Visible to the public Friend or Faux: Deception for Cyber DefenseConflict Detection Enabled

TitleFriend or Faux: Deception for Cyber Defense
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsKimberly Ferguson-Walter, D. S. LaFon, T. B. Shade
JournalJournal of Information Warfare
Start Page28
Pagination28 - 42
KeywordsArticles of Interest, C3E 2019, Cognitive Security, Cognitive Security in Cyber, cyber defense, deception attack detection

Defensive deception provides promise in rebalancing the asymmetry of cybersecurity. It makes an attacker's job harder because it does more than just block access; it impacts the decision making causing him or her to waste time and effort as well as expose his or her presence in the network. Pilot studies conducted by NSA research demonstrated the plausibility and necessity for metrics of success including difficulty attacking the system, behavioral changes caused, cognitive and emotional reactions aroused, and attacker strategy changes due to deception. Designing reliable and valid measures of effectiveness is a worthy (though often overlooked) goal for industry and government alike.

Citation Keynode-62503