Visible to the public Demystifying Deception Technology: A SurveyConflict Detection Enabled

TitleDemystifying Deception Technology: A Survey
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsDaniel Fraunholz, Simon Duque Anton, Christoph Lipps, Daniel Reti, Daniel Krohmer, Frederic Pohl, Matthias Tammen, Hans Dieter Schotten
Date PublishedApril 17, 2018
KeywordsCognitive Security, Cognitive Security in Cyber, deception, Deception Technology

It was concluded that deception technology is a beneficial extension for traditional IT- security. Emphasis was placed on requirement categories, such as psychological, formal, legal and ethical, as well as on recent trends, such as VMI and the field of industrial and critical infrastructure security.

Citation Keynode-62736