ERTS 2020
The ERTS Congress is a unique International cross sector event on Embedded Software and Systems, the "place to be" for actors from universities, research centers and industries :
Unique : no other event have this particular mix of scientist and industrial representatives, acting in several domains, that we have in ERTS !
International : half of our 60 program committee members come from outside of France
Cross sector : all the domains where embedded systems are central, including, but not limited to :
-transportation : aeronautics, automotive, railway, subway and marine
-satellite and space exploration
-smart agriculture
-defence energy
-telecom domains
Completed by a specialized exhibition : a selection of tools providers, SMEs specialized in embedded systems development and integration dedicated to your exact needs.
And it's in Toulouse, a unique blend of south art of living and high technology, famous for its aeronautical and space industry, but also for its automotive activity !
The 2018 edition has gathered more than 100 talks, 400 participants and 50 exhibitors, with more than 2000 B2B meetings.
In 2020, we'll do even better; with a special emphasis on embedded computing platforms and networked systems, processes, methods and tools, resilience, human systems, associated and connected systems.
The congress targets all the domains where embedded systems are crucial, such as, but not limited to, transportation (aeronautics, automotive, railway, subway, marine, unmanned vehicle, space exploration and satellite applications), e-healthcare, smart agriculture, industry, defence, energy, and telecom domains.
- Embedded computing platforms and networked systems
- Distributed architectures,
- Multi-core/manycore platforms,
- Embedded networks,
- Middleware,
- Virtualisation,
- Service-oriented platforms,
- Energy-aware management
- Processes, methods and tools
- Agile techniques,
- AI based development methods,
- Model-based system engineering,
- Virtual engineering and simulation,
- Formal methods,
- Requirement engineering,
- Product line engineering,
- New programming and verification languages
- Resilience
- Dependability,
- Safety,
- Cyber security,
- Quality of service,
- Fault tolerance,
- Maintainability,
- Diagnosis generation,
- Health monitoring,
- Certification
- Human system interactions
- User interfaces for command and control systems,
- Human error evaluation,
- User-centred design,
- Automation design and function allocation
- Autonomous and connected systems
- Adaptive systems and artificial intelligence,
- Robotics, Drones,
- Internet of Things (IoT),
- Intelligent systems,
- Ethical and legal issues