomous Systems for Safety Critical Applications (CASSCA)

September 16 & 17, 2019

Hyatt Regency, Miami, Florida

The Institute of Navigation (ION) is holding the Cognizant Autonomous Systems for Safety Critical Applications (CASSCA) Conference on Monday, September 16 and Tuesday, September 17, 2019 at the Hyatt Regency, Miami, Florida.

Chaired by Professor Zak Kassas, University of California, Irvine and Technical Program Chair, Dr. Robert Leishhman, Air Force Institute of Technology, the 2-day conference includes presentations and discussions on the current state of the art in autonomous vehicles development, from the often disparate perspectives of government, industry, and academic institutions. Plenary speakers, representing a wide variety of interests and perspectives on autonomous vehicles, will kick off the conference with insight into what these vehicles are capable of, and what interesting concepts are now within reach. Conference discussions will investigate the unique challenges and difficulties associated with addressing the needs of safety-critical applications in the deployment of autonomous vehicles. Crucial perspectives and important concerns from the trust, policy, and ethics communities on the development and deployment of these vehicles will be heard. Technical success alone cannot secure widespread adoption and deployment of autonomous vehicles. Successful solutions will emerge from the combined efforts of scientists, engineers, and policy-makers.

We will look at the unique challenges associated with the needs of safety-critical applications in the deployment of unmanned vehicles and we will bring together scientists, engineers, program managers, and policy-makers to outline how important this technology is and how CPS professionals can get ahead of - and benefit from - this technology revolution. The Plenary Speakers include: Dr. Jonathan Sprinkle, National Science Foundation; Dr. Joseph Lyons, Air Force Research Laboratory; Dr. Randy Beard, Brigham Young University; and Dr. Giorgio Rizzoni, The Ohio State University. The conference also consists of speakers and panelists in six regular sessions: Aerial Vehicles I & II, Ground Vehicles, Human-Machine Symbiosis, Trust in Autonomous Vehicles, and Ethics and Policy.

To view the technical program:

Below is a link to a video that lays out a compelling case for attending this important 2-day conference and why CPS professionals need to be informed and up-to-date on what's happening in this field.

Register today for the CASSCA Workshop at

See you in Miami.