RTCSA 2013: Call for Workshop Proposals
Tue, 01/08/2013 - 10:57am
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RTCSA 2013 Call for Workshop Proposals
Web site: www.rtcsa.org
The IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time
Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA) is the premier
conference of the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on
Real-Time Systems located in Asia. The 19th edition will take
place in Taipei, Taiwan, from August 19th to 22nd, 2013.
This is the first year that RTCSA is running an open call for
workshops to be co-located with the event. The workshops will
be held on August 21st. The purpose of the workshops are:
* to strengthen interactions between the real-time community
and other related research areas;
* to create a stimulating environment that facilitates the
discussion of open or hot research topics.
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit workshop
proposals. Proposals should consist of two parts. First, a
short scientific justification of the proposed topic, its
significance, and the particular benefits of the workshop to
the research community, as well as a list of previous or
related workshops (if any). Second, an organizational part
should include:
* contact information of the workshop organizers;
* estimate of the audience size;
* proposed format (contributed short papers or long abstracts,
invited papers, open discussion, keynote speakers, etc.);
* potential invited speakers, if any;
* proposed sponsorships, if any;
* procedures for selecting papers and participants, if any
(program committee, review process, etc.);
* plans for dissemination, if any (website, special issues of
journals, etc.);
* special technical or audio/video needs;
* any other relevant information.
Submission of proposals should be made by sending an email to
Thomas Nolte (thomas.nolte@mdh.se).
Important dates:
Workshop proposal deadline: February 1st, 2013
Notification of workshop acceptance: February 10th
Workshop website on-line and CFP out: March 1st (+/- few days)
Workshop papers submission deadline: May 31st (+/- few days)
Workshop papers notification of acceptance: June 23rd (+/- few days)
Camera ready deadline: July 7th
Early registration: July 7th (tentative)
Workshop: August 21st
RTCSA12: August 19th-22nd
Workshop selection committee members:
Lin-Pin Chang, National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan (Program Co-Chair)
Chris Gill, Washington University, USA (Program Co-Chair)
Tei-Wei Kuo, Academia Sinica/National Taiwan University, Taiwan (General Co-Chair)
Jin Nakazawa, Keio University, Japan (Program Co-Chair)
Thomas Nolte, MRTC/Malardalen University, Sweden (Workshops Chair)
Lothar Thiele, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland (General Co-Chair)