ICDCN 2020
21st International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN 2020)
ICDCN is a premier international conference dedicated to addressing advances in Distributed Computing and Communication Networks. Over the years, it has become a leading forum for disseminating the latest research results in these fields. The 21st edition of this conference will be organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering and School of Mobile Computing and Communication, Jadavpur University,Kolkata, India. Kolkata is not only the home of many industries in India in both public and private sector, but also a major tourist attraction. One can also enjoy the other tourist attraction points around Kolkata.
ICDCN 2020 will be organized in two tracks: Distributed Computing and Networking, and will comprise of a highly selective technical program consisting of refereed regular and short papers, panel discussions as well as focused workshops on emerging topics. See Call for Papers for more details. Conference proceedings will be published in the ACM Digital Library.
Selected papers will be invited for fast-track publication in one or more appropriate high-quality journals. The conference will consider awarding a Best Paper Award, independently for each track.
Keynote Speakers
- Dr. Suman Banerjee
Sheldon B. Lubar Professor, Department of Computer Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA - Dr. Pietro Lio'
Professor, Department of Computer Science and Technology, University of Cambridge, UK - Dr. Venkat Padmanabhan
Deputy Managing Director, Microsoft Research India, Bagalore - Dr. Andrea W. Richa
Professor and Barrett Honors Faculty, Computer Science and Engineering, Arizona State University, USA
- International Workshop on Emergency Response Technologies and Services (EmeRTeS 2020)
- The Ninth International Workshop on Computing and Networking for Internet of Things and Beyond (ComNet-IoT 2020)
- Workshop on Networks and Systems for Agriculture (AGRINETS 2020)
- 1st International Workshop on Societal Computing for the Internet of Things & You (SoCIeTY 2020)
- Workshop on 5G Edge architecture
- First ACM Workshop on Smart Sensing: from IoT to Ambient (SmartSensing)
- International Workshop On Networking Women In Distributed Computing And Networks 2020 (NWDCN 2020)
Distributed Computing Track
- Blockchain
- Concurrent Data Structures
- Distributed algorithms: design, analysis, and complexity
- Distributed operating systems
- Distributed database systems
- Embedded distributed systems, sensors and mobile
- Distributed Robots
- Formal methods for distributed systems
- Experimental evaluation of distributed systems
- Fault-tolerance, reliability, and availability
- Multiprocessor & multi-core architectures & algorithms
- Self-organization, self-stabilization, & autonomic computing
- High performance computing, grid computing
- Multi-tire cloud computing and Big Data processing
- Security, cryptography and Game theory in distributed systems
- Internet-scale distributed systems
Networking Track
- 5G, ultra-dense networks, and next-gen networks and services
- Ad-hoc, sensor, PAN and mesh networks
- Backscatter and ultra-low power networks
- Cognitive networking
- Data center and cloud networking
- Energy-efficient networking & integration with smart grids
- Internetworking protocols & Internet applications
- IoT connectivity and Cyber Physical Systems (CPS)
- Mobile Edge Computing (MEC)
- Mobile offloading
- Mobile pervasive computing and networking
- Network function virtualization and Software Defined Networking (SDN)
- Network security & privacy
- Next generation & converged network architectures
- Overlay & peer-to-peer networks and services
- Pricing and network economics