Assured CPS Autonomy for 3D Urban Transportation Program Agenda
Times listed are PDT
0800 - 0805 | Session 0 - Scene Setting, Goals of Workshop Claire Tomlin (UC Berkeley) and David Corman (NSF) |
Session I - Industrial Perspective Chair: David Corman (NSF) and Werner Damm (University of Oldenburg) |
0805 - 0820 0820 - 0835 0835 - 0850 |
Keenan Wyrobek (Zipline) Brendan Groves (Skydio) Arne Stoschek (Acubed / Airbus) |
0850 - 0900 | Moderated Discussion |
Session II - Policy Implications Panel Chair: Brandie Nonnecke (CITRIS Policy Lab, University of California) |
0900 - 1000 | Panelists: Peter de Vries (University of Twente) Dr. Christian Eschmann (German Aerospace Center (DLR)) Janet Napolitano (former UC President, former Secretary of Homeland Security, and Professor of Public Policy at UC Berkeley) Brandon Stark (UC Center of Excellence on Unmanned Aircraft System Safety) |
1000 - 1015 | BREAK |
Session III - Assured Autonomy Chairs: Sandeep Neema (DARPA) and Claire Tomlin (UC Berkeley) |
1015 - 1030 1030 - 1045 1045 - 1100 1100 - 1115 1115 - 1130 1130 - 1145 1145 - 1200 |
Alexander Pretschner (Technical University of Munich) Naira Hovakimyan (University Of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign) Evangelos Theodorou (Georgia Institute of Technology) Marco Pavone (Stanford University) Xenofon Koutsoukos (Vanderbilt University) Bernd Finkbeiner (CISPA and Universität des Saarlandes) Alessandro Pinto (Raytheon Technologies) |
1200 - 1230 | Moderated Discussion |
1230 | Adjourn for the day |
Session IV - Air Space Structuring Chair: Alexander Pretschner (Technical University of Munich) and Janos Sztipanovits (Vanderbilt University) |
0805 - 0820 0820 - 0835 0835 - 0850 0850 - 0905 0905 - 0920 |
Parimal Kopardekar (NASA Aeronautics Research Institute (NARI)) Dasom Lee (University of Twente) Karthik Gopalakrishnan (MIT) Mark Mueller (UC Berkeley) Tobias Biehle (Technical University Berlin) |
0920 - 0950 | Moderated Discussion |
0950 - 1005 | BREAK |
Session V - Protocol Design and Concept of Operations Chair: Bernd Finkbeiner (CISPA and Universität des Saarlandes) and Xenofon Koutsoukos (Vanderbilt University) |
1005 - 1020 1020 - 1035 1035 - 1050 1050 - 1105 |
Alexandre Bayen (UC Berkeley) Banavar Sridhar (NASA Ames Research Center) Lillian Ratliff (University of Washington) Forrest Laine (UC Berkeley) |
1105 - 1135 | Moderated Discussion |
1135 - 1200 | Concluding Remarks and Wrap-up |
1200 | Adjourn |