Scalable Privacy Analysis - January 2020
PI(s), Co-PI(s), Researchers: Serge Egelman, Narseo Vallina-Rodriguez (ICSI)
Scalability and Composability, Policy-Governed Secure Collaboration, Metrics
C. Han, I. Reyes, A. Feal, J. Reardon, P. Wijesekera, N. Vallina-Rodriguez, A. Elazari, K. Bamberger, and S. Egelman. "The Price is (Not) Right: Comparing Privacy in Free and Paid Apps." Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETS), 2020, Issue 3, to appear.
Kenneth A. Bamberger, Serge Egelman, Catherine Han, Amit Elazari Bar On & Irwin Reyes. "Can You Pay for Privacy? Consumer Expectations and the Behavior of Free and Paid Apps." Berkeley Technology Law Journal (BTLJ), to appear in early 2020.
We performed a study of paid vs. free apps. We presented an earlier version over the summer at the Privacy Law Scholars Conference (PLSC), and then revised that version with additional legal analysis, which has been accepted into a law journal. Similarly, we performed an additional survey experiment to better gauge consumer perceptions, which has just been accepted to PETS.
This work received an honorable mention award at the 2020 Privacy Papers for Policymakers event.
Egelman gave numerous talks and media interviews about this project, specifically how apps are tracking users.
Egelman was asked to give a guest lecture in a law school class about this research.