Visible to the public Multi-paradigm deception modeling for cyber defenseConflict Detection Enabled

TitleMulti-paradigm deception modeling for cyber defense
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsCristiano De Faveri, Ana Moreira, Vasco Amaral
JournalScience Direct
Start Page32
Pagination32 - 51
Date PublishedJuly 2018
KeywordsArticles of Interest, C3E 2019, Cognitive Security, Cognitive Security in Cyber, cyber defense, multi-paradigm modeling

Security-critical systems demand multiple well-balanced mechanisms to detect ill-intentioned actions and protect valuable assets from damage while keeping costs in acceptable levels. The use of deception to enhance security has been studied for more than two decades. However, deception is still included in the software development process in an ad-hoc fashion, typically realized as single tools or entire solutions repackaged as honeypot machines. We propose a multi-paradigm modeling approach to specify deception tactics during the software development process so that conflicts and risks can be found in the initial phases of the development, reducing costs of ill-planned decisions. We describe a metamodel containing deception concepts that integrates other models, such as a goal-oriented model, feature model, and behavioral UML models to specify static and dynamic aspects of a deception operation. The outcome of this process is a set of deception tactics that is realized by a set of deception components integrated with the system components. The feasibility of this multi-paradigm approach is shown by designing deception defense strategies for a students' presence control system for the Faculty of Science and Technology of Universidade NOVA de Lisboa.

Citation Keynode-62502