Visible to the public Secure Caching and Delivery for Combination Networks with Asymmetric Connectivity

TitleSecure Caching and Delivery for Combination Networks with Asymmetric Connectivity
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsZewail, Ahmed A., Yener, Aylin
Conference Name2019 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW)
Date Publishedaug
ISBN Number978-1-5386-6900-6
Keywordsasymmetric connectivity, cache storage, cache-aided end-user, file retrieval, Human Behavior, human factors, information retrieval, information theoretic security, Information theory, Metrics, policy-based governance, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, secure caching, secure delivery, security of data, two-hop combination network

We consider information theoretic security in a two-hop combination network where there are groups of end users with distinct degrees of connectivity served by a layer of relays. The model represents a network set up with users having access to asymmetric resources, here the number of relays that they are connected to, yet demand security guarantees uniformly. We study two security constraints separately and simultaneously: secure delivery where the information must be kept confidential from an external entity that wiretaps the delivery phase; and secure caching where each cache-aided end-user can retrieve the file it requests and cannot obtain any information on files it does not. The achievable schemes we construct are multi-stage where each stage completes requests by a class of users.

Citation Keyzewail_secure_2019