Visible to the public Composability of Big Data and Algorithms for Social Networks Analysis Metrics

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Performance Period

Mar 12, 2025

Ranked 87 out of 118 Group Projects in this group.
665 related hits.

Applying social network analysis to Social Media data supports better assessment of cyber-security threats by analyzing underground Social Media activities, dynamics between cyber-criminals, and topologies of dark networks. However, Social Media data are big and state of the art algorithms for social network analysis metrics require >=O(n + m) space and run in >=O(nm) time - some in O(n^2) or O(n^3) - with n = number of nodes, m = number of edges. Therefore, real-time analysis of Social Media activities to mitigate cyber-security threats with sophisticated social network metrics is not possible. To tackle this problem, we apply ideas of composability to big data and algorithms for social network analysis metrics. A network of humans, organizations, etc. is modeled with a graph G = (N, E) by aggregation of observed interactions E between targeted entities N. Because of the algorithmic complexity, composing network analysis metrics by analyzing sub-networks G1, G2, etc. can result in tremendous gain in calculation time.